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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Happy Monday Everybody!

There are exactly 15 shopping days left until Christmas, and I haven't even started my shopping!!

Here are today's clips:



Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.

I added both of Lukes scenes with Sonny and Lucky because it seemed to make the story complete. So just know thats its not just all Lacy.

Hooked, I'm with you! The spoilers seem very confusing. How can Luke be having his surgery tomorrow, going to Hell on Wednesday and then not be on again till Christmas?!?!? I don't get it! ;)

Remos and Ms.Q, thanks for the recaps!!

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Nex, amazing, as always.

Thanks muchly


Normal I find SZ incredibly foul and distasteful, but every now and again, a poster puts up something enlightened:

I loved Luke and __________ - Fill in the blank.

Luke and Lucky were great! I’m really not a Lucky fan and GV isn’t my type so I don’t normally get the, “Man, he’s hot response.” But today, being his father’s son, with the little bit of scruff and the dimples, Lucky was seriously hot!

Luke and Tracy – OMG Jane Elliot is gorgeous and the subtly she brings gets me every time. There are no over the top dramatic scenes just consistent amazing emotions every time.

Luke and Sonny – Once again, not really a Sonny fan but great scene and the way Sonny shook his hand at the end, loved it!

Edited by remos
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On the way out the door to my art party gift exchange...quickly...LOVED TODAY!


Tracy giving Luke the business telling him to grow the F up! Telling him she was furious about him not putting her or his kids above his own bull*&(

Tracy feeling secure enough in her marriage to tell him to do it for her; that he makes her life worth living and that she doesn't know what she would do without him (that is huge for TQ to admit) and to be saying it in a nondesperate way like with Paul, etc.

Loved Tracy listening in with sonny and how she delivered the line about sometimes you have to eavesdrop to hear the truth

Loved her rubbing his hand and his leg and saying "tell me" about what lucky said

Loved how she got pissed and stormed out

Loved how luke was asking sonny if he saw his "wife"

Loved how sonny said Tracy was right

Loved how luke said "he was not anxious to send her off on the unsuspecting world as a merry widow!

With that I am outta here...be on tonight for sure...I gotta talk some tracy dish! :)

Nex--You are my hero!!! Thanks for the amazinfly fast job on clips. BTW Tracy and Luke are on next wed. and friday that we know of together. Tracy could be on without LUke though still...we dont' know...

THere was the spoiler about alan comforting her.

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Okay, 'cause I'm bored and don't want to deal with the mountain of laundry that awaits me, I've been looking at the appearance list for the next two days. I think Luke's Heaven/Hell dream is only Wednesday. Perhaps he sees the first light tomorrow and technically 'dies', but the names suggest everything is Wednesday.


Luke & Monica

Luke & Monica

Luke & Monica

Monica, Epiphany, Nadine & Regina (taking Luke to surgery)

Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley & Skye

Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Logan & Skye


Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica & Skye (Monica tells Tracy et al about her screw-up on the table)

Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (dream)

Luke, Skye & Scott

Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (dream)

Luke, Skye & Scott

Lucky, Bobbie, Lesley, Scott, Monica, Lulu, Logan & Skye (dream)

Luke, Skye, Leo, Epiphany, Nadine, Andy & Regina (find out he's alive, that Leo was able to save him)

This would make sense, given that we aren't supposed to see LuNacy on our screens again until next Wednesday. They have to have their happy conclusion end of show this Wednesday.

I just hope they let JE loose to run the emotional gauntlet.

Edited by remos
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I'm not supposed to be here...

remos, so do you think the Luke/Skye/Tracy/Scott scenes are not part of the dream? Maybe Luke's shown on the table and then outside Skye/Tracy/Scott are waiting?

A kind of cute LuNacy related story: My mom was in the breakroom today (a REAL breakroom - haha) at work, and LuNacy were on. She said it got all quiet, and everyone was watching them, including my mom, 'cause they were being so sweet with the nice, soft background music was playing and then all of a sudden, Tracy started screaming, "Why do I even bother?!" And everyone was like, "Wait, what just happened?" I actually wondered that too, except it was because I had missed it the first time 'cause my dad entered. Just thought I'd share. :)

Off to discuss my principles and beliefs as an educator...Yes, I'm STILL not done. This is turning into a 12 hour ordeal, it seems...

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Thanks, Nex!

I loved the hand-touching today...

Dialogue was v. good. Among the highlights:

  • "I want you to tell me what you're planning, so I can decide if I want to take the ride."
  • "I get that you are the last of the great 60s rebels.. let me remind you that most of the people who raised their freak flag high never lived to tell the tale."
  • "You are the strongest person I know."
  • "You're letting death take you. It's so cowardly. Who are you?"
  • "I love my life for a first time in a long, long time. I'm not anxious to give that up."
  • "I'm not anxious to set you free on an unsuspecting world as the Merry Widow." (hahaha)
  • "You have beaten the odds that have flattened other men and you have done it with strength and will and courage, and I need you to harness those and focus on survival. AND I WANT YOU TO DO IT FOR ME BECAUSE YOU MAKE MY LIFE WORTH LIVING, AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO WITHOUT YOU. (wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lainey started to bawl here)

Here's the thing: Good dialogue, but lousy editing. Episode seemed disjointed (There should have been another Luke/Tracy scene after Tracy kicked Sonny out of the room... but the next thing we got was Luke/Lucky).

(So it was lousy editing or the writers were on crack... or maybe this is one of the "left over" scripts that still needed work, but didn't get it before the writer's walked off the job. Ha!)

We all know that Luke is not going "gentle into that good night."

So the question is, are we going to get some juicy scenes from Tracy where she rages "against the dying of the light?!?!?!"

We better!!! I think Luke's hell dream is going to be funny, but I'm dying for some Tracy raging. Come on TIIC... it's much needed!

Good Luck, Staci. You're awesome!!!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I have returned. I'm telling you all. I'm too young for all this stress. I should be so nuts over submitting an online application. I am freaking out I messed it up. Of course, this is the same girl who proofreads important emails and reads them to herself about 10 times to make sure it's all good, and the same girl who sometimes writes out what she plans to say ahead of time if she's expecting to get voice mail. Oy. Oh, there's also supposed to be a HUGE ice storm tonight/tomorrow morning. I am going to have leave extra earlier than I normally would and also be extra careful...Too young, I tell you!!! Too young for this much paranoia and perfectionism in my life!!! :huh::o:ph34r::blink:

In happier news, nex, thank you for the clips!

So, to those who were watching...Remember the 15 million dollar dialogue? The exchange that kept being repeated one way or another? I think that dialogue has competition. "I want to live, but I want to live MY way." Yes, Luke, we get it. And we understand it. But, please, give. it. up.

Lainey, since the scene insider gave out the scene counts and who's with who, I think what we saw was the original script...'cause the scene insider got it all right...Unless he/she had access to the edited/disjointed bits...Am I making sense??

EDIT: Did they reuse Lila's death music today with the LuNacy? Sounded like the same piece they used with Justus/Tracy when she found out. I'm sure they've used it other times as well...I'm thinking something with Sonny/Michael...I just assoc. it with Lila's death...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ugghh...got home too late last night again. Finally, no parties til Saturday night--yay!

Saw this on soapdish, but not sure if it was any type of insider or not about couples on the show for 2008:



LuLu/Johnny (Maybe Logan and/or Maxie too)




Skate and Sarah Brown's new character.

Hope it is true!

Looking forward to the "dream" today. I hope Tracy gets to have some fun in with the comedic part of the dream, coupled with some good drama at thinking Luke is dead.

Ms. Q--Good luck today! We will be keeping our fingers crossed for you! :)

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12 hours.... I got 12 hours in bed, and 10 1/2 of them were actually sleeping. My body doesn't know what to do with itself.

Also saw on SD that the Insider confirmed LuNacy for NYE. So that's 3 out of 3.

One of the annon. posters mentioned (or perhaps it was here, I'm still fuzzy this morning) that the Christmas Eve and NYE episodes usually indicate the storylines that are going forward. Here's hoping!

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In the IL Remos?

So was just in the shower and it dawned on me...you know what is so awesome about this heart attack storyline and the whole hospital/surgery stuff that is getting a bit repetitive, etc. THE FACT THAT NOBODY HAS EVEN REMOTELY MENTIONED EWCBO!!! I love the fact that his kids haven't brought that up to him about why he needs to live, to be there for "mom". Not one single person has mentioned that to him. And Luke hasn't mentioned it or verbalized that he wouldn't be around to protect laura from scott or anyone else. I love that they are really seeming to move ahead and not be bringing her into the mix anymore. I love she isn't going to be in the heaven or hell dream too. I think they are finally focusing on the future (and so much of luke's dialogue during the ball was expressing that as well...that he has been chained to the past and is now ready for his future, etc.

I really can't see all this lunacy build up to be destroyed so fast. I think they will move ahead in 2008, although maybe with some conflict, unless TG walks. I dont think he will walk...he will want an exit storyline that is fitting for the legacy character.

I gotta run....chat with you guys later.

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My kids are wondering why I'm laughing, Hooked. I'm loving the lack of EWCBO as well. And when he says 'my wife', no one is confused. Love it!!!

It's also bringing out the vets in droves.

As for TG and exit storyline, I think that's a lot of idle speculation. You're right, when he goes, it won't be quickly. We will have a long, long time to prepare for it. It just will be too deep a cut into the canvas and history to have him gone. I think the chatter will just get louder and more plaintive until he signs his next big contract, with the usual calls for you-know-who to return.

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Interview went well, everyone. Thanks for the good luck wishes.

Very much looking forward to Tracy today, but I might not be able to watch live. I have to "practice" driving on the expressway since I have to do that tomorrow and haven't done in 7 years!!! Oh this might be bad, LOL.

Yes, totally loving all the vets. Bobbie, Monica, Tracy, Luke. Soon, there will be some funny scenes with Scott. Should be great.

Oh, I wanted to mention this the other day, but with the order of scoops in the IL, it almost sounds like LuNacy get it on during NYE...


Are Luke/Tracy together for NYE?

Yes in the hospital.

Can you tell us what they're doing? More sex?

It's implied by him lowering her to the bed in the montage. That's all. They could fall asleep.

The "they're" however, refers to Liz/Jason from a previous post...

Hmm, what else can I say or bring over?!

From TWoP: ...Kate and Tracy's hair could bring about world peace. (Binks)

Also from there: ...OMG, LOVE Tracy! She said exactly what I've been thinking with regards to Luke's attitude, but oh-so-much more brilliantly. "It's so COWARDLY! Who are you?!?" (Bourgeois Nerd)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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