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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No need to apologize! Thanks, you are such a doll.

Did anyone know that Seamus Dever has a facebook? I read that somewhere. Supposedly, he got another part as a doctor on Army Wives. I actually kind of liked Ian, despite his evilness. Such wasted talent...

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Looks like Tracy's role in the episode came earlier than what I expected. I don't see her being on anymore unless she happens to overhear Nikolas and Luke's conversation. Here's my attempt at recapping. You'll have to excuse me switching it up between 1st person and 3rd...



Scene 3: At MetroCourt, an accountant is telling her about ELQ. Tracy's fiddling with her blouse, not paying much attention. She dismisses him and calls for vodka. Luke enters: Make that 4. He wants private time with his wife. Talks about sending Edward/Alice on a weekender. He says it's a freaky visual; asks Tracy who she thinks would be on top. She tells him to stop, to go away. Luke: Come with me. Tracy: Go to hell. Luke: Stop making where I live hell. Luke: I want come home. Tracy likes him living at the Haunted Star, and with any luck, Anna Devane will show up again and Luke will forget the hell that was Tracy. Luke said it was just harmless fun, but Tracy says it wasn't to her. She's exhausted of the constant fighting, the stepping around his compulsive infidelities at every turn. Luke steps in and says he can't remember the last time he cheated on her. He happens to be in love with his wife.

Scene 4: Tracy is so not in the mood for a pathetic attempt an greeting card romance. Coming from Luke, it sounds like a bad comedy sketch. Luke says she can't hear his sincerity 'cause of the green eye monster screaming in her hear. Luke says she might not be able to take shots while swinging from a trapeze, but who says that's what he wants in a woman? Tracy says she could down a whole bottle, standing on her head, but doesn't want to make an @$$ out of herself. She talks about fighting for his attention with mobsters and aging spies. He might hate her nagging, but she hates doing it more. She's done. In disgust, she walks out.

Scene 5: NO TRACY. Luke comes to visit Nikolas (I missed the beginning of the scene). Nikolas asks about moving on without the woman who made it all worthwhile. How do you bounce back? Luke: Well at first I didn't. I didn't even want to bounce back. If I was going to go through the rest of my life without her, I didn't think it was going to be worth it. Spent a lot of time in denial. Hoping she would find her way back to me, if I held her hand long enough, whispered the right words in her ears. Truth is stronger than hope. You just get through it. You somehow learn to accept the loss, deal with the pan, and one day before you know it, you're no longer standing on the edge of an abyss. Somehow miraculously, you're on the other side.

Scene 6: NO TRACY. Nik notes that he can live through this, but he's not sure if he can find love again with someone else. Luke says you can't recreate love. What he felt for laura, what he will always feel for laura, what Nik feels for Emily, that's a once in a lifetime deal. But what he has with Tracy is once in a lifetime too. Love is always the first time, no matter how many times it comes around. There is room to love again. Unexpectedly, unbelievably, it'll happen. Anyway, Luke has to go. He's got a massage with his name on it. Nik: Take care of your knee. Nik thanks him. Luke leaves.



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Yup... that covers it.

And now a rarity from me: Colour Commentary...

She's wearing my jacket!!! Happy Dance!!! (Yes, I mean that salmon one from last summer.)

I can see the set up and why Luke "pulls out all the stops" on Tuesday. He's got one week for a lot to happen, so buckle your seatbelts.

Edited by remos
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Gag... can you remove that kind of crap? I noticed another one (not sure if it was yours or Ms.Q's) about how they can't stand Luke with Tracy because ewcbo is his one and only.

Ya know... no LuNacy fan has ever denied Laura... but those LnL people sure want to undercut Tracy.


Hooked, you're on SD regularly... could you ask what dates are coming up. My TV is now having to be shared with Ben10 (action cartoon, for the uninitiated). It's just worth the lack of hastle to say "You can have it today and Friday, but Tracy is on Thursday so Mommy is watching". TIA, Luv

And before you ask... yes, that was me.

Edited by remos
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Just to be fair to those who are delusional.... We don't get that worked up over laura b/c Laura is not a threat to Tracy... even if she came back, but Tracy is completely tearing down their whole beliefs system when it comes to soaps

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Thanks Staci! See--I totally think there was a scene cut the other day after Tracy found Anna. Because before that, luke was living at home. She must have had a scene were she bitched him out and told him to sleep there or something!

Scenes sound good. I heard JE looked gorgeous and natural today!

I got the SOD and SID at the grocery store today. The claudia/luke/tracy scene got quote of the week about the popsicle, you call her popiscle exchange. The same photo of Lunacy was in both mags from Luke's return 1/31 with the fur jacket and them facing off. The poll results were in with the 87% she should take him back.

The SOD had the same photo with saying Can't miss 5/13 Luke tries to charm Tracy back.

I do think we are going to get a nice ending for them this time. Seems like the fight....the charming back and then the goodbye with her blessing. I really hope so! Luke has never talked about loving her this much and to other people and to her, etc.

Edited by hookedongh
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SOC is remarkable civil this afternoon. No big flip about ewcbo/Tracy. The concentration is on Lukey visiting Nic.

They must have all run to SD, Hooked, 'cause the nasties on SOC haven't been out like they have in the past.

That would be a HUGE thing to cut out with no reference. Perhaps you're right, though, because just as the Anna stupidity was happening, she told him she would be home late - suggesting that he shouldn't wait up for her.

Beautiful... and my favourite jacket!!!

I tells ya... they've got to build on this threesome - long lost daughter!!!

I'm a little uncomfortable with the word "tries" in there. I wish is was more definitive.

I would really like a breakdown of how much is scripted to tell fans Luke really, really loves Tracy, and how much is TG telling the fans to get over the past and join him in the present.

Edited by remos
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hooked, when you mentioned "scene cut" again, it reminded me of something I've been meaning to post... You know on how ABC's site, it has a one sentence preview of what to expect the next day? Well, this is what is said to expect for Monday May 5th's episode: Tracy is unhappy about the time Luke and Anna are spending together.

We never really got that... Tracy had like 3 lines, and I think we could have assumed she was unhappy, but surely, something that was worthy enough to be on ABC.com for a sneak peak would have gotten more attention than that. So, yeah, I'm thinking something was cut.

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Wow. This was a good LuNacy day.

Luke, once again, told Tracy that he was in love with her.

And Hallelujah!! *Finally* Luke has gone public with his love for Tracy, and he said it to the ex-wife's son of all people!

The best part of all...<after some words about the ex, that was once in a...blah blah>... he said that the love he has with Tracy is once in a lifetime, too!!

Runner-up for the best part was that Luke acknowledged what we've suspected, and told Tracy that he doesn't cheat on her anymore.

It's going to be a long wait until Tuesday.

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Yeah, remos, I'm feeling cautious and protective of our LuNacy, too, as the deadline is bearing down upon us. You know spoilers, though. They're designed to either shock, scintillate, or scare us into watching. Presenting them in terms of the conclusion wouldn't accomplish their warped purpose.

I believe that Tuesday will be another good LuNacy day, and things will be headed in the right direction. If Tracy is going to be running The Haunted Star, and that one seems confirmed, she would be doing it as Luke's wife only since she doesn't have a financial interest it in anymore.

Good things are coming Tuesday. :)

We know that the "I love you, Tracy" from a year and a half ago was strictly TG with advance permission. I'd bet that TG helped along today's dialogue some, too.

The writers seem to really like LuNacy, though. So, I think just about everybody is looking to the future. Those who aren't "just about everybody" are still a pain in the fanny, unfortunately. ;)

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Logic... alright... I acquiesce...

Agreed... and she's still in charge of ELQ, so she'll be busy. That was a question we had.

They do like LuNacy... with good reason, of course. The LnL crowd is so desperate for a shout-out that their girl is above the crowd. They don't seem to accept that she isn't in the same category as a Lila Quartermaine or an Alice Horton or those Grande Dames. Ewcbo was just a lucky kid who accidently got locked together with the new hot shot. She couldn't hold it on her own much beyond what she was doing. I would almost feel sorry for them if they weren't so blatantly hateful.

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