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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Luke yelling anything he can think of to get Helena to help Tracy. Even at one point crying that Tracy died - Tracy is awake by this time smiling under the covers. She calls him over and he's so glad she's awake, then asks her for a smile. She gives him a toothy one and says she remembered their wedding. Oh... Luke says...

Luke asks her what she remembers, she says equally tacky in cowgirl outfits. They do some Dale Evans, Roy Rogers joking and Luke said it's not time to play "Happy Trails", then she tells him she remembers that joke about a marriage being a three ring circus - the engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering. Luke goes on to say they were both sloshed, but she more than him. She enjoyed it, didn't she? Luke asks. Tracy just looks at him.

Tracy still falling asleep on Luke and he wants her to stay awake. Tracy doesn't know why he wants her awake, and he says they should remember their vows. Tracy says she never would have married him if she wasn't drunk. Luke suggests they renew their vows and Tracy wonders why he wants to talk about cake and flower arrangements. He says he doesn't want that stuff, he just wants to talk about renewing their vows. Tracy says the first time she was drunk and now they are in a Greek Gulag, this is a step-up. Luke says he'll take her any way he can get her... to which Tracy responds "Wow, I must be worse than I thought".

Luke says when we are dying your whole life flashes in front of your face but you can't even remember our vows, so you aren't dying. He just thinks she should remember like he does. Tracy says, okay, she's game. Luke then gets on his knees in front of her and SORRY, I JUST CAN'T DO THIS PART JUSTICE. THEY EXPRESS HOW MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Then Tracy starts coughing badly and falls over. Luke keeps calling her name to get a response.

Luke scared she really is dying, kisses her hands and tells her to stay with him, and says if she stays with him no more phoney Vegas weddings, he will marry her for real. Tracy's eyes pop open and she glares at him saying we're not really married???? Luke looks caught.

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But I'm wondering if they really do. Just even listening to Luke, and I quote now from my DVR so I know what I'm saying...

"Stay with me. I promise you, if you just stay with me I'll do what I should have done years ago. No more phoney Vegas weddings. None of that for us, from now on the real thing, I swear to God. If you stay with me I will marry you for real."

Now is that literally the marriage is not real. OR is he saying in Luke-speak that he wants a proper one without it being a con? I still can't tell for sure.

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So I bet that vow exchange was guza's romantic twist.

Was Tracy bring serious and expressing it too? She usually doesn't do that.

I saw some drops on dish about Tracy being all about Luke grovellimg. And to not expect it to reunite soon since lukke us gone a while. What is clear to me us that they are no way done. And if anyone doubts Luke loves her for real today, they are nuts.

To me this sets up that Tracy loves him unconditonally which we knew so the next few weeks if war of the roses are out if hurt

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I know what you are saying, that he didn't mean it literal BUT what is with allt he spoilers talking about Tracy kicking him out, leaving him pennyless, tossing him overboard if that was not what he meant?

Hooked, I didn't get the email you sent to everyone could you pm me what you said? Thanks.

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Okay, here it is....


(getting down on his knees in front of her) Tracy Angelica Quartermaine-Spencer, you have transformed my life. Not just with the bank accounts and the mansion and the corporate jets - I mean all that's nice, but none of that could keep me here, with you if I didn't want to be. It's you darlin'... it's you. Your humour, your intelligence, your feistiness and your huge heart which you always try to keep hidden. You make my life worthwhile. It's because of you that I give a damn. I love you with all my heart. My Spanky. My Sweetheart. My Wife.


Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, I have always taken great pride in being the difficult one - hard to handle, hard to please. But you are the challenge of my life - you outdo me every time. You know me better than anyone. You know my heart, you even know that it beats faster when you walk into a room. You're worth the trouble. I love you with all my heart. You are my beloved Husband.

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It was real. It was beautiful, so heartfelt. I FELT it in my gut - truly I did. It was powerful and their delivery is so much better than the flat words I posted.

Tracy has done all sorts of thing to Luke in the past - made him grovel, taken his money, tossed him out (although overboard is new) - all while knowing/believing they are properly married.

I don't know, perhaps I'm being too much of an optimist but Guza loves LuNacy and has always done right by them even when they've taken the long road. Luke's way of speaking in 2008, left us unclear until the end whether he truly was picking Tracy (we knew, but you know what I mean - it wasn't clearly stated). He's also written Luke's struggle to accept his love for Tracy considering how he thought there would only ever be Laura. Something is still too open-ended for me. The spoilers are just too neat - and that's not how Guza plays this game. There's more, I'd bet just about anything on that one.

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