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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey Remos! Good observation. I hadn't scrolled back in the thread to see you already posted that comment on his favorite co-star.

I have a huge stomache and my dog just had some..um...stomach problems of her own. YUCK!!!

Stupid vet can't see me now even though they are open til 7pm cause they are booked. After 7 it is a $100 emergency room fee on top of whatever service. Sucks as I called at 6:15. They should squeeze me in. I have been going there for 10 years and have referred many people. I am about to pull a Tracy Q and get my way---on hold now!!! The hell if I am paying an ER fee!!

Timeless...sorry if nobody was able to help you with the clips...that is so frustrating when something doesn't download. It was probably your dial up. What were the clips loaded on? sendspace or megaupload?

I am not sure how to help you, but I wonder if savefile would work any better? I could try to upload one to test it out. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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For Rachel..from IL at SD...

Forgot to to tell you guys Monica and Liz have a heart to heart about Emily. A little future MIL/DIL bonding.

Sounds like lC is getting some more scenes these days!

Did I post this already?

from SD?

[Lulu is not thrilled with Kate's favorism of Maxie and she turns to Spinelli. Spinelli stands up for maxie.

Tracy offers to support Monica.

Tracy warns Claudia of Luke.

Edited by hookedongh
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So Luke was in previews in the Q mansion with Johnny walking in. Remember there was some spoiler a while ago that Tracy warns luke to stay out of lulu's lovelife? I think she is on tomorrow, wed and th according to that person on SD. Also they showed Monica at her hearing. Wonder if Tracy goes to the hearing? If she offers to help Monica or maybe that is next week...

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Sorry for the quadruple post but I am liking hearing myself talk today--making up for my five days MIA! LOL!!!

I finally watched W, TH and F Gh and today as well. While I liked Wednesday a lot with Tracy/Monica, and the Tracy/Claudia/luke stuff....

I must say that I was not thrilled with TH episode. I mean I was so happy to see Jane and Tony back on screen, but I think it made Tracy look rather pathetic...and what is up with that BS that he hadn't cheated on her in weeks, months, many months??? I did love how her voice caught at the end cause she knew it was true that she has never been happier, but why couldn't Luke just give in inch and say "you know we've never been happier" or you know I love you, etc....

I can see why some of the people on SD love TQ but hate luke&tracy cause they think he makes Tracy weak. I love Lunacy, but I would like to see Luke grovel a bit more. Maybe he will give her back the rings for her birthday!

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Just listened to TG talk about JE and LuNacy. Do my ears deceive me or did he really say that Luke and Tracy are perfect for each other? Squee. :wub: BTW, I like that he kept going after asking that caller's question. She was like, "Oh, thank you [for responding]," but he went on, talking about JE. :D

Timeless, it sounds like a dial-up issue. I guess you could try downloading MozillaFirefox, which I like better than IE to see if that works, but it doesn't sound like the browser is the problem. Anyway, non-related to that, I hope you're doing all right. :)

OT - So, I call my sister (who's on a train with the rest of my family right now), and then 5 mins, later, I get an "Illinois Call" on a number that seemed familiar enough. I pick it up thinking it might be a relative's cell or something, and it's people trying to get me to pledge money... I should have lied and said, "No. I am not 18 years or older." Or I could have said, "Sorry, not interested." Or, you know, I could've not just picked up. :rolleyes:

So, we're assuming Tracy's on tomorrow then? *reminds self to rewind and set VCR*

funny, happy spring break! I know mine was last week, so I shouldn't be jealous, but I am!!! Today was such a long day, and tomorrow, my supervisor is coming in to watch me teach, and I am freaking out!!! 'Cause that's what MsQ does best!!! Oy!!!

Hey, anyone hear from MinervaFan lately? I emailed her a few days ago; haven't heard anything. Hope she's okay.

hooked, hope the doggie issues got resolved. I get they're booked, but you'd think they'd somehow find a way to let you in.

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Oh I caught that and chuckled. They were obviously looking for a different answer to that question.

Guess what people... SHE is NOT his favourite.... OUR GIRL IS!!!

I almost wanted to tell them to shut up and let him continue waxing poetic about JE.

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Howdy Y'all Hmm, Been watchin Too much Paula Deen

Is It just me or is GH Unwatchable I thought I was cause I hurt myself and I was sedated, but Ive Been off of the Pain Killers for two weeks and Its Still Unbearable. Its Soo Bad Ive turned to QVC for entertainment. :rolleyes: . Has Jane been on this year? I don't think Ive seen her but a hand full of times? :unsure:B)

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Hey coolkid! Long time no see!!! Hope you are okay! Yes, GH has been pretty bad in some respects...especially with JE only on 19 times this year thus far (I counted on my Tivo today).

She is supposed to be on T, W TH this week and some next week and hopefully having some consistent airtime in April.

Supposedly Michael is getting shot on Friday and will be in a vegetative state and shipped off screen so he can be in a facility somewhere. They will probably SORAs him in a year or so.

Nice family entertainment, child shot in the head. The only good part is hopefully the Jason, Sonny and Carly will have to deal with the consequences of their actions finally!

Come chat with us if you can.

Breakroom anyone?

8:55 central time.


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Hey just popping in real fast. I haven't read(except what was posted here) or listened to the TG interview, but it sounds great. I was worried he may be restless and ready to move on to a new co-star or leave entirely so this makes me breathe easier. And it's also good to know that he is out there doing press in general. That's also promising.

*A favor* if the board is going to be down tomorrow could someone email recaps if she's on or repost the link to SON2 if we are going to be there? Thanks in advance.

Off to catch the train home now. YAY!

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You know, I was reviewing both interviews again. Those folks still refer to ewcbo as his leading lady - but if anything, he made it clear that JE was his leading lady. I think TG is more than ready to move on from those years, it's just the LnL fans and the idiot interviewers who won't let him.

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