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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I actually watched most of the show today (don't know why since I haven't seen the last four before it) and I cried through Monica and Edward's scenes. I liked Lacy, but.....if having Lacy means Tracy is going to act more like a Spencer than a Q, I'm done. I don't want Lacy if it means she's going to neglect her remaining family. She should have been there for her family today, at least a few minutes. I hope we get those scenes, because in the MediaNet pics it doesn't even look like Tracy is sitting with her family.

That's just wrong. :( And it makes me so sad.

And oh yeah. I still hate Skye. She sucks. Badly.

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Luke is Tracy's family!!

And he's near death.

And she loves him more than anyone in this whole, wide, big, bad world!

There is no way in the world she could have pulled herself away from him today. It would have been like ripping her heart out of her chest. What if he died (gasp!) while she was away!?!?!

I don't think Tracy is at the gravesite because she's probably with Luke (who is near death, and who she loves more than anybody in this world!).

God, I love LuNacy (Big, grownup, hot, sexy love. YUMMMMMMYYYYY).

I agree. Skye sucks badly. Very Badly. LOVED when Tracy threw her out. HAHAHAHAHA

Edit: Hooked, I'm sleepy.. but have a second for the breakroom?

Edit2: Okay.. I'm going to bed.. but first, a little add-on I forgot to mention: There was a big, giant ugly edit before she says her "widow" line today. The sound didn't match, and they went from single shot to single shot with no relation shot. Either there was something in the relation shot they couldn't use or they cut something out OR (and I sorta thought this at the time) they had her redo the line. Somebody watch again and tell me what you think. There is definitely an edit there! night night. lb.

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Your welcome everybody lol. I was watching and typing at the same time. I'll try doing that again tomorrow.

I loved the last part of this episode the best. Edward was sad but his speech was a little long winded. Monica was just awesome. I absolutely love her. IMO JE and LC are both great but they both act differentlyt so its hard for me to compare. They do great for what their both given. I love them both lol

I am just waiting for tomorrow to get here.

Anybody around for a late night chat for a few minutes??

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Hey can anyone post a link to the medianet photos when you get a chance???

Still in Dallas...leaving tomorrow and should be home by about 4ish.

Hope to catch anyone tomorrow night if you are not going out of town.

Deb--where ya been? Hope Fey is feeling better.

HOpe tomorrow is the ILY day. Oh and Dr. Julian was on Nightshift...he was a heart surgeon who saved Maxi on that show. He listens to his i=pod all the time in the hospital and is like a long-haired guitar playing rock doc! Dr, Kelly Lee slept with him on night shift along with everyone else.

Apparently there was a LC interview that she said how it broke her heart that she is not used anymore and is never in the hosptial, etc so she has divorced herself from it all and has been travelling the world. She is very vocal on her feelings of the IIC!!

Can't wait to watch all three days when I get home. The best part is..knowing we have three more days of lunacy the following week.

Lainey..Rachel..would lvoe to chat for a few...tomorrwo night for sure. I am at my inlaws and don't want to mess with it on their computer with them walking in and out of here. Will be home all thre rest of the week.

We are ordering pizza Quartermaine style for thankgiving! We had a T-day dinner at my inlaws on sunday so we are done.

Edited by hookedongh
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I didn't get the impression that Tracy was picking the Spencers over the Quartermaines. She was a worried wife focusing on her husband and not really thinking about her dead niece. Good, bad, indifferent.... point is she's waited a long time for Luke to come into her life, and she wasn't about to leave him. She will be there at the funeral, we all know that. And honestly, if the places were reversed, where do you think Monica would be - in the hospital with an ailing Alan or with Tracy while she deals with a dead/ailing Dillon. Well, we've been there and they did that (sort of). Monica was Alan, just as Tracy is with Luke. It's the right place to be. And next week we will even have Monica coming to Luke to help keep him alive - arguably for Tracy.

I'm just hoping we have a scene where Monica tells Tracy she's lost everyone close to her, and for Tracy to hang on dearly to those she has. That Monica wouldn't wish her loss and pain on anyone. Even a basic acknowledgement that Tracy, after years of being treated like the family pariah (regardless of how much she's done to protect them), still has her husband, her children, her step-children and her grand-daughter.

Oh... just thinking about the above, as a trained grief counsellor, I can tell you that Tracy would be the last person I would recommend to comfort Monica right now, BECAUSE she still has it all.

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Today's show was good. Not as good as other days, but good. I guess I am spoiled. My fave part was her head on his chest while he was sleeping and his hand on her head/through her hair, waking her up. HOT HOT!

I've never had a prob with my blood pressure before, but I think I do now... When Skye walked into the room and Luke was like all "blaze....." I thought I was going to have a stroke or a coronary of my own. Was not happy with Lukes response to Skye, or Skye's "I had to see for my self... blah blah blah" Of course I loved that Tracy kicked her out. But what I wanna know is what was the point of having her in the scene at all.

Lainey, as for the "widow" comment, I noticed the difference right away. Like perhaps that line was pasted there there, I don't know. But it was strange and noticeable.

Hooked, Hope to get to chat with you tomorrow nite.

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Argh. I was hoping for clips as SOMEBODY decided she "didn't feel like" watching GH on Soapnet last night (even though we've watched the last two days LIVE because it's finally getting good). That being admitted (I still haven't seen Tuesday's scenes), let me address the "more Spencer than Q" comment.

1. Tracy is being very Q-like: she's taking care of herself first and foremost. Period. You can't get much more stereotypically Quartermaine than to ignore the suffering of others to have tunnel vision towards your own issues.

2. Tracy has never, ever, EVER considered Emily a real Quartermaine. At best, she's that Little Orphan Girl Monica and Alan took in. On a good day, she might have had normal human remorse for a life being snuffed out. Luke in the hospital with his hearts in shreds is not a normal day.

3. Emily is already dead. Luke is not. In Tracy's mind, it's a no-brainer. The family can deal with their grief. She needs to care for her husband. She'd expect no less of Monica (although I'm sure she'd give her a hard time) or Edward or anybody else. If the position were reverse, Tracy would pitch a fit about their lack of compassion, but then again, hypocrisy is also a very Quartermaine trait.

Another thing I noticed watching the clips from Monday (oh, pay attention Ms Quartermaine and all you vid-makers out there) was the INTENSE contrast between how Tracy reacted to Luke's heart attack and how she reacted to Edward's all those years ago. Just interesting. Very interesting. Makes me even more sure, positive almost, that Tracy was either in shock or she was sure Edward was faking the heart attack (until he "died," when she snapped out of it). Just an observation. And did I miss it, or did no one notice her shirt opened completely a couple of times on Monday to reveal the white shell underneath? Completely inappropriate to notice something like that while Luke is dying, but hey, I am who I am.

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I went back to have a look ('cause the kids are actually doing their school work without complaint, and I've got time - wow). I hate to break it to you, MF, but all I saw were the flaps of her shirt collar whip around her a few time. Clevage yes, open shirt, no.

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Oh, well, now that I can buy. Tracy giving Luke a view I find quite possible (if unconsciously, considering she was scared he would die). JE getting exposed unintentionally, not so much.


(you know it's a slow day when.....)

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I completely agree. I was more moved by how hurt Jason was than how Monica reacted. Maybe its the fact that her face has little movement through all that plastic surgery, but I couldn't get into it the way I did with Edward\Skye and, of course, JE as always. No offense to IluvAandM, I know you like her!! It has just always been my opinion that she has never been a stellar actress, from watching all those past clips. When JE walks in the room, or SD and JI, it is like you are there, too. LC just doesn't seem to do it for me. Completely apart from her acting abillity, the melting face kills me. :mellow:

I noticed that, too. The shirt seemed to be getting twisted, like when it just isn't fitting right, through all the action she had to do in that scene.

About the medianet pictures, umm where is she? Everyone is there but her. Geez.

Nex, sorry about all the trouble!

Edited by Colette
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Early release days ROCK! (for students and teachers) :D

Is it sad that I am looking forward more to seeing the Q's than LuNacy today?

ILoveTracyQ, I adore LuNacy, but I want to see Tracy interacting with the Q's too. Seems like TIIC are moving her away from them. :(

Regarding media net photos, she's there, seated in one of the pictures. I believe she's with Luke at GH before the funeral, so that's why she's not in any scenes with Ned, Dillon, Monica, Edward, etc...

Off to watch!!!

So, I took too long with this post, and had to stop, so I could watch the first 2 segments of GH...Will have recaps a bit later if no one beats me to it.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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