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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, it's me and 7 kids again. And before you ask Lainey, I kicked the oldest 4 outside, the pre-schoolers are destroying the kids room (it didn't have far to go) and the baby is in her carseat on my bed fighting her nap. Nap will win - it always does :P .

This morning I was finally able to get through the last two days of GH, and I've gotta say the JoLu story isn't eating up the scenery. There are other things going on, although Kate's superstition is a bit much for a supposedly educated professional.

It's really hard to tell who Laura is talking about as to the people who know she's awake, but I think we can say with certainly that Luke doesn't. As for Nic and Lucky... TC delivered a wonderful soliloquy the other day (he's actually much better by himself then with others, interesting isn't it...) towards the wig-on-a-stick, and I don't think he would have done that if he'd known she could become conscious at any moment. I'm still betting this is in Lulu's head, and the second guess would be that the doctor's know but none of Laura's family does.

Hooked, I can keep The Annals going for as long as it takes. Rest assured.

The baby is asleep. Now on to the dishes!


Just checked the poll at SOC, and it's still within 6 votes - that's the biggest difference it's had this entire time (it's had as many as 6 a number of times, then either Tracy or Laura catch up) with almost 200 votes. If you haven't voted yet - and I know some of you haven't - get over there. You've got the link.

And just to echo QT's brilliant observation, LuNacy didn't have the media, adventures or decades of good material. They only had themselves and look how that has impressed the audience.

Edited by remos
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Morning Guys!

Thanks Halee for the clipage!

New spoiler!

OTHER SCOOP! Tony Geary SHOULD return to taping on the 3rd of September. Also, RUMORS say that Luke, Lucky and Nikolas will have no idea that Laura is breaking thru her catatonic state. Lulu will keep her mother's secret (so I would guess those Scotty RUMORS are false) until Genie Francis makes her second return in October. It appears that the original information stands true, Laura will only interact with Lulu this time around.

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Truke--was that info from wubs? Cause I think what they took it from was Soapdish and they said some anon said he is back taping the 3rd week in september not the 3rd of september.

But guess we wont' know for sure til it is announced in the mags..unless I can get it out of someone!

I had a heart scan today that involved an angiongraphy injection of contrast, etc and taking a nitro pill. I kept thinking of Tracy withholding it from edward as I was trying to relax! LOL

It gave mea massive headache though!

Thanks Halee--you are awesome for those clips! Cant' wait to watch. I need to edit a story, then it is on my agenda before carpool.

Oh, btw--my calcium score was zero in my heart! Can't get any better than that. I wont' get the full CD and report til next week, but he said if the calcium score is zero, than the rest should be fine.

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Just saw these on Wubs (the dishes have to soak, ya know)

LAURA..LAURA..LAURA....they are playing it sneaky right now, aren't they? WHY? If they want to get Genie back, she'll be real--if not, hell they could just put her back in the "box". She was so excited for wardrobe...ha ha, more like "Robe".

(I had that exact thought when I read her interview then saw what she would be doing. :lol::lol::lol: )

Now, if you were some kinda crazy and in Shadybrook for seeing things...wouldn't you be thinking that your MOTHER (who's been out for years)--is an illusion too? Or maybe not. I'd be yelling and screaming. LOL.

**Tracy realizes she has to find Luke and fast!

Hmmmm... wonder if she goes for Luke a second time after she checks in with Lulu. Everything else listed was yet to happen.

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Hooked I'm not exactly sure who is the original source, but I got these from the SoapNet Mssg Board in the Spoilers thread!


Is this even possible? Edward Quartermaine on jury duty? RUMORS say Edward and Epiphany land their butts in the juror pool and the case they are assigned to... Johnny's murder trial! Is that even possible? Danielle our legal eagle may need weigh in on this one. Don't stop reading there D! RUMORS also say that Scotty finds a way to have Alexis removed from the case leaving his butt in the prosecution's chair. Can the victims father try the case?

Is Johnny found guilty? At some point I believe it does happen and this MAY be where Laura is able to step in and help but that would be when Genie Francis is said to be returning in October. Unless that was all FALSE. We will see. RUMORS say that Johnny initially gets off on a technicality. Johnny and Lulu's story will continue with Nikolas trying to help the lovelorn couple and Lucky fighting against them. When Luke returns, RUMORS say he'll first side with Lucky. Luke will play a role in Lulu getting better, just not at first. Nikolas is on the right track, Lucky is not.

~ Man JE Look gorgeous with her hair like that in those clips for the movie! I think she should have her hair like that again!

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Remos---you beat me to it...was just going to post this..

**Tracy realizes she has to find Luke and fast!

Probably will have Tracy on for a week or two then she will be off again looking for him. Maybe they will return together after all?

But Wubs takes everything from soapdish, so who knows where she got that...

I think she will be on the week of the 8th as well...at least one day from what that poster said she was taping one day last week.

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Wubs also admits she has her own sources outside of SD, and it's with a bunch of spoilers I didn't see on SD before it went down this afternoon. It would make sense, really. She's on a bunch these next two weeks, then gets word on Lukey and is off again. Then they can come back together.

Dishes are almost done, kids are now painting pictures. Gotta go find food colouring for the playdoh. Is it bed time yet?

Baby's still sleeping, but the pre-schoolers are mixing paint colours. oy...

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