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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for posting, halee! Aw. It warms my heart to see the Qs bickering at home. Can we please get some more members of this family back on the show? I know we have St. Jason and Jaspawn. But seriously we need more than 5 Qs plus Ghost Alan.

Dear TPTB,

I've been a very good fan--ok maybe very good is a little generous-- but I've at least been patient. I miss my favorite daytime family. No, not the Corinthoses. I'm talking about the Quartermaines. I'd like to see more of them on my screen stat. More Edward. More Monica. And especially more Tracy and Mr. Tracy Quartermaine. And couldn't you please, please, pretty please give us a few more Qs on the canvas? Yes, yes, I know that Jacob is someday going to be revealed as a Q. And plans are probably in the works to make him 15 in time for next summer's sweeps, but in the interim, how about bringing AJ back from the dead. Come on. You're the writers, you guys bring people back from the dead all the time. I'd also like to see Dillon and Ned back in town and not just for the occasional funeral or ELQ shareholders meeting. Brook Lynn, too. And while you're at it, can Claudia Zacchara please be Tracy's long lost daughter? JE and SB are too awesome together not to explore giving them a mother daughter relationship. And just think how Eddie will react.

Ok, I've said my piece and I don't want to keep you from your keyboards and concocting some amazing character driven stories with roots in the rich history of Port Charles and General Hospital.



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Cool!! That's where I go when I'm in LA. Well, not anymore b/c they moved, but my uncle was from Hermosa for years so I spent a few months there. It was great. That's where I started yoga and I would go through Redondo HErmosa and Manhattan most days. Glad you had a good time!

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Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

If I'm not answering, PM me or post a message here... I was in the AU breakroom last night!!! :o

K...I'm heading out of the BR for a little. I'll be around though tonight, so if someone goes in, post a link. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey all!

Just finished packing. Will be leaving in a few hours for VA for my niece's wedding this weekend. Will be back late Tues nite and am looking forward to seeing my girls carrie and bsg :) that weekend. woohoo!!

QT, Welcome back. It's been a while, we've missed ya!

Funny, Save those yummy LuNacy fics for me!

Ms. Q, you must share baby luNacy, and I don't just mean, "oh baby" ;)

BSG and Hooked, I'll see you mamas NEXT weekend :*

Oh yeah, everyone check your email, I sent you all pics of me and funny and Dana, from my trip to Miami a couple of weeks ago.

oh (again), I thought Tracy was great today LOVE her hair behind her ears! Yes, I know I said that before. :)

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Morning all, doing my usual constitutional (and it does not involve a newspaper and the facilities ;) , just a cyber walk to smell those digital flowers...)

This was on Daytime Confidential about yesterday:

Monica has had the longest rehab in the history of all rehabs put together. I think some people have had shorter jail time than she's had rehab. Good to see her and the Qs back together though. Loved that they banded together to get rid of Scotty. I found it interesting that Tracy was sitting in Alan's "chair" with no sign of Alan.

Line of the day:

Edward to Scotty: "You never did a damned thing for your son when he was alive, why are you playing the grieving father now?"

Funny line of the day:

Tracy: "How does it feel to be back?

Monica: "Like I walked into a house of morons"

On that Q poll on SOC, Tracy is definitely in the lead. I with TPTB would take the hint. And people are still up in arms about the hint of her leaving.

I didn't get a chance to comment on yesterday's show (thanks for the recaps btw, Ms.Q). I noticed Tracy in Alan's chair too, and she seemed very comfortable. It would have been nice to have SD there and Tracy's location just made his absence all the more glaring.

The best moment for me, however, was when Scott backed Edward into a verbal corner and Edward started to back-peddle. He looked at Tracy and the look on JE's face was fabulous. It almost said "Well, get a spine and respond. It's our family he's talking about." I loved it! It's nice to see the defense of the family is not always left to Tracy.

BTW, for anyone who's counting, as of Monday, Tracy will have been back for 2 months and she's had 6 or 7 days of screentime. We have finished week 10 of TG's 16ish week vacation. We should start hearing rumblings about his return soon.

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Hey guys! My email won't load so I can't catch up or respond....

Read the recaps from yesterday. At least she was on. I just recounted...she was on 7 times in June (although one of those were like one scene or something at least) and three times in July, so a total of 10 times since TG has been gone. So I guess once a week is accurate that someone said she would be around for...

When my email is working later, I will send some updates...

Oh..and rememer an insider told me the other week that stuart is in a lot of pain and might need surgery? Maybe that si why he wasn't on with the Qs.

There is still supposed to be a scene with them and AZ unless it got cut. Monica is in the park today with Liz and the boys and Jason and I think she is on again on Monday.

We had the best day yesterday...there are no friends like old friends...it was so cool watching my kids play with my best friend from growing up kids on the beach...our moms are best friends and our grandmothers were friends way back in their younger days in NY. So cool...

We hung out on Newport Beach all day and the kids boogie boarded and I even braved the cold water and was riding the waves with the kids...

We come home tomorrow...back to our gross city!! LOL! At least I am not home for long til I get to go to NY!

I think today we are going to go to Hungtington Beach, then to see my friend tonight who has triplets who are 3.5.

Nex--Nice weather yesterday! You are SOOOOOOOOO lucky to live here!!

Cute story Ms Q--was this from overnight on SD or something? I went to bed so early last night...my wireless is totally messing up...cant log into sd...

Cute story Ms Q--was this from overnight on SD or something? I went to bed so early last night...my wireless is totally messing up...cant log into sd...

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