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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here is a question for everyone - so put on your creative thinking caps.....

How would YOU like to see Luke come back and reunite with Tracy?

My dream scenario:

Luke sneaks into Shadybrook in one of his horrible disguises and he see's Tracy in some sort of heated discussion with one of Lulu's doctors, pretty much telling the doc that Lulu is to get the best treatment, blah blah blah, or else the doc will pay dearly (you know, a typical Tracy threat!) Anyway, he is very impressed with Spanky's caring attitude toward his daughter and her passionate arguement with the doc.

So he lingers in the background for a while, and after the doc leaves, he walks up behind her and Tracy, thinking its another real doc, turns and starts yelling. But realizes its Luke. She slugs him and asks where the HECK he's been, etc. He silences her with a kiss and they go get reacquainted in an empty patient room.

You can figure out where it goes from there...

<darts back to fantasy land>

Edited by LisaQ
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Okay for those who are curious...

Here is the transcript from lulu/laura today...to me it sounds like nik/lucky know that she had been fading in and out and they are the ones who Laura said she told not to tell lulu. Because later when lulu says dad will be happy, laura says no don't tell him now, I don't want to put him through this if Im; going to relapse.

I am fine with nik and lucky maybe knowing as long as Luke doesn't know and didn't keep it from Tracy...

Lulu: I'm going -- I'm going to tell the doctors, ok?

Laura: They know. They were here when I -- when i woke up.

Lulu: How did this happen? What -- are you on new medication or something?

Laura: They don't -- they don't tell me very much, but if I fade out, then don't be scared. It's to be expected.

Lulu: How did this happen? And what about lucky and nikolas? Why -- why wouldn't they tell me? What -- what about dad?

Laura: I asked them not to. I don't want to disappoint you if I relapse.

Lulu: Did the doctors say that's what's going to happen?

Laura: I don't know. Honey, what -- what matters is that I'm here. I'm here now. So tell me, what's got you so upset?

Lulu: I'm not visiting. I'm a patient. I think that I'm going crazy like you.

and later:

Laura: It gets old, doesn't it?

Lulu: Yeah.

Laura: Everybody telling you what to do for your own good. Oh, don't you just want to smack them?

Lulu: You sound like dad. He is just -- he's going to be so happy.

Laura: No, no. Honey, let's keep this just between us for now, all right?

Lulu: Ok.

Laura: There's no sense in putting him through all of that if it's just -- it's just temporary, you know?

Lulu: Yeah, you're right.

Laura: You're going to get through this. I know you will. I can still see the courage shining in your eyes.

Lulu: That's what you said to me last time before you left.

Laura: Do people tell you that you're like me? Honey, honey, you're not. You're stronger.

Lulu: I disagree.

Laura: Every generation gets a little bit better. That's how it works.

Lulu: You're -- you're getting a little tired.

Laura: Oh, I don't want you to see me. I -- I just need to rest a little bit. Don't worry. I'll be here when you get back.

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Keep those calls coming to the comment lines...the lil sharks poster is back again...

also said that BH was going to get more screen time because of all the calls by her fans. I didn't ever say that Liason was going to be the story. B. G. still would love a Jaudia pairing and if he can't get that he's going to have Liason continue there 9 yr dance into the fall and possibly the spring. I also told you that Liason would have an intimate scene before the end of Sept but it isn't a beginning. That still holds true. The only thing that might change any of these is the continuing falling ratings and demo's and sorry none of you believe it but there was a meeting of junior suits with producers about the calls for a more balanced show, better representation of females and yes airtime for BH, as well as other older vets.

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TCM (Turner Classic Movies) channel is on in my sister's apt. and a commercial came on about One is a Lonely Number airing at 2am. I just called my daughter to dvr it for me since I've never seen this movie. Can't wait to see what Jane looks like in this flick. :D

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I voted on SOC! (remember the "I Voted" buttons?! So long ago! :P) LnL are winning by only one now.

Remos, hi! Glad to hear I didn't miss much! I saw in one of the mags that Sonny might be taking off due to lack of storyline. The end of the mob would be amazing, lets keep our fingers crossed. :D

Ms.Q, hey there to you, too!

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