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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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HELLO??? Where is everyone today? I am sorry to post three times in a row...but gotta bump up the thread ya know! :)

Hope everyone is having a good day.

I am mailing some snail mail lunacy letters to GH out today. I am sure it is a drop in the bucket compared to what others get, but I read on soapdish that NLG gets the highest fan mail of anyone because her fans are fierce and loyal.

Hoping for a good day today!

OMG I just rewatched tracy's reaction, etc to lila's death and the memorial and her scenes with alan in "we had the best mother in the whole world." Why she did not win an emmy in 2004 is simply beyond my capacity for reason!!!


FYI--For thoes of you who were talking about it with me in the breakroom the other night...I did check with Jen Bingely and the luke/tracy #5 edit is finished. She hasn't added it to her site yet, but it runs from after alan's memorial to when she is arrested for helping luke escape. From 3/6 to 6/13 of 07. I told her she get on the ball with luke/tracy #6 from 6/13 to the end of the year! :)

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I watched the scenes Monica was awesome yesterday so was Tracy with Monica. I loved it can't wait for today. I'm just now getting motivated to get moving before gh and work. It stinks having to work till late evenings. Makes the day go by sooooooo slow. I hope to be on here to give a recap as its happening but my internet is going so dang slow today well that normal lol.

Edit: hooked u around for a quick chat??

Ok lol I'm going to get ready for work so I can walk out the door when its over today. I'll be back by showtime.

Edited by IluvAandM
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Yes they were awesome together Rachel. I would chat but I gotta head out to drive carpool soon and run to the craft store first.

Remos--Loved your fic! Read it this morning (even though I liked the sneak preview...loved the real thing!!). You had the voices of Robert and Luke down pat. So...now that you made the "mistake" of writing and posting...we are gonna be bugging you for more and more!!!! Great job!

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Yeah, well, figured as much....

GEEK MOMENT: Okay, you folks are just going to have to indulge me. I've started watching the service for Emily, and the theology is sound, but the liturgical colours are off. The priest (I'm guessing it's Episcopalian or Methodist, give the Quartermaines are old money, New England), should be wearing a white cassock over the white robes - the colour of Resurrection. Purple is the colour of Lent or Advent, and Advent doesn't start until next week. And it's NOT used for funerals.

Thank you for your time...


Quickly, 'cause I know you at work are wondering.... Tracy had about 2 seconds with her sons. After the service they came outside. Dillon said something about sorry for the loss, Tracy said "there's no use for greeting card sentiment". Dillon's response was "Well, how 'bout I say I love you and lets call it a day." Tracy: "Sounds good to me". Then Tracy and Dillon have a big hug. Afterwards she turns to Ned and has a big hug with him.

Edited by remos
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I have got to go now, but so far it has just been Elizabeth talking about Emily. Tracy was sitting behind Monica and Ed, and she was between Ned and Dillon. Dillon was next to Alice. They showed that row a lot through Liz's speech. No crying (yet), but Tracy looked sad. Obviously.

Oh, btw, how bad did I kill Logan Tracy and Lulu's scene yesterday?! Haha I knew I couldn't hear it.

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Luke dressed as a dr trying to walk out of the hospital but he has the start of another attack as he gets to the elevators. Scott comesout and says Nice getup. Scott wants to know if hes planning on sneaking out and if luke drops dead on the curb he'll throw one heck of a party.

Everyone sits down Monica tells Nik she already hates this funeral even though she knows its supposed to be a comfort for the living. Nik agrees he hates it also. Edward asks Monica if she was looking for someone. Edward knows she knows in her heart that this is where Jason belongs. Monica said she meant what she said. Tracy sitting between ned & Dillon. Jason in the back. Fr. Coates talks about Emilys life. Liz gets up to speak.

Nurse helps luke back in bed. Dr. Jullian lectures Luke about his former lifestyle. Jason sits in the foyer at the church and listens to Liz talk bout Emily. Liz talks to Monica and Edward directly. Monicas crying as Liz talks to her. Liz starts talking about Jason, Monica gets a very angry look on her face. She says he wasn't just emilys brother he was her hero liz talks about the muskateers talks to Nik and Lucky.

Dr. Jullian wants to know why hes in a rush to die. Luke says hes feeling really well even though when he got out of bed his heart rate was off the charts. Scott comes in and says if he wants to kill himself then they should step aside.

*WOW when the said GH will return it was the Ned one I don't think i'd seen that one LOL*

Fr. Coates resumes the podiim and the funerals over. everybody gets up to leave. Edward and Monica walk out.

Dr. Jullian says he doesn't like him advising his patient. Luke and Scott bicker about Luke kicking the bucket.

Ned asks tracy how shes holding up. She doesn't want to put another member of the family in the ground. Ned and Dillon hug Tracy. Dillon tells her that he loves her.

The Q's all talk about the reception Ned offers to cover for Monica if she wants to take off. Edward asks what they do now. ned says they need to take care of each other and see the good in each other. They talk about her. Monica is upset andsays lets go home and be gracious as its what emily would have wanted.

Luke trying to get out of bed. tracy comes in why don't you just give it up. I burried my niece and i don't want to bury you. He says the drs are gone just look at ur family and tracy doesn't appreciate it. She recounts how the funeral went. Don't You Dare be the reason I have to bare another day like today DON'T YOU DARE.

No Q's in the previews for tomorrow.

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Queen of angels is sonny's church. Isn't sonny catholic. Is it catholic that does confession? The Qs baptize their kids so is that catholic or is that everyone of the christian faith who does that? Dillon was baptized remember? Sorry for being so ignorant regarding this.

Sounds like if this was Luke's big vanishing from his room it was pretty anticlimactic...unless he tries again next week...how long can he wait for quadruple bypass surgery? I don't think they are on tomorrow or Friday. They better be on next week for a couple days besides Thursday. I mean do the darn surgery already and be on with the recovery comedy part.

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Thanks IluvAandM for the recaps!

Re: The religion. Queen of Angels is whatever denomination that GH needs it to be. I don't think the Q's are Catholic. Was it remos who said Episcopalian? As far as the innaccuary with the robes go, this is the same show that said there was a coast of Bolivia. ;)

So, I'd have to watch again, but Tracy didn't look very upset to me in the funeral scenes. Not that she would be having an emotinal breakdown over Emily's death or anything, but I just wasn't "feeling" the sadness from her during the actual memorial.

Ned/Tracy/Dillon was too short, but at least we got it!!! I thought maybe GH had forgotten that they were related (haha), but good thing they didn't. Thought her line to Ned, "I hope I die before I have to bury another one of my family members" was very sad. Hmm, what else? Sort of wished Tracy returned the ILY to Dillon. And did anyone else think for moment that there was going to be another group hug? Look at JE's hand placement. Maybe I am seeing things wrong, but I was totally expecting a repeat of the hotel fire hug.

No proposal. I'm beginning to wonder if it's going to happen (though some of the spoilers listed with it were more long term). BUT!!! JE rocked her 45 second or so LuNacy scene. ROCKED IT!!! I am so bummed we have to wait until next week to see them again. We've been so lucky recently.

Um, I didn't like Lulu today. Not that I want an all out emotional ILY scene between Tracy and Lulu like the one we got with Carly and Lulu, but the whole "You're the only one who gets me" thing? No. Just no. I think Tracy gets you too, honey.

So, who went to the Quartermaines for the reception? Seems like it was the Quartermaines (sans Tracy), Lesley, Bobbie, Mike, and the "extras." Everyone else is elsewhere. I mean, I understand if they want time alone, but it seemed kind of pointless for the Q's to arrange something if hardly anyone was going to show up.

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My guess is the proposal (if it comes and someone did confirm it didn't they stace?) will likely be right before luke finally goes into surgery. I think that would be the time he would tell her he wants to marry her again if he "makes it through this mess" or something like that. I really don't think we will get to see any type of remarriage and frankly, I don't really want to because I am sure it would be just like TIIC to botch it up and make it luke's escape for his winter break or somehow make Tracy come out looking like the fool. I really can't see Tracy really wanting to go through that again either.

Don't have too much time to watch because I have two kids over playing, my other son coming home in 10 minutes, need to help two kids study, one with a book report, then have to drive two rounds of hebrew school carpool and one kid to a haircut...all before 8:30 tonight! Hope to be online later to chat around 9ish!

Was that it for dillon adn ned?

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Yeah, sonny is catholic. Though I'm sure the church is whatever they need it to be (albeit changing the church name when they need it to be something else) I am pretty sure the Q's are catholic. I am sure all christians baptize their kids, but it is done at different times during their life. Baptists and eastern Orthdox don't do the dab of holy water thing, they dunk the whole body in the water or oil. Baptists do it later on, I want to say somewhere between 7 and 13. I know that's a gap, but it's way after infancy. Catholics do it a few weeks (maybe moonths, depending) old.

I looked up a list of infant baptizing religions (just cuz you guys got me curious now... don't now why) and the only two tht the Q's ould actually be is Roman Catholic or Presbyterian and I don't think that, so I'm sure they are catholic, in which case it all works.

as for the priest's colors: they all have a certain meaning. I don't remember wehere I heard it. I haven't been to many funerals and they were all when I was little but black and purple are acceptable colors, while white is representative of the resurrection. So all three are seen at catholic funerals.

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For some reason I don't think the Qs are Catholic. I would bet Presbyterian if it had to be one of the two...but what do I know...I only know about baby namings and bris ceremonies). Actually I am laughing right now because I am sure nobody ever thought about it on the show before or the actors for that matter...but here we are speculating! :)

Let's write a letter to SID--ha ha. Guza's response will be "um...the Qs...let me think...now who are they again? Oh yeah, the ones I keep killing off each sweeps!"

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While I don't have downloadable clips at the moment, I can provide links to You Tube, Cazigirl already has them posted. Ms.Q I agree with you that it looked like Tracy was going for a group hug but then just put her other arm around Ned, and the scene was way too short. Her scene with Luke at the end totally rocked!!! It also looked to me like Luke was taking what she said to heart since he got back into bed and had this look on his face like was listening to her.



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Part 6

Remos, I also enjoyed your story, you should write more! :D

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See, aren't you glad you have a theological geek in your midst?! Things you never thought about before.....


In fact, from what I've read JE say about spirituality, and what's been said about her, I'd guess she was Epicopalian, Methodist or Presbyterian. THAT is the question I really want to ask her.

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