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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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One word. Ugh. Seriously. What the hell?! I don't so much mind the Skye flirting since she bites the dust soon, and the ewcbo mentions i am sure were to stifle a monstrous outrage by the LnL fans. I get Lulu's crying\pillow moment. She wishes her mom was there to be with her and her dad, and help them through it, but she's not. So the only way to calm herself is to talk like she is there. I, of course, am limiting this to the view that they are both her parents; none of that lover business.

What I hated was that Tracy did not get to see Luke right before the surgery. And I wanted to cry when she was alone by the window and no one offered her coffee. No one to comfort her.... it was like she wasn't even there. It made me so upset.

Remos, I think the eye-opening was just he was resting and Skye popped up. I don't think he opened his eyes to her. I am telling myself this.

Ms.Q, I am all for the avatar. I am Scott\Tracy all the way. Is there an acronym for that? Trott? lol

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anyone around to chat? 9:30pm central

I just watched. Okay...it wasn't as bad as I thought. I think that was "tracy's goodbye" before surgery with their little touching scene. Darn that woman can rock out the emotion without being hyysterical. I love how she almost cried when she said you break more promises than anyone I know. And TG really did a good job of communicating without words when he reached out to her...his eyes did say it all as if he felt so bad she was about to cry cause he knows she doesn't do that often. His eyes and hand reaching out to her said "aww...come on baby...don't cry, it will be okay"

I think his "I'm making plans, I have a future, I'll be back" was luke's total way to say ILY.

I think him asking bobbie to not throw tracy out the window was sort of his way of saying "hey cut my wife some slack today cause she is really worried too".

Scott being there just seemed totally inappropriate to me. Don't care that bobbie wanted him there. And luke called bobbie "bobbie" I never remember him calling her that.

I think they were considering luke's scene with tracy his befoer surgery. I can see them including the laura stuffto appease the LnL fans. Lulu asking her to find him was stupid since she is not dead.

I also did like Luke mentioning to Bobbie that Laura was staring at a wall. He lost her. She was gone. But then he added, but I'm not done yet. Or whatever he said, indicating that he had reasons to live.

As far as tracy standing off herself with nobody comforting her or her not being part of things...it was sad, yes, but TQ is SO NOT the type to have someone else's family comfort her. She hates those people (except for lulu). She likes to be alone and quiet when something is out of her control, not chatty. Remember when alan died? She was off to herself when he was really bad. Dillon was like "mom you are so quiet". And she was all "I only yell and scream when I think it will get me what I want or osmething like that. I actually thought that as in character

And...loved her talks with monica. She pegged it right on the nail. Monica had not dealt with emily and her grief. In a way, it made tracy look like the smart on of everyone!!!

So you see...I used to work in public relations so I can spin this into something not so bad.

Also, I think tomorrow will be cutting back from monica coming out and their reactions to the dream and hopefully back.

The only thing I didn't like was skye whispering that in luke's ear.

Someone come chat wiht me!

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Where does Bobbie's hatred of Tracy come from? What's the history? There must be a history I am not aware of....

SKYE... that Witch!! :angry: Hate her. Have always hated her. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Ta ta!!!

You got it, Hooked.

I agree.

I liked today, folks.

I thought Tracy was COMLETELY in character: fighting Moinca... off by herself.

She's not a touchy, feely, outwardly emotional person. It TOTALLY worked...

And it sets up Tracy to rage against the world tomorrow!!!! I hope TIIC writes it this way. I hope! I hope! I WANT TO SEE RAGING TRACY!!!!!!!!!

Only thing that didn't work today, in my opinion, was Bobbie. [!@#$%^&*].. the day Luke was rescued off the island, Bobbie was eating freakin' eating turkey with Carly. She didn't show up at Luke's side until DAYS later!!! Bobbie is supposed to be the "nice one." Why wasn't she more accepting of Tracy, and Tracy's place in Luke's life? And why did she invite that ass, Scotty?!?!?! I didn't expect anything different from Tracy.. but I did expect something different from Bobbie. Bobbie sucked today. I am an official member of the Bobbie Sucks Club. This MAY BE irreversible. GRRRRRRR!


OH P.S. - I Floved Luke's "Enjoy the rush" line. Fantastic! Might have to become part of a new banner... hmm..

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Very quickly before I go to bed. I JUST rewatched the sweet LuNacy moment. Listen to JE's delivery: Does she start to say "make" instead of break? (re: promises) And does "more" almost come out as "mo?" I'm guessing I missed it the first time 'cause of the whole super awesome voice thing she does when delivering certain sad dialogue. It seemed to cover up the error...If you even want to call it that. People trip over their words all the time, esp. when they're upset...So maybe that was supposed to be like that! Haha. Anyway, just something I noticed...Doesn't change the way I feel about the scene. :)

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WEll Iwill just have rewatch that in the morning Ms. Q and let you know! :) I think I could possibly stomach watching the sweet lunacy thing again!

Thanks for the second awesome story of the day Remos!!!

Can't wait to see what you cook up for us tomorrow---you writing machine!

MinervaFan--hope you are doing okay! We miss you!

BSG--have a safe trip home.

TL--good luck finishing your paper

rachel--good luck with your school visit tomorrow

Lainey--glad you agreed with me today wasn't that bad and that Tracy was in character.

Nex--Thanks for the clips as usual

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Good morning...from wubs.net this morning...

Comment: I am sure luke's recovery will be funny for a bit, seems like he might not be taking off til after the holidays this year huh? Cause when will this all occur if he is still in the hospital on NYE? Maybe the first week or two in January and then he will take off? The good news: You know TQ has to be on for his recovery

Hoping the dream is good today.

Most of this is rehashed, but from soapzone...

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay, so I was in the grocery store this morning, and since it took like 15 minutes for them to ring me up, I was perusing the soap mags...so Guza said that Luke is going to see the white light twice. They say he is getting another surgery on xmas day supposedly. So maybe today is the hell vision and then the next time (xmas) will be the heaven version?

Also, There is a photo of Tracy, Luke and Monica in SOW along with the article that Jane is quoted in. I will try to scan it later. Also, there is a photo of Jane with SD in this yearbook 2007 soaps thing with "best haunting" or something like that. SD is said to have much better airtime and storyline in death than in life!!

I am around for a bit if anyone is home. Doing some forms on the computer (stace??_ It is 12:30 central time)



Funny...on soapdish, some insider said the two big contracts up this year they are worried about are MB and TG's. Then someone said the set is much happier right now or the mood has improved among cast. And someone else responded: Maybe Jane and Tony are writing the scripts now! Seems like everyone knows they are the "cream" of the crop! Everyone except TIIC!!!

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Hey, I'm around, hooked, but I did forget I left the window open. :o However, I'm buried in medical record authorization forms, information regarding evaluation services, and a ton of papers from the local county regional office of education and am about to run out (gotta head to Target and use their pharmacy's fax machine -- What? My mom works there, and I'm faxing over medical forms -- It all goes together, LOL). So, while I'm around for the moment, I can't stay!!! Maybe I will catch you at show time!

BTW, hope you're able to scan that article for us. :)

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SID 2008 previews:




article from SOD

Editor's Choice: The Worst Thanksgiving Ever

The column notes that T-day is the holiday for celebrating and giving thanks for all the good things we have in life, but how does one do that when a beloved family member has just been brutally murdered?

They give GH props for crafting vignettes that showcased blessings of family and friends even in tragic times.

They note the Q dinner with Ned and Dillon present and Monica having a good cry with Bobbie. Edward compared the Q's to the Kennedy's and rather than wallow in bitterness he took a cue from Emily and donated an extravagant dinner to the "angels of mercy at G.H. who sacrificed their holiday to help others."

At Wyndemere Nik couldn't be consoled despite Lesley pleading with him to live for his son.

"Throughout PC, beams of light broke through the dark clouds." They note how the normally impetuous and impulsive Carly stopped to cherish the day by not informing her sons of the tragedy. They enjoyed the light tone as they tried to keep Carly away from the stove.

At Logan's apartment Scott reached out to him and he was selfless enough to step aside to give Logan the chance to reconnect with Lulu.

At the Scorpio-Jones residence, Maxie and Georgie discussed AWOL Felicia which raised the same questions that nag at viewers, whether Felicia is really taking care of her sick grandmother. Maxie learned a lesson in faith when she and Coop got back together and Georgie was gleeful as she bantered with her crush Spinelli.

They give GH kudos for "reminding us that when we can't be with the ones we love, we can still love the ones we're with - and that's a great reason to give thanks."

It's Only My Opinion

CH notes the greats were celebrating Thanksgiving. The Scorpios were gathered together and Bobbie stopped by the Jacks home. Lulu and Logan had a "laughy feed-a-thon" though she wishes Scotty had stayed. Skye brought Lila Rae to cheer up the Q's after Emily's death. And Tracy climbed into bed in a touching scene with Luke.But she has a problem with the fallout from Emily's death. She says Monica viciously turned on Jason when he came to tell her of Emily's death and that her anger was so misplaced. She questions "wouldn't a real person's first response that her 20-something daughter had died be disbelief, then horror? Anger would come much later, like after the funeral."

She says some of the mourning vets at Emily's funeral looked like wax figures and pleads "ladies, leave your faces alone!"

Edit again

Okay some spoilers for into 2008...from hellagood not sure of source, but most of them seem to be happening now or soon. The real reason I posted this is for the rumor about Sarah Brown's new character and the skye leaving one. Wouldnt that be awesome if the sarah brown one was true!!!! So not happening I am sure, but would be awesome!

Edit for the last time

Here is the bigger medianet photo of Tracy from the week of 12/14 with Alan and Dr. Julian


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Just got home...Caught part of Luke's hell...

The good

Tracy has LOVELY hair and is soooo beautiful in her coat with that necklace.

Luke seems upset that Tracy's no longer his "wife."

The bad

Tracy/Scott's first kiss. I get this is supposed to be OTT, but it just wasn't a normal kiss upon first viewing. Their last kiss was sweet though.

The ugly

Luke: YOU'RE CHEATING ON TRACY? Finally, something that makes sense!

Scott: There's no cheating. She loves to share me. I got a GREAT life, Spencer. Great!


Lesley and Bobbie are supporting Monica (in the scene before, she explained what happened and that Tracy was right all along). Monica sort of brushes them off and goes to Tracy to tell her that she was right for a second time. Tracy doesn't want her to talk to her. She walks away, where Lucky tries to tell Tracy that Luke isn't dead, but Tracy pulls away. Monica is back to talking and crying to Bobbie and the others. Basically, it doesn't look good for Luke. (I'm really, really enjoying LC's performance here).


Luke's in the OR for about 2 seconds and then he opens his eyes in the regular room. Skye says, "Welcome back." Tracy's at the window and comes over, "How're you feeling?" Luke: "Like I've been to hell and back." She puts her hand on his forehead. BTW, not that anyone cares, but there is some majorly HORRIBLE editing going on here. Really, really bad IMO. Luke might not live. Everyone's in the waiting room. Luke's still in hell. Then, commerical. Luke, OR, and Leo is saying there's nothing that they can do. Skye: "Is this how you want it to end?" Luke's eyes open. Super short exchange with Skye and Tracy. Cut to Lulu and Logan about it being a long night. I feel ripped off; there were sooooooooo many better ways to wrap this up. And now what? We get no Luke at all 'til Wednesday. What a rushed job these so-called professionals did... *calling remos to make it better*


Scene 1: Luke in the OR. Eyes open. Cut to hell. Where is he? Skye said he's at home. Luke: This is not my house. Skye says he better make it be. Luke flirtswith Skye a bit. Luke insists he must be in heaven. Skye: 3, 2, 1... Screaming children. Lulu and Logan come down the stairs.

Scene 2: Explanations of what's going on. Lulu and Logan are all over each other. Julie is very cute here. Luke is horrified that he has to babysit his grandchildren. Wants to find someone else. Lesley comes down with a boombox, jammin'...It's hilarious. Love Denise here. She's a got a hot date tonight and can't babysit. Luke wants out.

Scene 3: Waiting room gang. Scott went to get an update on Luke. Tracy says he has no right to be here. Bobbie reminds him she called him. Tracy doesn't want Logan here. Skye has no problem with Logan there for Lulu. Skye says she has no right here. She's not family. Bobbie wants her to cut it out. You do not have a monolopy on life and love where Luke's concerned. Tracy: [sarcastic] Oh of course not...Never mind I'm the one to convince him to get the surgery. If it were up to you, he'd be dead. Lucky: Tracy, that's not fair. Monica enters: I'm so sorry. Cut to hell...Luke is holding the baby who needs to be chanced. Soon, he finds out he's working for the PCPD when Lucky comes in with a moustache. Mac comes in, dressed as a golfer. He and Luke are golfing buddies.

Scene 4: Monica explains that she doesn't know what happened. Tracy: What do you mean you don't know? You're the surgeon. You're the one who insisted on having that surgery tonight. You HAVE to know. Skye wants her to let Monica speak. Tracy would love to, but Monica seems uncapable. Bobbie asks Monica to continue. Monica says Dr. Julian is trying to repair the damage. Tracy: What damage, Monica? Monica: You were right, Tracy. I should have never performed the surgery.

Scene 5: Luke finds out Tracy and Scott are married and that Scott has this wonderful life that Luke was supposed to happen. He wants Scott to babysit but he and his chickie are on his way to the Bahamas for the opening of his new casino. Enter Tracy: What's taking so long, lover man?

Scene 6: Monica is rambling about herself and her abilities. Everyone is listening, and then Tracy's all, "What about Luke?!" Monica says she froze. I saw Emily's face everywhere, and I lost focus. And then I thought I was losing him. Lulu: But when you left the OR, my dad was alive right? Monica: Yes. Dr. Julian is doing everyth

Scene 7: What did you call him? You're my wife, wife. You never were committed to me. I was just a cash stop on your to way to wherever. Luke: That's not true. Scott reminds Luke that he still owes her alimony money. Scott: What a great girl she is, but I don't have to tell you that, do I? Scott asks if Luke has a message for Holly. He has some plans for her after the casino opening...Then, the cheating line comes in from above.

Scene 8: The "Don't talk to me" scene from above. Meanwhile in hell, Luke can't escape from hell. He can't have cigars, can't have alcohol...Skye leaves him there.

Scene 9: The Tracy/Luke/Skye scene from above. Plus, Lulu/Logan. She wants to see Luke, but suspects Tracy is all over him. Is glad Logan was with her tonight.

I have no idea how many segments, but judging from above, there were 7 scenes of her, which is what SI spilled. As we know, no previews... :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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