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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Recaps, Friday January 30


Vets: Luke, Tracy, Edward, Mac

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: Same outfit, and it fits her unlike the flowey things and moumous she's been forced to wear - I do like the hair.

Other Stories: Spin/Sam/Jason/Patrick work at saving the hospital; Robin at home with PPD and Mac's visit; Toxic is a poisen not a disease and the need to clean clothing, hair, etc; Patrick taking the last balls out of Earle; Nic and Lulu outside the baordroom worried about those inside; Mac called to help; Ric confronts Claudia on telling AZ; Raynor locks down the hospital; Piph joins the saving team

Line of the Day: Tracy about Jason - "Who put him in charge?"

Sc. 1 - I missed it

Sc. 2 - Luke at HS with a shotgun pointed at Ethan saying "I hoped I'd get a chance to use this tonight". Ethan asks if he is a gambling man; Tracy in board room watching as Kate has gone down. They are all locked into the board room.

Sc. 3 - Ethan tells Luke if he's going to shoot him hurry up his arms are getting tired. Ethan says he's not there to rob him, Luke says he's a thief and a comedian and to put his money down. Ethan says he doesn't have a gun, and Luke says he's either stupid or insane. Ethan says he's looking for a place to stick out the storm. Ethan wonders why Luke's shut down, people could be around and spending money. Luke says if they stay long enough they might win it back. Ethan says by the looks of the bar Luke needs all the help he can get and he's a first class bartender. Luke tells him he likes Naked Nymphs. Ethan smiles and says he does too but didn't know it was that kind of place. Luke unamused says it's a drink and he better make it for Luke. Meanwhile Jason has locked them into the board room and says they can't leave. Tracy wonders who put Jason in charge. Edward says they can't keep them trapped in there.

Sc. 4 - Ethan pours Luke a drink. Luke says it's not the best he's had, now he wants an Androgynous something... they talk about the drink style and Ethan's name and where he's from in Australia. Ethan is impressed Luke knows as much as he does about Australia. Luke says he does, and his countrymen are colourful but untrustworthy. He wonders what Ethan Lovett is doing in PC, and he tells Luke he's on a Walk About. Ethan starts asking about Luke and Luke says his name is Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, but Ethan knew that - as he stares Ethan down. Meanwhile Lulu hears about the board room and starts worrying about Carly, Kate, the Q's (in that order). Claudia says they have to seal off the vent so everyone including Tracy looks for bags and tape to seal off the vent. AZ is lauging like a maniac saying in your wildest dreams did you ever figure that these would be the faces you saw before you die? (Right now the board room has Carly, Sonny, Claudia, Trevor, Edward, Tracy, Ric and AZ).

Sc. 5 - Ethan says he's sorry to disappoint but he's never heard of Luke, must be a local celebrety. Luke says he's just the local owner and wonders how many more exotic drinks he's got, Ethan says as many as he can make up. And the special ingredient is care. Luke says with a high dose of crap, and they chuckle. Ethan asks about business and is surprised he isn't opened. Luke says he opens when he wants, that work shouldn't be work and when he is opened he's got a line up of big spenders. Luke says if he's thinking about being competition he's wasting his time. Luke is not sharing his turf and he's the only card game in town. Luke sits down and yawns. Meanwhile Tracy says Edward doesn't look good. Edward says hundreds of thousands of dollars on the best education and the best he can get is "you don't look good". Tracy gets up angry and wonders when they are going to get them out of there. AZ taunting Trevor to Claudia's amusement. Trevor's down. And orderly's down at the nurse's station, showing those in the waiting room the poisen has gotten out.

Sc. 6 - Luke says he doesn't believe in coincedences and doesn't believe Ethan has been in PC for 24 hours and hasn't heard of him (humble man that he is, he says sarcastically). Luke says it's best to live on your own and not depend on anyone, that if Ethan gets caught up in other people's agendas he's just setting himself up for disappointment. He needs to be on his own so he's ready for opportunity when it comes. Ethan says he agrees as Luke passes out (he put something in Luke's drink). Meanwhile in boardroom they take Trevor out. AZ asks if anyone wants to bet who will be next. "No, but I'll give you a million dollars to go suck that air vent." Tracy says to him. Some laugh while Edward says to AZ that he'll take that bet.

Sc. 7 - Luke passed out at HS, Ethan removes the shootgun from his hands and empties the bullets; then he steals from Luke's cash. Luke hears him and says "hands up money down". Ethan stops and looks at Luke, who says "Ethan Lovett, we're right back at where we started". Meanwhile those in the boardroom listen over the intercom as Patrick orders the hospital into lockdown. Claudia goes down just as she's about to tell Sonny that AZ shot Kate.

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This was on SD.....

Next on General Hospital:

From the ICU, Claudia tries to tell Jason about Anthony's part in Kate's shooting.

Once sprung from the boardroom, Anthony finds Claudia asleep and considers making it permanent.

Jax isn't allowed into the building, but he and Carly connect through the glass doors.

Lucky finds Elizabeth and sits with her.

Jason learns that one of the toxic spheres is missing from the OR.

Gas continues to leak in the OR, but no one knows it.

Leyle's condition worses.

Tracy is scrubbed down by Epiphany. :lol::lol::lol:

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Thansk for the recap..so does Ethan seem like Dante or was the last scene insinuating that Luke knew him from the past?

Next on General Hospital:

From the ICU, Claudia tries to tell Jason about Anthony's part in Kate's shooting.

Once sprung from the boardroom, Anthony finds Claudia asleep and considers making it permanent.

Jax isn't allowed into the building, but he and Carly connect through the glass doors.

Lucky finds Elizabeth and sits with her.

Jason learns that one of the toxic spheres is missing from the OR.

Gas continues to leak in the OR, but no one knows it.

Leyle's condition worses.

Tracy is scrubbed down by Epiphany.

That should be some snark!!!

We know at least M and W for next week .I am sure we will see her Tuesday too--maybe they find out about monica then.

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Here is the SOS previews for next week

An Indecent Proposal

While being stuck together, Maxie and Johnny reveal to each other their hopes and dreams for the future. To not prolong the inevitable and the heartbreak it will cause Lulu and Spinelli, Johnny suggests to Maxie they sleep together. Before the deed is committed, the two pull back from each other and re-think the mutual decision of having sex. Johnny realizes he may be able to rescue them by putting chains on the tires of the car. Later they encounter Robin in lying in the snow, but there is no sign of Emma. They go on a search of the surrounding area and find Emma. Maxie is overly worried about Robin.

Hospital Mayhem

Claudia is taken to the ICU, and tries to reveal to Jason the truth about Anthony, but she is too weak. While she is sleeping, Anthony visits her with intentions of silencing her once and for all. While waiting to be evacuated Sonny and Carly share a moment of emotion. Jason brings Jax up to speed on what's been going on and Jax and Carly share an emotional moment through the glass doors. Sam cannot help but notice the re-connection between Lucky and Elizabeth while Lucky sits bedside. Matt blames himself for the catastrophe. Jason realizes there is a sphere missing from the OR. Patrick is overwhelmed by sadness when the toxin takes another victim. Anthony is about to kill Claudia but his plans are stopped when Sonny walks into the room. Baby Emma is burning up with fever and Robin decides to take her to the hospital. Patrick panics when he gets Robin's message about bringing Emma in to the hospital. Lucky and Elizabeth reminisce about the times they've shared together. People are trapped inside the hospital are desperate to get out and one man threatens to break down the door. Jason rushes to stop him, and Sam pulls her gun, but accidentally shoots Jason in the arm. After having words with Patrick, Tracy collapses. While on the way to the hospital, Robin's van breaks down and she decides to take Emma and abandon the van to go look for help. Sonny confronts Anthony but Jason tells him they need Anthony alive. Sonny knocks out Jason and Anthony takes the chance and flees. Ric learns what Claudia has done and confronts her for betraying him. Claudia tells him she was protecting her own interests. Dressed in hazmat suits, Winifred leads the FBI to toxin in the operating room. Edward fears he is going to lose another child.

Elsewhere in Port Charles ...

Luke and Ethan discover they are very much alike and play a game of one up-manship. Trevor is shocked to find Anthony walking and realizes he is the one who shot Kate. After telling Sonny where Anthony went, Trevor reveals to Ric and Claudia he believes he's holding all the cards. Kate believes once Anthony is out of the way, she has another chance with Sonny. Kate convinces Olivia to go back to the boardroom to find the DVD, but when Olivia returns to the room, the DVD has disappeared. Nikolas comes face to face with Rebecca, but he believes she's Emily.

Can't Miss ...

An unknown person wearing a hazmat suit takes one of the spheres from the OR on Monday, February 2.

Claudia’s poised to tell Sonny the truth about Anthony on Tuesday, February 3.

Jason and Sam witness Liz and Lucky's re-connection on Wednesday, February 4.

Spinelli warns Jason to not let the FBI get their hands on the remaining spheres on Thursday, February 5.

Spinelli saves Winifred from the flame engulfed operating room on Friday, February 6.

Coming Soon: Week of 2/09…

Pandemonium breaks out at the hospital in the wake of another disaster. Sonny sets his sights on Trevor. Maxie and Johnny get alarming news about Emma. Kate sees there’s more going on between Sonny and Claudia than she realized. Jax takes matters into his own hands. Sam witnesses a passionate kiss between Elizabeth and Lucky. Jason discovers that Anthony is no where to be found. Sonny and Carly are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kate tells Claudia she knows her secret. Nikolas risks his life to try and save Rebecca. Maxie sneaks into the hospital to look for Spinelli. Sam and Trevor square off in a life or death situation. Sonny and Carly manage to safely escape the wreckage

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I think we're going to see her almost every day in February until this crisis is over. She's certainly being given the best lines and we don't have any extras in the Board Room pretending like they are part of what it happening - all the interaction is from people who don't like someone else in that room.

BTW, where did Olivia go? Did she leave the Board Room when she couldn't stop Kate or was she there but I didn't see her?

I can't wait to see Piph 'scrubbing down' Tracy. Piph is about the only person on the canvas Tracy hasn't verbally sliced. Even Edward has told Piph she's mean.

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Hey All!!

Watched the shows. Loved Tracy brushing the snow off her hair on to AZ!! Mama's friggin' classic! LOVE HER! And her "I'll give you a million to suck the air out of the vent" was just too FABULOUS!!

Hooked, thanks for scanning and posting the Tracy in the hospital bed!! 'bout effin time they had our girl laid up for something other than back trouble. :D


On Tuesday, I will tally up the noms and only the three top nominated in each category will be posted to vote on.

Thanks to Funny, Ms. Q, LisaQ, Halee, Remos, TracyQuartermaine for contributing nominations.

I'm happy to see that there's alot of variety when it came to some of the categories. I actually almost forgot how funny "ass slap day" was with Ernesto and all. lol!

Oh I've added a category... "Best Blooper". Only 3 of them came to mind but if you remember any more and would like to add a nom to that category, please feel free to do that.


1. Confrontaton with Laura.

2. Lukes proposal.

3. LuNacy argue about the divorce (that Tracy didn't get).

4. The episode where Lulu and Tracy are on the couch together.

5. Tracy and Laura showdown/Why Tracy is a better match.

6. Luke and Tracy talking in the hospital after faking his heart attack.

7. Luke fakes a Heart attack.

8. Luke tells Tracy she just doesn't get it, that he truly loves her not her stuff.


1. Monica and Tracy at GH fighting in elevator

2. Tracy smashing Luke in the knee with the IV Pole.

3. Tracy dressed up as Frau

4. Tracy on a rampage, so the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion

5. Anthony Z visits the Q's

6. When Luke and Tracy stole the airplane from drug smugglers

7. Ass Slap Day/”Show him your moves mama”

8. Tracy and Luke in Jail


1. New Years Eve

2. Luke and Tracy dance together

3. Luke and Tracy leave town together

5. The proposal


1. Tracy’s Speech to Lulu about how Luke would choose Tracy

2. Tracy’s speech to Johnny about how much she loves her stepdaughter and how lulu may end up like Laura.

3. Tracy’s speech to Laura about how She and Luke keep each other interested

4. "It'a not going to end well for us" Laura's Return


1. “Remember the time we broke the hammock in the boathouse”

2. “Do I have to Put You on a Collar.... and a leash?”

3. Luke’s Ass Slap

4. “Oh Mama, you want me kneeling?”


1. New Years Eve

2. Luke and Tracy leave town together.

3. Opening of the Haunted Star.

4. "Swizzle"

5. Luke and Tracy Dance.


1. New Year’s Eve

2. Opening of Haunted Star

3. Luke and Tracy leave town together

4. Kiss before Luke smoked cigar in the hospital

5. Kelly's when Tracy's poor and Luke kisses her


1. “Oh mama, you want me kneeling?”

2. “I’ll kill you myself you selfish son of a bitch” (coma after cigar)

3. "Here's to men, falling off the face of the Earth"

4. "When God created Eve, he should have stopped while he was ahead."

5. "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I say we are over L.A”.

6. “My butt doesn't need any help from you."

7. The speech on the Plane with Luke


1. Tracy’s look just before she enters the elevator to go after Monica.

2. Tracy crying when Laura leaves the Q mansion.

3. Tracy’s “swizzle” expression.

4. Tracy’s pout expression to Luke in his hospital bed.

5. The frau epy.

6. Expressions facing Luke when he was drunk in Mexico.

7. Expression right before luke kissed her on NYE

8. Expression during "I don't do generous" to Laura.


1. Luke touching Tracy’s face during kiss before they leave together.

2. Before kiss on HS with Tracy in the yellow jacket.

3. New Year’s Eve


1. Spankster

2. Pentunia

3. Wife


1. Opening of Haunted Star

2. New Year’s Eve

3. When in yellow at the hospital with Luke and Monica.

4. Her hair when they were arguing about the divorce.

5. Her hair when the Q's wanted Luke to stay (it was very "soft.")

6. Drenched/Sopping wet.


1. Brown leather jacket

2. Salmon colored Jacket that ties in front (from NYE)

3. Jacket from “ass slap day”.

4. Short jacket she had on when she and Luke argued about the divorce that never was...

5. Yellow Jacket

6. Blue jacket Tracy wore on the plane ride to L.A.

7. Blue Jacket with Black pants and Shirt

NEW Catagory!!


1. Jane Laughing Dressed as “Frau”

2. IV Pole day when Jane laughed because Tony pulled a rubber glove from her booty.

3. Jane laughing when Tony whipped out the “Campbell’s Healthy Select” Soup.

Edited by TracyLuv
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