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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You know, something told me Hooked and I spoke too soon re: ewcbo. She was mentioned 3 times today, blah.

Okay Recap by Remos

I thought Bobbie's attitude towards Tracy today was needlessly callous. Yes, the two have a history of not liking each other, but Bobbie was almost cruel. Luke asked Bobbie not to "Shove Tracy out a window" and all Bobbie could say was "I won't make any promises". Then towards the end when Tracy was alone, but someone brought coffee for everyone else and they were sitting in the lounge, that wasn't necessary. I really hope Tracy gives them hell tomorrow. First time Bobbie has ever really pissed me off - in 30 years!

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Watch the first half. Forget the rest unless you can deal with


Also, from the scene counts. THIS scene "Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley & Skye" was cut.

From memory? 5 scenes total of Tracy. 4 speaking, 1 non-speaking. Same wardrobe. Hair, considerably flatter, seemed longer, strange as that sounds.






Basic recap: Monica wants to do the surgery now. Tracy is all, "NO!" Luke wants to know what's the matter with her. She wanted it for him, and now she doesn't? She shares her concerns, but Luke thinks Monica is capable. Later, Luke wants to make a promise to Tracy, but she doesn't want him to 'cause he breaks his promises. In a sweet scene, they take each others hands, and Tracy sits on Luke's bed. He says after this is over they can go back to Vegas...mentions of a honeymoon...casino...Monte Carlo...buying a racehorse...snuggling together and hating the holidays. Luke's got plans for them. He'll be back. That's the last of the LuNacy. Next Tracy scene is her arguing with Monica about the operation. Last scene she's quiet with Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Logan, Skye, and Scott, looking out the window; she glares at Scott at the end, can't remember the reason.

In terms of the non-LuNacy, but Luke: Scenes with Bobbie, mentions of Laura. Scene started off sweet, but then I couldn't take it...The only mention Tracy got was, "Try not throw Tracy out of a window." Oh wait, also "WHAT has Tracy been telling you?" (regarding Monica's capabilities). Also, scenes with his children. Acting was good, but again tons of Laura mentions. Have Nik take care of her. Visit her. Blah, blah. Bits of Skye/Luke as well, being all flirtatious. "What's in it for me if I live?" <Skye leaning over and whispering into his ear> "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" They recalled the Dr. VonSkeemerman days; remos, you out there? You want to spin all this into something good?

Preview: Luke in the Spencer house. Skye holding a baby. "I wouldn't go out there if I were you!" Something about it being hot (hell). Monica telling Tracy and Lulu/Logan: "I'm so sorry."

My overall opinion? Great goodness in the beginning. Didn't care about the rest. I'm not against Luke having scenes with others. In fact, I think he should, and I'm glad he got scenes with others without Tracy in the back of the room. But... it just seemed LnL and Skye/Luke overload today...I guess after all the LuNacy goodness we've gotten, I shouldn't complain, but I am...Which of you's mentioned no Laura in this SL so far?! You jinxed it. :P

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^^^ Yep, yep, bsg. I recapped briefly.

And remos, it was just 3?! Maybe 3 scenes, but her name was mentioned more than that, it seemed, or if it wasn't, it was "Your mother..."

EDIT: So after today, I was thinking about getting a new banner. I think I will. However, Lukey Boy will not be finding his way into it. :angry:

MORE EDITS: Just re-watched the coffee thing!!! OMG. How sad is that?! I know you can only fit 4 in those cup-holder things, but WTH?! Was that supposed to mean something when Tracy was off to the side, alone, silent, when everyone else is being supportive of each other? I just figured that's what Tracy wanted (to be alone, not interacting with them), but someone could've gave her coffee at least!!! Or put a hand on her back. Idiots. Be nice to her! Esp. you Bobbie!!!! She was right about Monica, and you insisted she wasn't!!! Gah. I HATE THIS SHOW!

Wait...Maybe in the scene before that was cut, she specifically said she did not want coffee. :lol: What are the chances? LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Spin what into something good? I was gagging through the Skye, Bobbie, Lulu and Lucky stuff. They missed a huge opportunity for Tracy to speak to him before going into surgery. I really hope tomorrow is good, because today fell flat.

Oh, one 'laugh out loud' moment: When Luke was going under, and they anethesiologist was giving him more medication, Luke was flirting with Epiphany, calling her georgeous and telling her they could go back to his place and spin 33's.

Poll: How many are old enough to know what a 33 is? (Hint: they pre-date 45's)

Edited by remos
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remos!!! If you can't spin it, it was bad! I didn't like today either, other than that one scene. What a rip off. :angry: Oh, and if THAT was the vow renewal thing we're supposed to get? Gah, gah, gah...

I've decided that Luke needs to get an eye full of Tracy/Scott in hell...Lots and lots of Tracy/Scott being all cute, with their hands around each other with lots of kissing and happiness...And then when he gets out of surgery, I want him to see Tracy/Scott being civil to one another, and I want it to scare the !@#$ out of him...

Off to write my Monica/Tracy/Dillon story, maybe...or fill out some important forms...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Wow... well.... glad you think so highly of me. If every there was a cry for an "additonal scene" today was it.

Give me 20 minutes, and there will be some ideas in your email, Ms. Q.

(Did you know, I used to write sermons on my way to preach some Sundays. Guess that was a skill I needed back then, than helps me process this type of crap right now. My kids can wait for supper..... this is important!)

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Darn we jinxed it Remos (well I jinxed it with the laura mentions). Maybe his scene with TQ in the beginning was in lieu of the one right before surgery cause she couldn't take it...

I hate luke's whole family but tracy! Stinking Lulu--she better support Tracy tomorrow. Tracy has bent over backwards trying to be good to lulu. I wish for once his family would see how much he loves her.

I think they did today the way they did to nod to history to not tick off the LnL fans and to have RC have her last hurrah scene with TG before she rides off into the sunset in January (don't let the door hit ya on the way out skye!). I haven't watched yet, but was receving text message updates from TL and live updates via the chatroom from staci while I was watching a 1991 episode doing my little descriptions!

BTW Stace--my kids were the last ones waiting for carpool today pretty much---I couldn't leave til I hear the last segment updates!!!

Gotta run to pick up another kid now. Will watch when I get home. Chat with you guys tonight for sure!!

BSG--where were you watching live??? Home sick today? Hope not!

Deb--Where are you? Hope all is well!

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Posted in it stace! Good job starting that. Still haven't had time to watch yet. Gotta edit a literary analysis paper on the outsiders for my son, help him study for a science test, make dinner and then I can watch (oh yah...do hanukkah--last night tonight---THANK GOD!!!!) Hate this holiday!


Gonna puke when you watch this (looks like tracy in the background with her back facing luke, but WTF is skye the one he opens his eyes to????? Hate this show!

12/12 recap - 12/13 previews


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I already gave my 2 cents over at SOC but I will say it again. The way Tracy was standing all by herself looking out the window made me sad. I wanted so badly to give Tracy a hug. The whole Spencer clan sitting there being supportive of one another while Tracy looked on, was not making me happy. Even Skye was there although I don't know why, she was only his girlfriend for like a year and that ended over two years ago. :angry:

On a smalll happier note......Luke telling Tracy of his plans for a second honeymoon or a trip to a casino, I thought were very sweet and him telling her "see i'm making plans, i'm not going anywhere" were great.

Anyhoo, here are today's clips. I hope you all enjoy them!


Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.

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hooked!!! Why are you bringing that over?! :P

And I don't get it. Who let her in there?! This is coming from the used to be #1 fan Skye/Luke fan too!!!

Ohh, that's it, I am shipping Tracy/Scott for the time being. Bring on their

Bring. It. On.

And Trace? Forget Luke this Christmas and spend it with Ned and Dillon. Luke has a whole room of people supporting him...Let them deal with him and his attitude. You are too good to him!!!

I am tempted to bring this out again...


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Wow Remos! Damn you're good! That was great!!! If only...if only...we could get something a tiny bit as good as that on the real show!

Love it. So glad you are a writing machine these days!

Now you gotta write the missing scene of Tracy talking to Luke right before the surgery!!!

Seems like they really won't be on Thursday and Friday this week...or Monday and Tuesday next week. Boo hoo!

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