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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ I think they mean his "acting" on the show. I know SD isn't the only board to take notice. TWoP are calling them "ham attacks." I've never seen anyone suffer a heart attack before my eyes, so I can't accurately comment on TG's as Luke. However, his do seem fake to me...

Here's the little gift (that Lainey hopefully likes): http://www.sendspace.com/file/1tr40d

OT, but I hate waiting. :(

EDIT: Oh. My. God. Promo of Luke's version of hell is up. :lol:



* Hooked, you called it

, right?

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OMG, that is too funny. And you're right about who's kissing Scott. Wow, wonder how they are going to juxtaposition this. Tracy having her dramatic fit (rightly so) at Monica and everyone for not listening to her, and "killing" her husband, and Luke verious of heaven/hell. Next week looks REALLY good. :D


Loved this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are SO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by remos
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I never thought you'd do it!

It made me SMILE BIG!!!!! :D :D :D :D You ROCK MY WORLD, MS. Q!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!

(Check it out people. She clipped together the best of Lunacy Smut Talk and put it together at the top and the bottom of the video. SOOOOOOO CREATIVE!!! LOVE IT!)

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Okay, I am about to hurl....

Anyone else see this?

Comments continue about how gracious, how thoughtful, how classy.... How manipulative!

Ya know, when I used to work as a Foster Parent, we had to deal with this type of passive aggressive behaviour constantly. It was always aimed at getting sympathy and playing people. And it usually worked unless the people involved knew better. Then the b**ch came out. There is something seriously off with this individual.

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That was weird. I agree, Remos. Why the heck is she apologizing?! She doesn't owe anyone an explanation! She wanted to spend time with her family. Period. There is nothing wrong with that reason, and if she is second-guessing it, than I sorta lose some respect for her. She is basically saying that she will be easily manipulated by the fans. Tell them to shut-up, get over it, she has a life, too, and it was her own reasonable choice to leave. Talk about lack of self-worth to apologize that extensively for your own choice that you are completely entitled to....

And the "class act" stuff is making me equally nauseas. I don't see what is so godly about that. And the pic they chose of her makes her look so angelic. Haha!

Edited by Colette
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Watched the show today. I thought it was okay. Was happy to see our girl/LuNacy for all of what, 6 seconds total, even having had 4 or 5 scenes. What were they like a mili-second each? It's basically that same story, Luke does not want the operation and he keeps sneaking out. I'm glad that he's decided to have the operation so now we can all move on. I have to tell ya, I was not happy that Skye was his guide in this dream thing but since I saw Tracy in that promo as part of the hell he experiences, I guess it would make sense that she is not taking him on the tour. Loved Tracy's hair today and loved her interaction with Lucky.

btw, hooked thanks for the text recaps :D.

As for the ewcbo, yes, remos, i agree, she is passive agressive and not all there. And it's working because people do feel sorry for her... whatever.

Remos, Loved your story! You are such a great writer! oh, and I LOVED your latest drabble too!

Ms. Q, LOVE the cute sexy vid ;) ! I had to laugh at the end when she says "The only hands I want on me are yours", you can hear luke panting in the background. LOL. If we didn't know he was trying to catch his breath from his heart attack moments before, he sounded as though he was in the throws of passion ;). heh.

Lainey, I still haven't read your story. I am literally sitting here with one eye closed because my vision is blurred from lack of sleep. Will get to it tomorrow.

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I told you!! Skye is the guide b/c we all know she has some kind of connection to him, they wouldn't get somone he has NO involvement with, but she is the one who won't appear in his heaven/hell scenes. Tracy can't take him if she's in them!!!

Watching the vid now Stace, lovin' it!!!

Remos, don't have long enough to check out the article right now, but definately going to later. I hate all that stuff

again I ask... what is EWCBO. I asked before and all that was said was that others have asked. I don't know if I got an answer so I'm still lost

edit: so I watched the promo. I have to say, I love that they put scott and tracy together. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I liked them together when they were in the 90's. Maybe just in the beginning when they were sweet when they were alone and they actually liked each other otherwise... but I did. Plus... how long was it since Tracy had anyone and JE had any story at all and now she's making out with two guys. Albeit one is Luke's nightmare but still, JE still gets the scenes!! That also makes me think of the whole emmy thing again!! They are SOOOOOOO setting her up for something

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can anyone post the link for the drabblethon? I never saved ti so I have to keep going back to get in, but I can only get to the first page. Did someone say there was more to it? Plus I never found that bath thing, Lainey!!! That was you, wasn't it? I need to get to read the rest of these.

not that I reaally get to come on very much anymore (it's sad when three times a day isn't very much, isn't it?) but I've got a busy weekend. We still have to get our tree which is disgustingly late in the year. Then we are getting it up and decorated Sunday. Hopefully we don't get one that's too big again. We got one one year that was not too tall but too round. We have a vaulted cieling in our living room and we always get a really bit tree, but that year my dad hated us all b/c he had to take off the sliding door on the back of the house to get it inside. Oh well, my littlest sis has 2 bad knees this year from sports so we can look as long, maybe we'll only get a reasonable size tree instead of the obsurd. Then Monday I have my aunt's funeral and I have to present the sacraments with my cousin. Well, my great aunt, and her daughter is my godmother and asked me to do it with her son so that's my plan for the day. Not going to work though, so at least I have that. Oh yeah, and I have to go to the lighting of the tree at my grandmother's hospital. The cancer ward does this every year and since my great grandmother and now my great aunt died fro it, and my uncle has had it a few times, as well as my other grandfather we go every year.

Wow... I have quite the cheery, eventful weekend, don't I?

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Oy! Not feeling too great this morning...one glass too many last night at this client xmas dinner. It is funny to try to "chat" when you are not all there--ha ha.

I dragged my butt to go work out this morning and nobody else showed up for the class. I told the teacher that she was doing it just for me since I could have so stayed in bed this morning.

I can't see that article, but will try to read it this morning and post a drabble later today. Still didnt' watch Staci's video yet, but totally will later today.

Sure hope today we get lunacy...seems like they might have to explain the surgery to him or something since TQ went to go get the doctor. Maybe today is the proposal thingy? Hopeful thinking I know....

It looked like Maxie gets strangled today, so it might be all the about teens today. Kate's hair looked great yesterday. She looks so much better with her bob and not curly.

knh--the bath story by lainey is listed as a reply to some other story...it is getting long so they are not showing them all, but rather listing them as replies.

Gotta run to a lunch meeting...be back later. I guess Luke's dream is going to last for a few days maybe since JE said that it is the cliffanger...does he die? Maybe it will start on Tuesday with her yelling at monia not to operate and then take all week? 4 days next week? Could it be....

Where was the promo again? youtube with her kissing scott? JE is getting some action as of late in the kissing department!

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