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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'll post whatever you need LisaQ--tell me again which ones you want...

Here is the one from when luke returned...


It is not edited though, but is in this segment...someone else may have it clipped.

Oh and NEX!! You finally have your job back this week and next week--do you still remember how to clip?

Here is the I'd love you if you didn't have a dime..


If you give me a list of what you want, I will be happy to upload for you.

Here is the "I'm a spencer" clip it is about 2 minutes and 20 seconds into the clip..again not edited...


Edited by hookedongh
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LOL! No, I don't watch, but I assume Tracy/Jane still gets her allotted 2 seconds, give or take, of airtime in the opening. I'm still on GH vacation for the most part.

Yeah, I remember that look from Skye. It was as if she had some horrific epiphany. Ms. Q could tell us...Wasn't there a scene not long after that with Skye telling Luke that she could see he was falling in love with Tracy?

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Oh, I'd love to see those again. Wasn't it outside of Kelly's and Luke was going on about what a great match they made, then Skye interrupted him and said he wasn't describing her, he was describing what he had with Tracy. Then later Skye confronts Tracy at the mansion and challenges her that she was falling in love with her husband - Tracy denied it of course, but history tells us otherwise.

Ewcbo/ewwww supporters are out this evening. Poll is 135-130 (Tracy); and they whole 'Luke will only every choose Laura' BS is posted in a few places. I know he can't say anything differently for political reasons, but man would I love to hear TG's opinion on the matter now.

Hooked, luv, are we still believing the 3 days this week or has that been updated? And any idea which day she's not on?

Edited by remos
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LisaQ--If you give me a list of scenes you would like I would be happy to do what I can to upload what I have. I feel your pain--I lost my hard drive last year or so of clips and I have never quite recovered from the 2003-2004 ones. Let me see...I may have the skye stuff.

Remos--I have no idea if it is true or not, but since the insider who called herself "Fan of Tracyfan" came back to reiterate to me she is on three days, I would believe it as much as we can believe anyone . We know Wed. for sure she visits Lulu. I would assume she goes there first, before court. I would guess W, TH F since the trial starts next week...but I could be wrong--I will see if anyone has the breakdowns of what day...she might just be sitting in the trial though one of those days or two.

I'll see what I can find out...

Anyone up for a little labor day breakroom party fiesta tonight? How about at 8:30 central time (about half hour or so from now)

And...get ready to fall off your seats, but I cooked tonight out of the blue--made this shrimp enchilada casserole thing. I don't know what came over me. Of course nobody in my house will even try it. I hope it is not totally disgusting.

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I come bearing clips...

Luke and Skye outside of Kelly's

October 2005: We're really good together, in a convoluted, perverse kind of semi self-destructive way. I mean, that's what keeps it interesting...

Luke, what you just described? That's what you have with Tracy. I think you even love her in your own way. I do. She keeps you busy, she makes you laugh, she fills the void.


Credit Shaurice.

Tracy and Skye in the Quartermaine mansion

January 2006: You love him, don't you? How else to explain this elaborate mating game you two play -- the scheming, the rat hunts, the driving into frozen lakes? You two will go to some amazing lengths to stay married.


Credit Shazzer.

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Those days work for me. Tomorrow the screamers are in the Labour Day parade - riding a float for the first time. Daddy works for the Federal Minisitry of Labour and he's in the Union, so it's time for the little dears to start their leftist indoctrination B) .

Sweetie.... do you need medication?... or if you're taking something do you need to stop? This is just not you.

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Well, they do seem to be including the Q's in this story. It is possible. We've had drops lately of Nedly being contacted too. They also usually bring the family out for Thanksgiving, and they would be looking to Nov. sweeps/late fall/winter at this point.

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