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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just thinking this through a bit more...

I mean if you think about it, it is SO in character Luke to do this. He has opened up and admitted stuff to Tracy the past month or so about his feelings, etc. But think about it, even with Laura, his self-proclaimed love of his life, he still took off and went on his little adventures. Plus, I really believe he would do the same thing to Laura as he is gonna do by leaving Tracy. He wouldn't want her to see him having a hard time making it from the chair to the couch or to have someone watching his every move. Perhaps our love of Lunacy is clouding our knowlege of who Luke Spencer really is.

I mean didn't Tracy even tell him that she understood why Laura did what she did about the guardianship going to Nik because she wanted him to remember her as a woman, not some patient he had to take care of. And his conversaion with Sonny about Tracy not signing up for this and it isn't fair to her. Perhaps he will cover that in his letter. I think she will be pissed off and scared and livid. But not broken-hearted. I hope that at least that he is sending her (and only her it seems from that spoiler) a letter to let her know he is okay and just needing to do this his way. I really don't think it is the end of Lunacy. I think his letter might say something like "don't worry Spanky, I"m fine. I'll be back" or something like that.

Cause think about it...Tony is too old to be paired romantically with anyone else on that show, unless they would go the route of Alexis or something and that ain't gonna happen. He won't want to be paired wiht Sarah Brown or someone who is so young for him. And Luke and Tracy works and she is used to his comings and goings. He is not around enough to develop any or kind of relationship with a woman anyway. Lunacy has been building for nearly 3 years. And he has a mate who puts up with his contstant leaving. She doens't like it and has made that very clear, but she does accept it, and love him anyway. This fact allows for Luke to have little storyline arcs for him when he is in town if he doens't need to have to build up relationships.

THe funny thing and the wasted thing is..with his little heaven scene of what he realizes in the end, that he was callous with his family and those who loved him, is not a lesson he has absorbed. Perhaps because he knows (as he admitted) that they will still love him anyway.

So after all my going round and round on this, I think we should all just sit back, and see what happens. At least it seems that JE will be around still for a while. And that in my book is good news.

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Cracking up Halee at your post! Did you really mean to say..glad you two losers have each other to obsess on this over--ha ha!

Hopefully we will get her W, TH and F this week. Surely she will have to have some good scenes when he vanishes and she finds out. Now I see how Luke can leave without knowing about Lulu!

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Hey!!!! I'm not a loser!!!! I have 7 children in my house, a husband that insists on being unhelpful, and a TQ "interest".

Oh....oh...and the drum set is actually getting on my nerves today.... and the whiney pre-schoolers.... and a clingy toddler.... and.... and... and

(Gawd, my life sounds dull!)

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Just saw the 411 for the rest of the week into Monday. Nada on Tracy and Luke, but I saw Edward and Monica on Friday/Monday. The fire at Liz's, Carly finding out about Jake and threatening to take him from Liz, and the bomber at the hospital, got the shout-outs.

So, I'm guessing if/when Lukey goes, it isn't catastrophic.

I'm only guessing Wednesday thru Friday because we've got those scenes of Tracy with Logan, Coleman and Luke. The Coleman outfit is different than the other two, and Friday is reported to be TG's last 'airday'.


Anyone have the latest SOD? Apprently it's saying Luke will be back in a month.

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OMG I am so cracking up! Today has been a low point loser day for me. And Remos you are not a loser! I am referring to myself (LOL). The funny (well not so funny) thing is, last night after I got off the breakroom chat, my son had a seizure in his sleep and it snapped me right back into reality (he has a seizure disorder that is only associated with sleep). It was only this afternoon sitting home waiting for the UPS man to come with my case of wine I ordered from Napa that required an adult signature that I started getting obsessive again.

I am glad Monica and Edward are in the hospital. And I really hope MOnica gets a storyline. LC deserves it. I did call the comment line today with a positive comment...saying the show is much more balanced now.

Hope work wasn't too bad the second day back for you guys!

Chat later maybe?


I just watched an episode from 1991 that was hilarious. Tracy reads in the paper that Larry Ashton was given a lordship title by the Queen of England (his other title Lord Ashton was fake). They were speculating on what he could have done to get that. Alan said well maybe he was an expert seaman and Tracy is like "are you kidding, he used to get seasick in dry dock". Then Monica said "Well maybe he ran up the highest bill at Harrods," and Alan is like "yeah the highest UNPAID bill." THen Lila is like "well maye he has a hidden talent we don't know about. So Tracy said, "Well we already established he is a bad seaman, bad business man and I can assure you, I was married to the man for 15 years. He has NO hidden talents.

Anyway, thought that was funny. Cause I never really knew how long she was married to Larry Ashton. I was thinking it was only a few years and she left him and dumped Ned on his family.

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I have decided to enroll in a 12-step program to wean myself off of soapdish. I am now a card-carrying member of SDA...soap dish anonymous. It today has shown me nothing else...nobody knows didly squat!


I need a sponsor for this 12 step program--ha ha

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LadyA you around for a few? It is 6:15pm (anoyone else)

Oh saw this today. Thought it was interesting:


http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/savemonicaq/index.html (I added the save Tracy in the comments section)

LC is WAY cooler than JE with her fans!

Here is her letter on the front page of her site!


and photos from the brunch with the Qs in 2007 which is not attended by our girl



breakroom anyone (9pm centarl time)

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I didn't mean to start an intervention with you guys or anything. You are both fine. And frankly you really helped entertain me on my lunch break. So please keep up the speculation, frustration, and adulation.

*I think LC is way cooler with her fans because she never had kids or a family. I think her horses and her fans are her family.

Do I even bother watching today's GH?


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Well, glad we could entertain you... I guess.

I wouldn't bother with today. Carly stormed around town pissed that Jason hadn't told her about Jake. Sonny still has big blinders on when it comes to Johnny. We're not sure if Sam is playing Lucky or is genuinely sorry she does some of the things she does. Alexis and Diane entered the biker bar. And Skye told Ric why it would never work between them.

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Okay, I'm really disturbed with myself, but as soon as I knew Lukey was only to be away for a month, my muse started unpacking. Add to that the winds of suggestion that blow north from Texas, I give you....

Confessions... the fifth


(And if you missed any of the previous ones, the links can be found here: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/)

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