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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here is the scan of the SOW previews for 09


Here is the scan of the SOW previews for 09


Also (which nobody bothers to post on the dish) from SOW...

The LIST: Comments from the peanut gallery#5 King and Queen of Hearts--GH's Luke and Tracy really laid their cards on the table with some straight talk, flush with emotion. Aces!!!

Also--in the Closer Luke on Robert: Robert goes for a walk an stumbles on Luke down by the docks, pulling one of his scams. Robert just happens to blindly walk into it. There's a body on the ground, and Luke wants to just leave it there. Robert is going "Wait we can't leave her there." Luke basically just wants to get the hell out of there and robert says Frankly we can't do taht. Then mac shows up. I thikn the body is Sasha BTW.

SOW: Is it a trip down memory lane through misty rosecolored glasses?

Rogers: No Far from it.

Weekly I trust the dymanic duo don't ahve to spend xmas in a cell?

Rogers: That is kind of where it is headed.h

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The sunset thing was on purpose I think, knowing the LnL diehards are expecting that as early as this Spring. I think it was a not-so-subtle pointed finger that it's not going to play out that way, so stop expecting it. Who knows how many letters, calls and emails are flying around from the 'entitled'.

Today was a very good LuNacy day. I loved when Tracy thanked him for making the effort to fool her with the heart attack. This is what's lost on those who don't appreciate LuNacy - this is the kind of thing that would touch Tracy, not the flowers and chocolates routine. Luke was right on the money that she can't live in these scenarios of doom that she's created. He honestly doesn't know how he'd react, especially since he was quite clear with Laura that he was staying with Tracy. He would probably be dumbfounded if Laura pulled that kind of stunt. I'm just glad Tracy's resistance is being worn down and she'll be back in his arms by New Years.

These were at Daytime Confidential:

Robin and Patrick's Wedding... Mac tells Robert this is his moment to walk Robin down the aisle. So we'll get to see John J. York and Tristan Rogers in a brotherly scene. Epiphany, Kelly, Lainey, The Q's, Mac, Robert and Anna will all be there. Matt and Maxie will stand up for the Bride and Groom (although one source says Anna is asked to be Matron of Honor). Patrick makes it there on time although Maxie is stressed about Patrick taking his time to get ready.

Someone new coming to Port Chuck? That's out there and SUPPOSEDLY this person COULD impact Luke and Tracy.

Spencer Family Christmas? It looks like Luke, Lucky and Lulu come together to put Laura's angel on their tree. They MAY even get a phone call from Europe. With cute posed picture of Luke, Lucky and Lulu


I'm just getting lucky this evening. Those of you who've read SD know that Luke appeared in an interview with TR, but the person who recounted the article wasn't interested in Luke so they skipped that part. Well here's what's missing...

Weekly - But Robert also encounters his past, when he runs into Luke, right?

TR - Robert goes for a walk and stumbles upon Luke down by the docks, pulling one of his scams. Robert just happens to blindly walk into it. There's a body on the ground (laughs). Luke wants to leave it there, but Robert's all "Wait a minute, you can't leave her there." Luke basically just wants to get the hell out of there, but Robert says "Frankly we can't do that", then the police turn up.

Weekly - So the walk down Memory Lane isn't simply misty, watercoloured memories?

TR - Far from it.

Weekly - I trust the dynamic duo don't have to spend Christmas in a jail cell?

TR - Well, that's where it's headed (laughs)

Weekly - Okay... but it works out.....

Taking odds that the body is Sasha.

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This is so sad...but then next week sounds happy. From SOS

Going to the Chapel ... We're Going to Get Married

Robin asks Robert to walk her down the aisle and he refuses saying Mac is the one who raised her and should have the honor of giving her away on her wedding day. After talking it over with Mac, Robert agrees to escort his daughter down the aisle. Robin asks Anna to be her maid of honor and Anna is touched by the request. Robin, Patrick, Emma, Anna, Robert, and Mac enjoy a Scorpio family Christmas together.

A Day for Christmas Miracles

Spinelli is asked by Santa Clause himself to save Christmas for the residents of Port Charles. Spinelli and Maxie are given the honors of delivering a few Christmas miracles to those they know and love. Robin gets her Christmas wish when she is able to quiet Emma without help from Patrick. Alan makes a Christmas visit to Monica. Luke, Lucky, Lulu, and Nikolas find Laura's angel and place it on the tree, while Tracy watches the Spencer family enjoy Christmas together.

Elsewhere in Port Charles....

Kate has hopes of spending Christmas with Jax, but he has plans to spend the holidays in Australia with Lady Jane. Sonny enjoys spending the day with Morgan while Carly and Jax share a kiss under the mistletoe. Carly not only blames Sonny for what happened to Michael, but herself. With Spinelli's help, Jason rescues Sam from the pit. Jason asks Sonny to end his ties with the Zaccharra's. Alexis takes Sam home from the hospital when she is released, and later Sam and Lucky re-commit to their relationship.

Can't Miss ...

Ric and Claudia hit the sheets on Monday, December 22.

Santa Clause pays a visit to Spinelli with a request on Tuesday, December 23.

Luke visits Heaven when he undergoes bypass surgery - Originally aired on 12/24/2007 on Wednesday, December 24.

GH will be pre-empted on Thursday, December 25.

Maxie cannot overcome the feeling of something is going to go wrong on Robin and Patrick's wedding day on Friday, December 26.

Coming Soon: Week of 12/29…

Jason and Sonny remain at a stand off. Jax comforts Carly when they remember Michael's birthday. When Port Charles is hit with a power outage, Jax and Carly grow closer. Luke's charms and schemes have won over Tracy. Claudia scrambles to cover her tracks. Johnny once again finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Nikolas and Nadine are surprised at what they find.

Wednesday December 31 - To Be Announced

Thursday January 1 - Pre-Empted

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That does sound sad.... but perhaps that's what will get to her. That's her family and all she has to do is claim it. She's been alone so often because everyone else has walked away from her, but this time it's her choice. We also don't know how much more will happen. One line doesn't tell us much.

Have they said anything more about the Xmas montage? Last read LuNacy were in it together. I don't think Tracy watching them will be the same as Jason watching Liz/Cake through the window last year.

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hooked, were you the one to call Tracy watching the Spencers celebrate Christmas together? I hope the spoiler isn't as "stalkerish" as it sounds.

Lainey, since some of the best of LuNacy happens on the Haunted Star, maybe we are in luck. Remember last time he closed it early, we had that LuNacy dance. :D

Re: Today - That scene where Tracy asked what would Luke do if Laura returned, said how much she loved her, and that she wants to try again (and Luke's eventual response of "I don't know") kind of reminded me of that scene I wrote in Oh, Baby (when Tracy asked Luke what he would do if Laura woke up, and he eventually responded that he didn't know). Anyway...

NYE sounds good!

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Okay, I want the bed scene too (Funny, I'm not holding my breath. I advise you follow my lead)....

However, what I REALLY want.. is what Tracy wants.


I want him to get down on bended knee and promise to her and god and everyone else, that he loves her best and most and will never leave her -- no matter WHAT happens with Laura.

I want him to say Laura was wrong -- she couldn't beat Tracy in a fight for his heart.

Without that -- I don't want them back together. Really. F it and F them and F the whole damn thing .

If she goes back to him without getting what she is holding out for, then she is settling. And Tracy Quartermaine doesn't settle. Nope. No way. She doesn't.

And she shouldn't.

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True Nex! But I think Luke is the type of guy who lives in the moment and the here and now cause you never know if there is going to be a tomorrow--especially after the heart attack...and he doesn't think in terms of what ifs. Where Tracy, like a typical women, projects and tries to imagine all sort of scenarios....

I think the dialogue today was spot on...

But that last line about her knowing what he would do--he and laura go walking hand and hand into the sunset and living happily after ever, but she won't be around to watch---was that foreshadowing much?

However, I think that whatever happens that puts Tracy's life on the line, brings Luke back from whatever distraction he is doing and maybe makes her realize she does come first?

Tracy looked great today I thought. I just watched yesterday's and today's show.

So we know for sure she is on T next week, and the repeat show on W and keeping fingers crossed for possible Friday.

For any of you who like to know episode counts...she is at 81 now, we know xmas and NYE so that is 83. At least it is not the worst year of 78! Maybe we will be lucky and get another one snuck in there or two...a nice even 85 would be good! :D

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BSG I wish I could join Saturday night, but I will be away. I leave tomorrow am, and will be back on the 27th. Hopefully in one piece. Thank god my neck healed just in time!!!

Hope everyone here has a merry xmas, a happy hanukkah and all that jazz! I'll try to pop in and post if I get a chance during the week!!

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Hello, all! Great LuNacy day today - I really enjoyed what we got.

Wanted to pass along this article since I haven't seen it posted anywhere else yet:


It's an interview with Hugo Napier (Larry Ashton). He talks quite a bit about his days on GH and mentions JE several times with affection and respect. He sounds like such an interesting, down-to-earth guy - I'd love to see him on our screens again someday. Can you imagine Luke and Larry pitted against each other for Tracy's affections? Or even more fun, scheming together about something? :D

And nex, thanks as always for the clips.

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since ladya has gone MIA...I am going to email her that link! She is going to freak!

Thanks so much Stargazer!!

And...halee--TQ looked so great today--even the jane jetson hair was looking pretty good! :lol:

Halee--see what a service you are actually doing for the whole world of soaps and daytime--posting these vintage clips on youtube!

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Thanks for the clarification. I took the time to check out IMDb, and it's a 1944 murder mystery film that won an Oscar for Cinematography. But someone I doubt fans of ewcbo will look beyond the title.

Anything from the insider on what distracts Luke or how Tracy's life is on the line?


This is the list Hooked was talking about..... very Film Noir, actually....

Jan 5......Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

Jan 12....Gaslight

Jan 19....The Borgia Stick

Jan 26....Back Street

Feb 2....Madame X

Feb 9....Charade

Feb 16....Laura

Feb 23....The Maltese Falcon

Mar 2....LA Confidential

Mar 9....Bugsy

Mar 16...Pulp Fiction

Mar 23...The Sting

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