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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Nex--were the clips from 6/14 (I think the two lusam tracy scenes on the clips from 6/16 you posted?). There is nothing from last week yet I missed right?

Hey, remember I am coming to Calif end of July!! We need to meet for a cinnamon bun or something or coffee on Balboa or at Fashion Island!

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I keep meaning to download the 6/20 clips but I kept having trouble with the time it takes to upload at home, I will do that today on my lunch hour since my boss is on vacation this week! hahahaha

I have not forgotten that you will be in town next month!! Plans will be made. :D

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Thanks. I wish everything was flowing more freely this week, but oh well. I still haven't done the blog today... must get on that.

BTW, I can't do recaps this week or next. The Diva is at sailing camp and needs to be picked up between 4-4:30.

Anyone hear from Lainey, QT, TL?

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okay, so I lied.... but this is just the highlights.

TQ visits Mon in rehab asking for advice. Mon tells her to use her extraordinary powers of scheming and do everything in her power to get Lulu away from the mob. Tracy is left pondering it.

2&3 so far, I believe, Nex

#5 (I think)

Tracy kicks Claws out of the interrogation room and asks Johnny yes or no, did AZ kill Maria?


Tracy outlines her history including that she hasn't always been pampered and removed, that one of her former husbands was a high ranking criminal and after his 'untimely' death she ran his business for awhile. She said she remembered hearing about AZ and how he claimed an unknown intruder killed Maria. She points out that JZ is the only son of AZ and has been groomed his entire life to take over - it's just a matter of time until Lulu pays the price that his mother did.

#7 (and my number may be off)

Tracy asks Johnny to let Lulu go - that her mother became catatonic and couldn't handle things, she doesn't want that to happen to Lulu. Johnny accuses Tracy of 'throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks'. Tracy says that's her point, Lulu can be destroyed in any number of ways but there is only one way to save her.

Edited by remos
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remos, TL was around last night in the breakroom.

Segment 1: NO TRACY.

Segment 2: TRACY, MONICA. Monica enters her rehab room. Tracy is sitting in a chair, as she enters. Monica: Oh my God. Has something happened to Edward? Tracy insists that Edward is fine, well, not fine; that ever since Michael's accident he's been in the study, brooding. Tracy thought about making up an ELQ crisis to give him something to focus on. Monica wonders if she's not there about Edward, why is she here? Tracy's all "Do I have to have a reason?" LOL. Monica wonders if she ran out of people to harass. Tracy goes, "Nice to see your recovery is progressing." Tracy calls her a pain the ass, says she always was. Monica talks about getting her life back together, being able to get back to work. Tracy is glad. Monica thanks her, but she is not at the stage of apologies, so if that's why Tracy's there...Tracy interrupts, saying she needs advice about Lulu.

Segment 3: TRACY, MONICA. Lulu is not just being a rebellious teenager. She is involved with John Zacharra. Monica asks if she thinks he has anything to do with Michael. Tracy says no, but he's done others like it. She don't want Lulu to be another name on his list. Nothing Tracy is saying is getting through. Tracy recaps the last 2 summers. She warned Lulu about Dillon, warned her about Logan, etc. Monica is all WTH are you coming to me? Have you seen my track record? Emily and AJ are gone. Jason is destroying himself. And Tracy comes to Monica for advice??? Tracy tells her it's because she's been through it. Monica recalls that she was the one who advocated that Jason should have his space, that he should be free to make choices. Tracy asks if she had to do it again, what would she do? Monica would do everything in her power to to get him out of his lifestyle. That is her advice. Do everything that is necessary and get Lulu away from the mob. She reminds her that she is good at manipulation and scheming and that now is the prefect time to put her skills to use. She stresses that Tracy do whatever she can do, to not make the same mistakes she did. "You go and save that girl's life."

Note: JE and LC are sooooooooo kicking butt.

Segment 4: NO TRACY.

Segment 5: TRACY, JOHNNY, CLAUDIA. Tracy needs a word with Claudia's brother in private please. Claudia resists it, but Johnny says she'll talk to her. Cut to Claudia and Ric. Cut back to Tracy and Johnny. Tracy has one simple question: Yes or no, did your father kills your mother?

Note: Wow. Who would have thought Tracy and Monica would have gotten way longer scenes than Tracy and Johnny? I'm confident the next one will be a bit longer though. BTW, RING IS ON. Outfit looks like the one she wore for Day 1 of Laura's trial, except it's not buttoned up this time, and she has black pants on; not the skirt. Hair is more or less like last time, but it looks a little better IMO.

Segment 6: TRACY, JOHNNY. Tracy has not lived her life in pampered isolation. In fact, one of her husbands was a fairly high ranking crime figure. After his death, she briefly ran the business, and she heard stories of Anthony killing his wife. Johnny wants to know where she's going with this. She stresses that he is the son of a mob boss. He is being groomed to take his father's place. If he continues to pursue a relationship with Lulu, she will end up like his mother.

Segment 7: TRACY, JOHNNY. Johnny: I'm not my father. Tracy: Not yet. Look you obviously have feelings for Lulu. She insists she is better off away from him, safer from the violence, safer from the day to day chaos that Johnny calls his life. Lulu is too fragile. Tracy tells her about Laura and how she became catatonic because couldn't handle the stress or danger. Johnny asks how is he supposed to destroy Lulu? It's like Tracy is throwing anything against a wall to get it to stick. Tracy says that's her point. There is a number of ways it can happen. And only one it won't. She urges him: Let her go. They are interrupted. The person announces that Johnny has another visitor. Lulu Spencer.

Previews: NO TRACY.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I want to watch but I am trying to watch in order. I just finished up to last monday's episode. Comments from Friday the 14th--I hate her hair like that. Looked so much better not brushed away from her face--much better the way it was when she left with Luke! Sorry, had to say it!!! Ms Q will appreciate it!

Glad she got some good scenes. She has a couple tomorrow I heard. One or two...probably follow ups to today. So glad they are acknowleging her mob past.

Hey, did she only have three scenes that Friday the 14th Stace? There was an ABC break in on my local station about Tim Russert dying.

So glad the ring is back on. I saw it briefly on slow mo that I think QT pointed out when she crossed her arms...briefest of seconds it flashed.

My new phone is here! So happy. So my # is the same Remos, TL, BSG!

Totally a good day to call the comment lines!

Hope to chat with you guys tonight!

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