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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey all. I have pretty good reason to believe that that long post the other night about Luke/Ethan (Dante) is correct--about him showing up at HS, then Luke busting him at Jake's hustling people, then hearing Tracy and Lulu are trapped in the hospital.

Which means that Tracy is probably not sick but is trapped, etc.

I was thinking about it. Even though we totally wanted to see a sick tracy--a trapped tracy with lulu, sonny and robin at first, and then with Lulu would almost be better. If she is sick and out of it she will be shoved in a room somewhere and w will get some bedside luke scenes---but trapped with lulu and other characters that we know the story is focused on...at least you know she will get some snark in and some good moments with lulu I bet.

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Maybe it's perception, but I'm not feeling the LuNacy drought. Perhaps it's because of NYE and the scenes last week were so romantic and connected. I don't know... I'm not really invested in any of the other stories, and I'm not pleased that they are ending LuSam, but I think I've gotten into the groove of the one hour at a time and it's putting everyone in place for the Benefit, so it's not as if LuNacy is being ignored. Does that make sense?

That article was interesting - Guza can tell great stories if his feet are kept to the fire. And if the 'separation' thing is true, it's probably more tease and doesn't even begin to touch what will really be happening. It also sounds down the road and might be a hint for TG's vacation in the summer. Wouldn't it be nice if this time Luke leaves (which he know he will) with Tracy's blessing and promises to stay in touch and come back quickly? I just hope they give her something to do this year and don't have him running off for some ridiculous reason like last year.

New rumour on the IL - Steve Burton isn't expected to renew, and TPTB aren't exactly sad about it. Don't know if this is legit, but I seriously hope it is. Perhaps they will rethink LuSam (I hope) and open up the story to other characters.

And about the Ethan thing - since 'insiders' at SD are so convinced it's Dante, I'm beginning to think it's got nothing to do with Dante and might be rebuilding a core family that we're heard referenced before. Luke's 'protégé' is finally happening. Who know what other old spumours they will revisit......

Very true. Robin is the daughter of the 'aging spy', who's having a hard time with parenting; Tracy's issues with Sonny are complicated and go way back; and TraLu bonding is always a sight to behold. I'm looking forward to it.

Edited by remos
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This was just in the IL..... there might be some truth to it:

Be grateful if your favorites are not sick from the toxins because that means you will be seeing a lot of them. The sick ones are a way for RG, to not do much with those characters. Monica, Liz, Leyla, Trevor and Kate.

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I take it no Lunacy surprise today. At least we know Tracy will make an appearance tomorrow hopefully at the Qs, but I am wondering if it will be sans Luke.

I really think Tony took off some time before the holiday break for an extra week or two. The 26th is the first stuff they taped after the holidays, hence Tracy's new hair cut for the crisis..

Thinking about what you said Remos..and it is true--rather than a Lunacy drought it is setting up for the crisis, but it is soooo boring I think. The set up is way too long and these episodes are like normal ones. Not setting up for the crisis much at all.

I think they would have done better doing it like the MC and not back and forth and these interrogation scenes with Patrick and this winnie--this is not 24 or CSI!

I like waht they said about you will see your favs more if they are not sick. So I guess we should be grateful for that.

Here is another screen cap link for for whoever wants it that I found:


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No Tracy yet, we've still got about 20 minutes, but I'm not holding out hope. Nic is making his way around town and will be heading over to the Q's soon.

So far we've had Ric spilling his guts to Claudia, Nicholas and Robin talking about their mutual past and pains, CarSon having a friendly conversation, Patrick and Jason talking about Carly and Robin, and more of Rebecca (who is not starting off well at all). Oh, and poor Spin feeling even more unmanly - "the final nail in the coffin of whimp-dom", when he realized Sam was helping Jason save Spin, but Spin has no idea what is going on and no one is willing to talk with him about it. I hope he's the shining star in the end - he needs that.


Yup, no Tracy. Tomorrow is the only day we've really been expecting anyway, so hopefully it will be worth the wait.

The Equinox connection was started today. The FBI guy is involved, but the shipment has been hijacked.

Hooked, I do believe TG gave up a week of vacation to return for NSII, so I suspect he did tack it on to his Christmas vacation. I'd actually like to see Tracy without Luke for a change. We should see her on the 28th considering that's the first day of the Benefit - we have to get some explanation as to why Tracy is there first without Luke (like we got at the B&W with Luke there before Tracy).

Edited by remos
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I hate the SATs so much right now that I want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly, it would be more pleasurable. I have to take them on saturday at freaking 7:30 in the morning. Kill me now!


Please let Tracy be on tomorrow!!! That would make me so very happy. But then again why should I be happy tomorrow of all days, that's just silly.

Well I'm off to go study the 600 words I have to know for the SATs. Happy happy joy joy!

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I don't have an answer, but much of the testing I've ever done has also taken place on Saturday and in the morning... Assessments for teacher certification, ACTs (well, one of the times), high school placement exams... Never liked that idea. :angry:

halee, you're right. I re-signed from organizing the Best of TQ.

But I'll still play. Some of my ideas...

DRAMA: LuNacy argue about the divorce (that Tracy didn't get), the episode where Lulu and Tracy are on the couch together - JE really brought it, I thought.

COMEDY: Tracy on a rampage, so the Q's want Luke to return to the mansion; Anthony Z visits the Q's - I think the Monica/Tracy scenes were forced (though I love LC and JE together), and I am not voting for the IV pole episode for anything EXCEPT worst hair of the century. ;)

ROMANCE: LuNacy leave town together; LuNacy dance together; NYE

SPEECH: I guess the one Tracy had to Johnny about Laura.

SEXIEST: Mama, do want me kneeling?

KISS: LuNacy on the Haunted Star about to leave town.

QUOTE: Either "Here's to men, falling off the face of the Earth" or "When God created Eve, he should have stopped while he was ahead." (or something like that)

EXPRESSION: The swizzle one, I guess.

FACE-TOUCHING: The Haunted Star, before leaving together or on the Haunted Star with Tracy in the yellow jacket.

HAIR: Maybe when she was in yellow at the hospital with Luke and Monica. Or her hair when they were arguing about the divorce; or maybe her hair when the Q's wanted Luke to stay (it was very "soft.")

OUTFIT: Either NYE (pink jacket) or leather or the printed short jacket she had on when she and Luke argued about the divorce that never was...

I think that is all the categories.

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Why so early you ask.... well there is a simple answer...

The Evil Testing Serpent hates me.

Thanks for wishing me luck though! I will most certainly need it.

As for songs for a LuNacy vid....

*In the Rough by Anna Nalick

*I Love You by No Doubt (at least i think that's the song title)

*Last Request by Paulo Nutini

or if you want angsty...

*Stay by Sugarland

or more of a rock/punk sound

*I'd Do Anything by Simple Plan

I could come up with a lot more...but...well....my brain is mush.

Edited by angel2devil
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hey lainey! Wondering where you have been. Nope--no lunacy since Monday the 12th for those two scenes. Tracy is supposed to be on briefly today I think based on the medianet photo--but I think the main focus is Nik visiting Monica to show some Nem flashbacks as they look through a photo album. I doubt the other Qs will be on more than a token few lines and probably a scene at most.

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Recaps, Friday January 23


Vets: Tracy, Monica, Edward

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: short hair, not bad really; swirly shirt with pink shoulders and red bottom

Other Stories: Robin can't cope (Carly is really cute with Emma); Becca/Matt flirting; Spin trying to find out what Jason did; ClauSon on mob politics; Carly telling Patrick she's concerned about Robin;

Line of the Day: Kate telling AZ brides are a lot happier when they're not shot at the alter (or something to that effect)

Sc. 1 - missed it

Sc. 2 - missed part, no Tracy

Sc. 3 - no Tracy

Sc. 4 - no Tracy

Sc. 5 - no Tracy

Sc. 6 - Edward saying Michael is family so they need to be at the benefit. Tracy wonders why they have to be at the benefit. Monica wonders why Tracy cares, she never wanted anything to do with Michael. Edward says Tracy just doesn't want to part with any of her money. Tracy points out that Sonny doesn't deserve to get anything more from them and the hospital would have folded years ago without them. Edward then makes some crack about Sonny being so much less worthy then her reprobate husband who's gotten thousands. Monica wants them to focus on the greater good. Edward says he always liked Carly and wonders what would have happened if AJ had been stronger and had kept her and Michael in the family. Tracy can't believe her ears. (Then Emmaus pitched a fit and I didnt hear the rest of it). Nicholas walked in to offer his best to Monica and Tracy says she's not dead yet. Nicholas says it's about Emily's birthday, and Monica looks surprised.

Sc. 7 - no Tracy

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