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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just saw it!

Yes, it was very repetitive. And I loved Tracy's reaction to Emily, it was perfect. I actually thought it was amazing when Luke had the heart attack. lol. I thought it looked kind of staged that she was far away and walking so slowly, but when she went down with him, I thought it was SO GOOD. It just seemed so dramatic, like the frantic TQ we never see. I kept rewinding and watching it over again because I liked it so much. Yea, I'm weird, but there was something weirdly romantic about it.

She was in the previews for tomorrow, Luke was on the floor and she was running out the door of the room screaming for help for him.

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I didn't notice Logan being any worse than usual. And my sense of JE/TG was the easy comraderie we always see. They so obviously love each other as people, and it comes through during their scenes. Just another of their overly suggestive conversations. And I love her slow smile - she had two of those today.

As for the heart attack being over the top - that comment was made about the first one as well. How do you act a heart attack? I thought it looked alright. When he went down this time, at least he wasn't throwing something away, but actually turning to Tracy for help. It was "weirdly romantic", Colette.

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Colette, despite my "problems" with the last scene, I thought it was romantic as well, but I was hesitant to mention that on the board. Wasn't sure if

would sound romantic even though

. Anyway, that's the reason I settled on the word "sweet."

Rumors are floating around that the Emmys isn't doing the prenom system anymore, which means more than 2 people from each category are allowed to submit to the panel or whoever (whereas in the past, it seemed to be a popularity contest on which 2 got the prenom and then therefore got to move on). This is good for JE should she enter herself.

hooked, I didn't have a problem with JD's delivery of Emily's death. I also expected Logan to tell LuNacy for some reason instead of Liz, Jason, or anyone else. I mean, who else would tell them? Do Liz or Jason even KNOW that LuNacy are at the ball or which room they're in?

All right. I gotta run. There are clothes in the dryer, towels in a laundry basket, bread to be cut, water to be boiled, blah, blah, blah. My dad keeps trying to get to do it all. I feel like a maid...

EDIT: My dad volunteered to boil the water for me. Yippee. The easiest of the tasks, and he does it. Of course. LOL. BTW, towels are folded! *off to do more real life things*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Watched the show. The best parts were Jane of course, hearing about Emily, and the end. Great JoB!! I liked when Luke said to her... "YOU are my escape, Tracy". The rest of the dialogue was just eh... The cabana boy/flusey thing was cute. I'm not sure if some of their dialogue was cut or just seemed all over the place. One minute Luke is saying some nice stuff and then he tells Tracy not to get sentimental on him. I was wondering if I missed something. I didn't get her asking him if what he was saying about her changing his life was death bed chatter, at any rate he didn't say whether it was or not. oh well. I LOVED the end scene although it did look a bit awkward I agree. But I LOVED it anyway. Loved that it ended with him in her arms and her screaming as they went down. Maybe she was standing far away so as not to get hit by him on accident? Then again when he first started to fall, he was falling the other way toward the table and maybe she was standing back to get some leverage. LOL. I cant believe I am analyzing this. When they show Luke in the previews, he is not wearing a shirt. I wonder it Tracy took it off him or if that is a shot of him, after Robin gets there. Guess we'll find out Monday.

As for others on other boards getting bored with Luke and Tracy lately.... I'm getting a little bored watching them be in that room myself. But I am also tired of seeing Sonny and Kate in that room, and seeing the kids in the stable. Thanks god they are getting out of that joint on Monday.

Hope to chat lata tonite.

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I just got a chance to watch on You Tube and I have to say I thought they were pretty good. Logan did do a stupid thing today, when he said "Emily Quartermaine is dead", like there is more than one Emily at that ball, but I have to ask where the heck did Scotty go, its like he disappeared?? I did like that as Luke and Tracy were falling down to the ground that she was yelling in pain too, that they didn't forget that she is just as hurt.

As for other boards getting tired of Lacy, well I think its just SoapZone because I was reading the recaps on the live thread over at SOC and everybody there liked them today. I think it just depends on the board, most at SoapZone were more unhappy because today is Luke and Laura's wedding anniversary and they are all just butt hurt.

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Yeah rude people on soapdish reaming them saying scenes like today should never happen again with Lacy. That no way is she his soul mate and it is making them gag!!! I just replied with "well that is what makes the world go round as they are the only reason I watch GH!!!"

Also, what I meant guys, was not about how Logan told Luke/Tracy today and that he was so bad and flat, but there was some quote or something that Tony Geary was stopped cold in his tracks with how bad Josh Duhon's delivery was (I think it maybe was the "Mr. Spencer are you okay" when luke was clutching his heart and on the floor shaking). Now they refer to it as he "Duhon'd it" meaning someone did something so lousy. It is was on soapdish so who knows if it is true at all.

They seem to think on that board that Luke won't be leaving til end of December/end of year cause it would be in the mags already and they are done shooting through mid december already. I like that scenario...he can leave for the month of January (remember we got TQ 8 days in a row last January and we were all freaking out!!!) and come back February for sweeps. Let me guess....we have had a train wreck, we have had a hotel fire, a hostage crisis in the metrocourt, an epidemic...what is next for Feb?? February is typically the big catastrophe crisis.

What is your guess for the next huge GH crisis????

Be on to chat around 9 central.

LadyA--where are you???? You still so sick? Friday after work is my usual time to see you online!!!

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Yay! My long lost friend is back!!! Go Trash Smut!!! But...take a break to come chat a bit tonight if you are not too tired. I will post a link in a bit!!


Anyone around for a few...It is 8:30 central time...breakroom?

Edit again...

Nobody came so I am going to come back in a few....mabye around 9pm central or so.

Edited by hookedongh
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Lainey's Thoughts about Today's LuNacy Scenes:

Overall: B

-The scenes seemed a little repetitive. I can't believe i'm typing this -- but there should have been fewer today. I think part of the problem is, TIIC still holds back on the lovey-doveyness between them two. So you can't have scenes with her cradled in his arms talking about romantic weekends and love until the ends of time... so what you "can" do sounds repetitive.

-Her face after she mentioned the cabana boy: HILARIOUS! EMMY WORTHY!!!!! OHMIGOD!!!!!!

-The "I need you:" PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

-The Floozey/Tart dicussion: equally priceless.

-The collapse at the end, followed by her scream: THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT BABY! Bring it on, JANEY. BRING IT ON!!!!!!! Only thing I would have done differently, is taken a shot of her face toward the end (you couldn't see her reaction).

I have to say, if this were the "old days" (back when I was in college), I'd be freakin' out right now. I can't imagine watching the end of today's show (I'm not just talking about Luke. I'm talking about Sonny, Carly, Jason, Liz, Nik), and not knowing who is going to live and die. I'd be going NUTS this weekend, if I didn't know (roughly) how it's going to turn out.

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First I have to ask again, since my tape broke and I have to retape the episodes, which shows was Tracy on this week? Monday, Tuesday, and today, or was she on Wednesday, too? Can anyone help with that?

About the Lacy being boring. Jane and Tony never bore me, but I adore Jane, so....even if the scenes are less than stimulating, I'm going to watch her, and I'm just so glad to see her, most of the time I don't think I give a lot of thought to being bored. I will say their story needs shaking up somehow. I think they need a temporary split, and I would prefer it happen when TG is actually on screen instead of off. I do think the story has become stagnant, and it needs a shot in the arm. Not that I'm bored by them, but I do think only the most devoted fans would NOT think they are boring if all they are doing is repeating the same conversations over and over. I'd still take TG/JE in one room for all of sweeps, than I would watch anyone else, but I can see how lesser fans would find it boring.

As far as the continual ongoing outcry about Luke and Laura vs. Lacy: I made a comment at JE online (yes, I posted there once today) about it. I support people being upset that this was LnL's anniversary and they got nothing (although I do think the "dancing at Wyndam's WILL happen, maybe Monday). But my problem is that in my personal experience, so many people in that fanbase aren't going to be happy with Luke with anyone else, and all they want to do is whine that Genie isn't here, so I give that no merit and no foothold and no attention, really. I just find constant whining overly annoying, especially over an actress/character who has been quoted in the press as saying she's done with soaps. (Not that I buy that, but.....) Why bother, when those people are never respectful of Tracy or Lacy? They never will be. So I can read their comments and let it get to me, or I can do what that kind of behavior merits, and I can just ignore their whining. And if that sounds harsh I guess I'm just harsh. It just gets old hearing the bashing of Lacy from LnL fans....and they never say anything new. Maybe if some of those people were just once respectful of my couple, I could work up sympathy for them. But they rarely are respectful of Lacy, so why bother? I do feel bad for posters like Smirks and Tracey at JE online, but that's mainly because like I said, they either love Tracy or are respectful of her.

I do think all the complaining is a good sign Lacy have something together and are doing something right, because Skuke NEVER got this kind of reception. It may be Sunday night before I get to watch today's show, but I'm so glad I have this safe place to gush about our girl. It's so peaceful here, and some other places are such warzones......I need another break. LOL

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Nex, you rule at life. :D Just floved those scenes, and the tone of Tracy's voice when she was catching Luke...oh, man. They play it cool all they want, but when the chips are down...man, oh man. We've been waiting for this payoff for over two years. They really love each other, ya'll... LeSigh.

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