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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I have a question about the clips that were posted in the "email thread" - Is the picture not showing up for anyone else? I'm just getting audio. Here is the link again: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DIJT5WE2

hooked, thanks for the DAYS clip. Loved the pen in the mouth. And wow. She's so evil. Haha. But it is SO HARD to watch them and not think "Tracy and Ned." Eww.

About the Episode Counts: Thanks. Didn't have that one in my collection. I am definitely slacking. :(

BTW, saw the HUGE pics at HellaGood. Definitely looks like a different room.

On the topic of spoilers:

Addie, so glad you joined us last night. I echo was hooked said. It's always nice when someone new comes aboard. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hooked, I know! I will definately try to be around tonight. I saw that like 6 different people were on the board last night, but it was 11:30pm for me. TG was kinda lame with his delivery yesterday. If he wants that emmy, then he'd better act pretty spiffy with JE next week! Thanks for the heads-up on the pics. Those are definately TG's feet. That would explain why she looks so horrible in the picture.

Ms.Q, I like your spoiler idea. That would work for me! I can't wait until it happens.

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Actualy, I would like your scenario I think better Stace---cause Luke will undoubtably have the heart attack near the end of Friday the 9th right? And...they say he is NOT with Tracy right away cause Logan and scott drag him to a bedroom where Em works on him. So that would mean that he has to open his heart to tracy before the heart attack most likely...which would be really nice because that would mean he wasn't on his death bed making some love confession to her. I would rather it be before he thinks he might be dying. Cause really...who only wants to be told that they are loved by someone just cause they think they are dying???

From soapdish insider lounge today...

By the way, they mentioned the trickle down effect of the paternity reveal on the 12th and 13th of Nov. and said that Luke/Tracy/Nik/Carly all don't know yet...meaning they will have reactions to it.

Not really tracy related, but hmmm scotty involved with lucky? About who else??? LULU!!!

Time to go write my instruction manual for the kids this week, and then go pack. SO excited for cold weather...It is 84 here today.

Adam scored the most awesome goal ever in his soccer tournament today--woo woo!!!


From soapdish...not bothering with the spoiler as we already know but I like how this one sounds....

Fri - Luke tells Tracy how he really feels.

All I'm saying is there better be an ILY involved in this and some other gushy stuff. Luke isn't gushy, but he better cough some up for her!!

Edit again

Be onilne around 9 tonight if anyone is around (central time)

Also, just found out that LadyA's grandmother passed away this week and she has been away all week.

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I like my scenario too - Haha! But whatever happens, I also want an ILY, and I want Tracy on for more than November 9th next week. She needs to be on before that. She BETTER be on before that. Am I sounding too greedy? :P

From SoapDish:


New Spoiler from SID (could have been assumed):

It's after that when he goes find AZ and

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ok, here goes... and I'm doing this based on the length of the response not the order you have them in, sorry for the confusion

A) I'm sure it's not that bad with your students. I'm mean, I'm sure it DEFINATELY feels that way, but to be honest, in my school most of the people were crazy about the language teachers, especially one spanish teacher I had. I think she knew it for the most part, but she had been at it for a while and could read everyone really well. But I'm sure they all love you and the class, it's just a pain in the ass to them b/c it's still a class!! Just trying to spin it a little... how'd I do, ok?

B)Woohoo about Oh Baby, but like I said before, I am still of the belief that it should never end. I know it has too, but I would like very much to have it keep going anyway, for my own selfing reading needs.

C) Yeah, I had that too with the kids. I have one little girl, a new girl names Zoe. She's the most beautiful little girl I've seen (that I'm not related to of course!) and she's 4. Her mom came in last week to drop her off and she ran over to say hi and give me a hug. The mom said "Oh wait, your Ms. Kristin? My God, Zoe won't shut up about you." I've had that from a lot of the parents, but then again, my kids are little so as long as you aren't really mean to them they like you. It's just funny b/c no matter what the truth is, if you ask who their favorite is they will usually say it is you, with the exception of the really honest kids. One girl, Olivia, the other day asked me if I could come over her house and play with her and we can watch movies and go on her trampoline and have her Halloween candy. Her main teacher (yup, she's not even in my group) asked if she could come to see what she said. The gilr put her head under her collar to hide her face, laughed at her and shook her head. Poor miss lori, they can't stand her. I really do feel bad, but oh well.

Sorry, that went on longer than it should have. I got a little distracted from my main reason for coming here by what I was talking about.

D)As for Alfred, I think he could be in on it with Helena, butwhat I meant was that he was far away. One of those things where the person in hiding only faintly eard people talking or walking and didn't want to be discovered so they hide further. She's probably in some side hallway and he passes by without even noticing someone there. I think she would ordinarily yell, but I think when she doesn't know who is coming and she needs to hide (I'm assuming at this point she'll at least know the basics of what is going on) she can keep that to herself and just roll on down. Plus I think if she slips she'll probably hit her head or something and be knocked out before she is down and has a chance to scream, that and Alfred will be long gone before she is at the bottom. I don't know if all that made sense or not, but I see it all happening in my head and it works perfectly, so if t goes down like this at all I'll give you all a heads up if it was what I meant. Though lets keep in mind, it rarely ends up the way I see the scenes happening, which sucks but I've come to accept it.

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Bye you guys! I am leaving early morning til Friday night! I will be having computer withdrawls! Hope it is a good TQ week and that Friday we finally get from Luke what he should have told her long ago!

Have a good week and I will catch you guys next weekend! I will be able to check email wed. night probably if anything amazing is going on you need to share--ha ha.

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Thanks Kristin. You are right. It's still a class. You did fine. :) Good speculation on the Alfred thing. Hopefully, we'll see it all play out very soon.

Carrie, you are on the plane as I type!!! Have fun!

OT, I have to type out the answers to these student teaching seminar questions before Tuesday. Why are there so many questions?!? And why did I wait until the weekend?! I don't want to do this. :(

A very short, kind of corny TRACY VIDEO: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3me4hx

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Some spoilers from CWB at SoapZone. Nothing realy new, just a little more detailed.

( Tracy walks in on the dangerous premises but takes a tumble down a flight of stairs.

Luke takes care of Tracy, while a storm rages outside. They’re not alone, though, because they’re trapped with Scott. Strange, compelling bedfellows.

Luke says wonderful, honest, loving things to Tracy, things he wouldn’t normally say under any other circumstance.

Next week:

… Luke and Anthony Zacchara meet up in one room. But before things can get truly hairy, Luke goes down – but not at Zacchara’s hands… )

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He should be able to say those types to things to her in ANY circumstace, but I'll take what I can get and be happy about it! :)

Cahhhhhhrie's in Nu Yawk!!!! She texted me several times already :). She will be by me tomorrow nite for sure, maybe tonite too.

BSG, Can't wait for tomorrow nite!! I have to pic up the tix for Tuesday nite, after school tomorrow. :)

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While I was planning for next week and answering these questions for the student teaching seminar, it came to my mind that

. Strange, I know. I was supposed to be so focused on my work, but somehow I end up thinking about


But think about it:

but it's just speculation. What do you all think?

About the SZ spoilers: Those details are just her take on the spoilers that have been spilled already, aren't they? I like the way she words things because it's interesting, but at the same time, it's not always how it plays out.

TL, BSG, IluvAandM, and Addie, do any of you plan to be in the breakroom tonight? :)

EDIT: Per recaps of the "Scrubs" event, Jason Thompson would like to work with Jane Elliot.

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Ha, ha. I totally agree with you, TL. (as always). But I'll take what I can get. :)

YAY! YAY! YAY! I've got the oven on for some baking tonight. ;)

I'll try to drop by. I have some baking to do for TL and hooked. :lol: and unfortunately I also have some work to do. :(

Addie: Welcome to the Lovefest! I'm so glad you dropped by! I'm a huge fan of your classic GH clips on youtube. Thanks for sharing them with us!

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Hey guys, I know this doesn't have anything to do with anything but I am looking for another to read my "book" (short for a book, but still) if they have the time and are willing. Carrie has been doing it for me, but I know she is pretty busy plus I need seconds opinions if I can get any.

Please let me know if any of you have time to help me out. (MF, Mrs Q, anyone really but I know they are always looking for stories. This is not a Tracy related story... though she is totally played by JE in the movie in my head)

PS, Hooked, I think I am pretty close to done!! Though I do keep cming up with more and more to add, but I think I've got another month or so and I am good to go! I know you're not around but if you check in I thought I'd let you know. Oh yeah, and I finally am on to comment on your last story. I loved it. It was fantastic the wholew ay through but you really killed it (I mean that in the good sense though I'm sure that doesn't come across when it's not actually being said instead of typed) when she started thinking about what it is to be TRacy Quartermaine and how she wants to be Tracy Spencer. Fabu... wait for it... lous!!!!!

edit: waves to Mrs Q

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