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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just bumping the thread...

Remos...your stories continue to amaze me and you were SO holding out on us!! Wonder if MinervaFan has been keeping up at all on the blog/annals! Anyone hear from her lately?

The people we met for lunch were very nice, and not at all what I expected. They are building a 12,000 square foot house in Saudi they told me.

Have no real plans for July 4th until arond 6pm...

To cheer me up from my Tracy depression...I bought a kick ass pair of shoes today! A little shopping does wonders for the soul! :)

my son got his hair done again today with that rinse stuff to make it brown...he is so happy.

Anyway, I will be around to chat tonight.

ladyA--Where are you??

BSG--Where are you?

Come to think of it....knh, missjane, little tl, rachel, Addie, minervafan...where are you guys???

Nex--Have a good trip! No worries of missing clip posting duties!

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remos I think she means you were holding back writing the sexy lunacy fics. Or as its called erotica! That is what she is talking about you holding back. Saying you couldnt write them.

BTW Hooked I think you are holding back on us too.

Edited by funny1
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Hmmm...I bought shoes...and am drinking wine! A double header!

So this was from GV's radio interview tonight on Stardish...

A caller asked him who would he pick as "crazy" love interest idea for Lucky (not in "insane" way though , more like in "woah, X & Y together??? Oh yeah" kinda way). They joked Tracy could be fun, he said he loves Jane but as far as the ladies go on the show, he can't think of anyone. Claudia is crazy but she's been thru like 7 men already and she has a thing for Jason, so that's a big no-no for Lucky. But he said Sam can be it, with the right material.

Freaking everyone loves Jane: Kemo, GV, JT, they all want to work with her--the only idiots who dont' see her value are TPTB!!

I tried my hardest guys on SD to get a date or info if TQ is on next week or the following week..no luck.

I am losing my spoiler ho crown--I guess sometimes you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip!

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Morning all, just bumping the thread.

Don't give up your ho job yet, Hooked. Results aren't for lack of effort. Besides, when was the last time we had a spoiler for her that actually came true, aside from the Lulu propping which seems to be all they do with her.

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Happy Birthday Remos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]

Is this 39 or the big 40?????

Hope you have a great day! And that you get a break for a change!

I woke up at noon today--it was lovely! Hasnt happened in years--of course I was up til 3am but still.

I just remembered I am leaving for Miami tomorrow til Wed. night! I need to pack before we got to our 4th parties this evening we were invited to.

I will be able to hopefully get online in Miami...I know my parents are having internet issues. Well at least I won't be missing TQ!!!

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