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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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knh, here is the link to my LuNacy 2006 collection online. Unfortunately, SaveFile has this policy about deleting files after a certain period of non-use. I don't think that policy existed when I first created an account. But who knows? Anyway, I have no idea how long these links will exist, but here you go: CLICK HERE. They are labeled by dates. You used to be able to see the description as well, but SaveFile did away with that which really annoys me!!! (Well, you can see it if you click). Heads up, but 11-21-06 is not there for some reason. Maybe I never uploaded it. Or maybe it's one of those that got deleted. :angry: I'll get it for you ASAP though. And wow...That's probably a whole lot of information you don't care about. LOL.

MinervaFan, I didn't mention this earlier (:o), but I hope Fey feels better soon.

hooked, dish.boardcity.com is the link!

LuNacy are apparently in the Thanksgiving montage Wednesday.

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Thanks for the link Ms.Q!!

Nobody is answering on soapdish about whether or not they actually will renew their vows. Probably not I would guess. It would be probably too much for luke, unless something funny happened. Hey they could make his next vacation their honeymoon which she returns early from cause she has to work or has some ELQ emergency--yeah that is the way they need to segway him off this time! :)

Ok...I am already a bit bored here. Inlaws are stay up til 2am ers...which normally I could do...but not in the mood to chat with them all night. Kids are swinging from the chandeliers at their house...up playing xbox with my father in law. Michael is asleep. My dog puked on me the last 1/2 mile of our 250 mile drive here. SHe couldn't have waited for another 2 minutes to get here. OY!!

Well now I can at least check soap dish and the thread. Next person who is in the breakroom post a link for me. I will try to chat...

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Here's some new scoops for the week from Carol Banks Webber at SoapZone - we knew the LuNacy ones already:

Luke clutches at his chest a second time. It’s round 2.

Robin manages to bring Luke back to the land of the living.

Luke goes through critical surgery. When he’s out, Tracy’s by his side to tend to him through Thanksgiving Day, at times a thankless task.

Robin and Patrick move on with their lives, as just friends.

Patrick checks in on Leyla before she is taken to her operation.

Nikolas asks that Lesley continue to be Spencer’s guardian for the duration.

Skye relays the terrible message about Emily to Edward.

Edward wants to kill Nikolas.

To buck up Monica, Skye brings Lila Rae for a visit.

Sonny would like nothing more than for Trevor to receive his just punishment.

Ric and Alexis mend fences, aware of each other as better than mortal enemies.

Carly, Bobbie, Jax and Mike give Michael and Morgan a normal, loving Thanksgiving Day, grateful for being alive. Carly thinks about Emily, how hard Jason and Nikolas are taking this loss, and how close she came to biting it, and feels truly thankful.

Thanksgiving is hell for the Quartermaines and Nikolas.

Maxie asks Cooper to be with her on Thanksgiving. Georgie does the same with Spinelli. It will be Georgie’s last holiday.

Scott surprises Logan with ingredients for a proper Thanksgiving meal.

Together, Scott and Logan prepare their meal for eating, while getting to know one another. Logan uses this bonding moment to not be neurotic about Lulu’s whereabouts.

Speak of the devil! Lulu arrives to express her gratitude to Logan for saving her bacon up at Wyndemere.

When Lulu goes to leave Scott and Logan alone, Scott takes the hint and goes instead, so the young ones can spend Thanksgiving together.

Lulu and Logan botch the job of finishing Thanksgiving dinner, so they order takeout. They also avoid talking about their downer of a past relationship, to focus on the positives.

November 22nd will air Luke and Laura’s re-marriage from last November. November 23rd will not air soaps at all, just football.

So many posts to catch up on! Just wanted to add that IMO the reason Scott is MIA and Logan was acting "wierd" about breaking Emily's death is that we are supposed to suspect them as the strangler. Along with Johnny & Cooper, who are also unaccunted for and in shirtsleeves.

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Greetings from Toronto.... weather is cold, kids and I are sick, Mike's gone for the week so I have to do everything, blah...blah...blah...

Only bright spot is that 3 PM is coming, and I can't wait to see what they do with the 2nd heart atack today.

BTW, I was perusing the web this morning, wondering what's new, and found a reference to a SOD article in the January 2/07 edition, where JE comments on her partnering with TG. I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have it (realizing it goes back a way, but always pleasantly surprised by the JE stuff collected by this board)?

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I'm home sick watching live. And my hubba just called in the middle of Luke and Tracy's scene. GAH! Right when Robin just left them. Shoot. I missed the rest of the episode. :( Did I miss anything good?

Edit: Oooooh, Lunacy is on the preview for tomorrow! Yipppeeeee. :D

Edited by brownstonegirl
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BSG....after Robin left finally that one NS dr who needs a haircut showed up & Epiphany. The dr started blabbing off a bunch of medical stuff that looked liek it confused himself saying it all. And epiphany started barking at Tracy and Tracy threatened to have her medical license revoked. So that about sums it up. In the previews for tomorrow Lukes in the hospital.

Hope that helps. Hope to be back around laters tonight to chat.

Btw. I hope u feel better bsg and Hooked hope ur trip gets better.

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Best warm fuzzy scene I've ever seen (even felt warm and fuzzy).... Luke suggested to Tracy that she get Ramone to work on her back, and Tracy pointedly told him the ONLY hands she wanted on her body were his, then kissed the inside of the wrist she was holding...

Lainey, you'll love this...

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Good review, Ms. Q. Much faster than I would have been able to do. Only want to add two things. In the first scene just before Tracy goes for help, she steps over him and kisses him on the forehead. Later, when the parametics enter the room, she's lying beside him with her head on his heart. It was very sweet.

Even though Epiphany was a total b**th to Tracy, she at least acknowledged that Tracy was scared. Outside of Edward and Dillon, has any other person in her life ever made her scared for their survival? I don't even think Lila made her scared. Worried, yes, but not scared.

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YOWZA!! I loved these scenes. I just melted.

As for Epiphany, I was soooo hoping Tracy would knock her on her @$$. That's what *I* wanted to do after she talked to our girl like that. I can't stand that character.

Edit: BSG, feel better! You too Remos! Geez everyone I know is sick. My whole house is sick too, me, my daugher, her non-boyfriend. EVERYONE GET WELL! Yummy LuNacy is chicken soup for the body and soul B)

Deb, Hope Feyis doing better.

Ms. Q, Thanks for the recaps.

Edit again: Rachel, congrats on your 100th post!! I'm 2 away from 500 myself. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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OMG... today sounds like it may be beating some of the best LuNacy scenes so far!!!! I can't wait to watch them later on. Got to love SN!!!!

Thanks to Mrs Q for the link. Huge help, I forgot you had that. I haven't checked them out yet b/c I don't have the time to download then right now, but I'll let you know if any are expired when I do it later tonight.

Talk to you all later

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