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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I agree. She has said herself that she has the best job in the world to be able to laugh all the way to the bank pretty much while she gets paid alot (not enough for her talent maybe, but alot more than I do nonetheless :) ) to do very little. And yes, Tracy was Tracy before there was Lunacy, fabulous before the $15 mil, and altogether wonderful before Tony said one word in her vicinity (down in front!! sorry, inside joke)

anyway, i miss my girl, but if shes happy, im tickled pink.

Edited by tracyluver
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Timeless--I agree with Lainey! Beautiful writing...getting more in-depth and emotional with each chapter. I know how hard it is to achieve that...you are very talented!

Nex--waving hi to you. Don't think you are going to have much to do this week unfortunately, but looks like next week might have a day or two. I will be away so will be looking forward to your clips!

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I agree with everyone!!! Chapter 7 is deliciously beautiful, Timeless. Love the way Tracy emerged from the experience with Monica with a renewed dertermination. The thunderstorm was done in a completely new and inspired way, because it wasnt just a backdrop or a plot device, you really made it a truly intregal part of all that was happening between these two women.

I was enthralled with every single word. I was, admittedly, drinking some kind of drink when i read it, but i still think i got the chapter quite well ;) (inside joke...again...)

I truly do believe that you capture the character of Tracy, every nuance and mannerism, very well. It doesnt seem forced or rehearsed, which is a considerable accomplishment when one is dealing with someone as complex and with as many layers as she.

Edited by tracyluver
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Just bumping the thread for once again a lack of our girl day! I am changing the focus of my letters I think I write this week. I am going for the give Tracy some storyline to work with. I know it won't be front burner, or even backburner, but I just don't want her falling off the stove completely or being used only when TG feels like working.

I am going to include lunacy in my letters, but I think GUZA is the one to focus on now and Frons. I think JFP has not much power anymore and is being used as the fall guy. She had to apologize for a gross oversight in SID this issue for not having Patrick have a conversation with leyla when he slept with her knowing he had been exposed to HIV. She had to say they made a grave mistake, etc.

Anyway...anyone around tonight? Feels like I haven't spoken with some of you for so long!

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I want to take a moment, yet again to say thank you to each of you whom has read, and complimented my fic.

This has been a very personal, and emotional experience for me. I simply do not share what I write.

This forum has made me feel very comfortable, and safe. Those are two things I don't feel often.

I prefer my harder exterior show, then my heart.

You have been so kind, and supportive, I truly cannot thank you enough.

I am touched and humbled as the talent in this room is huge.

I pale in your shadows.

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Well, story wise, I am glad Jane is tied to TG, otherwise we'd never see her and he is such a soap icon. But Tony should totally be honored to be with Jane, because besides the fact that Jane is a better actor, he is really only at his best when he is with her.

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Hi everyone...just wanted to say thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had a much needed long weekend at home :D

I received 101 Dalmations on dvd (which i wanted,) a pair of tennis shoes (which I needed,) and a grilled cheese sandwich maker (which my sister told me I needed.)

I'll be around for a bit, Hooked....doing dvr hunting <_<

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Hey all. We had unexpected company for dinner tonight. I think I drank a whole bottle of wine myself, even though we had another couple over for am impromtu dinner. We watched American Idol and hung out.

I wish I could be motivated to write something. I am devoid of any creative thoughts these days.

Sorry I missed you ladya! Maybe tomorrow! My husband is leaving town til sunday. Will have lots of free evenings.

Doesn't seem like our girl will be on this week at all. I am taking solace in Ms. Q's reminder that in 2005, she was only one twice in Januray, twice in Feb. and four times in March. But then her storyline picked up when she married Luke.

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Hey Hooked if you are posting clips of Lila's death for Timeless. I would love to see Tracy's speech at the memorial. I've never seen that. I've only seen the "I want my Mommy scene." But I've heard her speech was stellar as well.

Thanks in advance if you have it.

*Drinking some Shiraz myself. Probably not advisable when on antibiotics. I'm sure I'll be drunk dialing the ex in NYC after one glass. ;)

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