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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG...the worst NYE ever! Why you ask...cause like a complete and total moron I took two Mucinex D at midnight with my antibiotic not realizing or bothering to read the ingredients that it was sudafed basically. I woke up after an hour with my heart racing and wired. Nobody was on the thread. I checked. I must say, I was most appreciative for soapdish last night because it is a live thread and I was on there literally from 3am til 7am. AT least there was some interesting stuff being said on there from some fan club groupie or something. Been trying to go back to sleep ever since to no avail. Now I am afraid to nap today or i will be up all night again! OY!

I did write another whole fic in my head this morning for the three hours I laid in bed trying to sleep. Now I just gotta get it down on paper. Hopefully it will be better than the last one--I've gotten kind of rusty! :)

I am supposed to be at a brunch in 9 minute and am sitting in my robe--too scared to even drink coffee for fear I will be wired all day. I am not a fun, morning person without at least two cups of coffee!

Anyway...someone on soapdish did say it was Tony's minivaction and he will be back for Feb. sweeps, but who knows if they were speculating or in the know.

I need a new banner because this one clashes with my new avatar! If I email some screencaps...will some nice person like Staci or Rachel make me one?

Catch you guys later!

Happy 2008 to all my favorite LuNatics!

Nancy...did you see the avatar you sent me on soapdish--it is HUGE!

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So, looking at my first post of the New Year (for the eastern time zone), I see that is mainly about Tracy's hair. How appropriate, LOL. The central time zone was rather generic, but oh well!

Thanks all for the feedback! I feel like I've been getting more and more comments on YouTube in the last couple of weeks than in the last couple of months!!! It's so fun to get an email saying so and so has commented on your video!

hooked, I don't believe I told you this yet, but your version of a LuNacy!NYE is what I'm going to assumed happened. So awesome. I continue to love the way you word things. You get Luke and Tracy and their relationship so well, and I get so "warm and fuzzy" when I read your stories. Looking for that another one to be posted soon. :D Sorry about the medicine fiasco. Hope you're feeling better. And try napping for just 20 to 30 minutes. It might be just enough to wake you up, but not so much that you won't want to get up from the nap. You'll also be able to sleep tonight!!!

TL, still working on your banner. My computer froze last night in the process. hooked, you can send me screencaps if you want. Unless Rachel wants to take the job, LOL. Either way works for me. BTW, I saw your avatar! How did it get so blown up?!? LOL. She's still so pretty, but it's so HUGE!!! Too funny.

missjane, I would say choose 3 from each category since there are like 6 (plus OTHER) to choose from. It might be hard to just narrow it down to one. Then, the most frequent picks will go on the final ballot. The whole thing is getting kind of confusing, but whatever happens, I'll do my best to try and make it work...



I Ain't Goin' Nowhere: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vjnzq6

When You Love Me: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lwj3z8

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I know Stace--it is HUGE on soapdish. I don't know what happened, but I sort of like that it is so BOLD and IN YOUR FACE TRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was from soaptown USA site:

Best Use of a Dead Character: Alan as Tracy's conscience. We were not only heartbroken when Alan died of a heart attack, we were just plain mad about it. How dare this show axe the much-loved Stuart Damon after so many years? After hearing he would be returning as a ghost, we were still grumpy - and skeptical - but the show proved that heaven really can be a place on earth. Alan, stuck in afterlife limbo, parked himself in his favorite chair and only appeared to Tracy - and the results were rip-roaring hilarious. Soon the family was forced to lock Tracy in a mental institution because she couldn't stop "arguing with the furniture," but those arguments were some of the most entertaining scenes we've watched in quite some time. Alan is Tracy's conscience and voice of reason (and a hysterical voice at that) and never fails to get the real points across. May the haunting continue.

Gonna go watch your video now Stace. I just came home from a brunch at my friend's house, and have to go back now and pick up her old desk she is getting rid of to stick in my guest room/office. So far so good with no nap. I am gonna watch GH from yesterday. That should put me to sleep eh?

Oh btw Stace--you will like this new fic cause it is tracy/dillon (some luke in there too). Of course I am so tired now I don't even really remember my mentaficing escapade in the wee hours this morning!

Staci--that is undoubtedly your best video ever!!!!!!!!!!! I love love love love it! Love all the new clips. I think that kiss might be my new favorite on the stairs...I forgot how sweet that was! I love your editing and the sound bites you put in! What a great NYE present!

TL--Ooops I just missed you...I saw you on the thread but I gotta run and pick up a desk real fast. Maybe catch you this afternoon or this evening.


These are not Tracy, but they are Q related...not sure if I posted them already...I am deliriously tired.

Supposedly Edward witnesses something that leads him to believe Jake might be Jason's during the little bomber storyline arc.

I wonder if Tracy is still hanging around the hospital at that time the week of the 7th or whenever.

Edited by hookedongh
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For you I always have a minute Staci!!!

For those of you who have free cell phone or unlimited minutes or don't use all your minutes, here are some numbers for GH comments. Apparently, now more than ever they are guaging responses to storylines. Because I am stalkerish as Ms. Q pointed out, I have been calling every day when I think of it asking for more Tracy and Lunacy!

JP office line 323-6714588

GH coment line 323-671-4583

ABC daytime line 818-460-7477

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Hey Hooked, I see you on SD trying to get info. on Tracy. Man, it's like pulling teeth over there. Why nothing, I wonder. And personally, I don't give a rat's ass when Sam/Lucky find out what. I saw their breakdown, and I hope the writers aren't going back to 5 days of Jason/Sam/Lucky/Liz with a side of Carly/Sonny/Kate again. There are so many other stories they could tell. Like TRACY'S!!!

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I can't freakin' believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. I wanna stay offffffffffffffffffffffffff.

So I have so much stuff to do, and what's the FIRST thing I do when I get home?!?! Log in here! Oyyyyy...

So looks like Funny1 has made it here (Funny, don't laugh at me.. and remember I'm old... but who is that man with the amazing six pack in your avatar?) Holly and Nancy still MIA? Welcome Cassie!

Floved all the fic while I was away. (Ohhh.. We need MORE. MORE!!!)

Love your vid, Ms. Q! (It's the When You Love Me one, right?!?!?! The I Ain't one is a repost, right? (Love that one, too.. but I think I've seen it before).

Anyway.. there are SO MANY cool edit things in this one. (I keep noticing backwards ABC bugs at the bottom of the screen.. and i'm thinking "ohhhh. That's Ms. Q being creative! cool!

Absolutely fabulous! So is she "standing up" for him or not? Either way.. I'm gonna flove it (I hope!).

Um.. ah.. any show that is jam packed with LuNacy/Diane/Alexis is bound to be FANTASTIC!! :lol: And I think, because TG said all of his dreams are "drug induced," that Luke will have some medical problem tomorrow as a result of the nasty cigar. So there is that to look forward to, too!!

Oh... this voting thing looks a little overwhelming. Can anyone give me a "shortcut" or do I have to wade through all the choices? I will say.. I believe the absolute BEST JE/TQ hair EVER is when she's wearing the red jacket at shadybrook. It's in Ms. Q's Love Me Video. You know, she's locked up, but she still manages to get a short, bouncy, happening bob. That's her BEST look. What she's sporting now is a little too long IMHO.

ta ta,


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Didn't realize those were back in 06, wow, longer ago than I though! The other two... I remember not liking them as much, but I was going by the clips in your video, in those shots it looked great.

and thanks for posting those videos!!!

I can't do it now, but I'll scan that picture as soon as I get a chance.

I have to sleep tonight b/c I got called in to work early again! Every time I get a hair appointment they call me in. Last time they did it 5 days in a row!!! Good thing it's a friend of mine that does my hair and she works out of her house cus I'd never get there otherwise

Edited by knh
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well lainey that beautiful man on my avitar is the one and only lenny kravitz. he is a musician His mother was helen from the tv show "The Jeffersons" the lady that was married to Tom. oh i thought you might like to know, people told me you liked lunacy porn :D as well as i do so i tried my hand at writing some lunacy fanfic. i hope you guys will like it. anyway ill try to post it tonite or tomorrow i have to edit it. well cant wait to talk to all of you tonite in the br.

Edited by funny1
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February 27, 2007: Tracy has just learned of Alan’s death. She shares stories about him with Dillon.

April 19, 2007: Luke gives Tracy an ultimatum; Tracy tells Luke that Laura is gone and never coming back.

July 9, 2007: Tracy won’t say good-bye to Dillon.


March 7, 2007: Luke and Tracy decide to alter Alan’s will.

April 7, 2007: Ghost!Alan and Tracy argue in front of the Quartermaines

April 16, 2007: Tracy finds out about oopsie-daisy, and she and Luke decide to try it out for themselves.

November 7, 2007: Tracy arrives at Wyndemere and takes a tumble down the stairs.



November 16, 2007: Tracy's willing to share her future with Luke.

December 11, 2007: Luke makes plans; he tells Tracy he has a future, and that he'll be back.

December 19, 2007: Tracy gets Luke situated back in bed; mentions of linoleum, oatmeal, and bypass surgery...



You will see that some these include 2 parts (indicated with the ... ). Basically, the speech was interrupted for a second or so.

Tracy: All right, Alan, you and I have spent the majority of our lives competing for Daddy's love…This time, you really outdid yourself. A heart condition? I would've gone for something a little more original, but I have to admit -- it worked brilliantly. You had Daddy in here singing your praises and whining for forgiveness. Wake up. You're going to want to savor every minute. Besides, if you leave now, I win. And I know you wouldn't want that. So just wake up! And make me regret telling you how much I love you.

Tracy: Alan and I used to play tricks on each other. We picked on every flaw, every weakness. But he always watched my back when it came to Daddy and everybody else, and I always watched his. When I was little, my nanny used to put my hair in pigtails. Huh. Alan used to tell me I looked like a poodle. I, in turn, told him he looked like a monkey and that he smelled like one, too…And one day at school, he overheard a little boy in my class teasing me about my pigtails, so he grabbed him and soaked him in the water fountain until he apologized…We never talked about it, we never used that word. But we knew that when the chips were down, we had each other. It made me feel safe to have Alan there, my big brother -- the one person who knew what it was like to grow up in this family. I'm scared to live without him.

Tracy: Luke, I get that you are the last of the great 1960s rebels. Live for today, tomorrow be damned. But let me remind you that most of those people that were busy waving their freak flags high never lived to tell the tale, and, Luke, you're the strongest person I know. If you put your mind to surviving, you will survive. But everything I have seen since you had your first heart attack shows me you're quitting. You're letting death take you. It's so cowardly -- who are you?



Oh dear I am not a dictionary like our dear Ms.Q... ummm

Oopsie Daisy

Blood Flow in the hospital

Dirty magazines in the hospital


"Ramon's" massage

After Tracy fell down the stairs


First time Tracy saw Alan.


sorry no idea


"Every time you open your mouth you fall into a deeper abyss of dumb."


no idea again






Pre-Hostage-Crisis – About shoulder-length, some oomph (think of the Sam and ELQ short arc)

MetroCourt drinks/hospital kiss - Little less than shoulder-length, some oomph

Alan Fading/DNA Tests – Shorter, bob-length, lots of oomph



When Tracy and Luke lunch in Kelly's, before the ball, dark sparkly thing. haha I just remember liking it.

Black outfit with white buttons – Emily’s funeral.

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Howdy ya'll Probably won't be around for the BR tonight cuz moms waiting on a call and i'm tired lol I've actually packed not much but some is better than none.

Thanks for the Monica spoilers Carrie oh btw u have mail.

See ya'll probably tomorrow ugh I gotta go back to work on Thursday haha.

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That's Lenny Kravitz?!?!?!?!

Where are the dreads?

That is his current body?!?! For real?!?!

I didn't recognize him AT ALL! Not in a million years!!!

Lunacy Porn?!?!?!?! :o :o :o

Who said that?

I don't like "porn."


Not me.

Not at all!

Stop spreading rumors, people!!

Smut.. I like Poetic Smut!!! There is a difference... really!

(Ha! Can't wait to read it!)

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