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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, from the thumb to pinky: thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky. I think the ring finger is also the third finger, but I'm not sure. I forgot to mention that in my email.

Rest of World, Lainey wrote the bestest LuNacy angst in the history of all LuNacy angst, and I got a sneak preview this morning. It's so good, and I'm just....wibbly with the juicy goodness of it all! She needs to fix the finger thing in the first paragraph, and post it.

Try as I might, I just can't imagine what TIIC have in store for LuNacy will be as good as the fanfic we're going to get (she says proudly of the Ficathon crew), although Jane and Tony will rock it fer sure.

All that stuff is supposed to start today, right? Okay. Trying to figure out how I'm going to shove watching GH into my life for a couple of weeks.... (You guys do realize that this forum is pretty much all I have left of GH in my life? With the exception of the Tracy clips I get here, I barely watch the show at all anymore.)

Edited by MinervaFan
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Lainey...hurry up and post will ya? Now that is pretty high praise coming from the fic queen Deb! Can;t wait to read it! :)

Yes the getting ready for the ball is supposed to be happening today and the main climax of the ball tomorrow for the first day of sweeps. THen it starts going backwards on Friday I think.

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Thanks, Deb!!! I read your email, and your message before I saw this on the board, and I was like, "wait, I don't know HOW to fix the finger thing." This cleared it up (and then I did a google, which I guess I could have done yesterday!).

I appreciate your feedback. You are the bestest!!!

So... here ya go.

Call it my Halloween gift. (Something like this happening on the show would be very scary for all of us LuNacy lovers.. but, hell.. it would be some amazing acting!!)

You can view "The Glint of Gold" at the Ficathon: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/

Or go directly to ff.net: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3866006/1/The_Glint_of_Gold

Ta ta todos!

It's time to go to work!

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Wow Lainey--that was awesome! Very powerful. One your very best! :)

Edit--Just noticed that was my 1000 post! In less than a year. Now that is very scary!

OMG--the most hilarious scene ever I just watched. Tracy, Monica and Lucy team up to get Harlan Barrett. They drug his drink, flirt with him, then leave him in the attic and turn him into a mummy. Too funny! Monica finally breaks him free. Then he comes down in his boxers ansd undershirt. They tell him he should never mess with the Qs....Too darn funny!

Edited by hookedongh
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Would it be rude of me to say that I don't want to get the door for the trick-or-treaters? LOL.

:ph34r: On that note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! :ph34r:

hooked, thanks for posting those edited clips! BTW, I've read about that Tracy/Monica/Lucy scene. Sounds hilarious. And congrats on 1000!

Lainey, your story? Pure awesomeness. Glad we've been seeing more fic lately.

So, per SD, Luke mentioned Tracy today. She's running late. And Ric told Skye Monica can't make it to the ball due to emergency surgery. I think it was Ric, but I don't know how he would know. Edward can't make it either. We already knew all of that, but now, it's official.

Let's hope Tracy makes it there soon!!!

Thanks everyone for the video feedback!

Sorry about your day MinervaFan. :(

EDIT: So, I'm reading about all these people dancing at the ball. This was probably LuNacy's best chance at ever sharing a dance, and Tracy's not even there yet.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hello, loves.

I saw the episode. Yup, pretty much every freaking person was dancing except Lunacy. Why? BECAUSE SHE WASN'T THERE. Luke told the boat person that his WIFE would be attending, but would be late. It was actually Alfred that said how Monica had emergency surgery and Edward couldn't make it. The boat people mentioned her at the end, though, before they went in because it was getting stormy. They said that Tracy Quartermaine and Sonny Corinthos were the only ones invited who could attend and didn't show up. Once they left, Daddy Zuchinni started hacking up the dock with some metal thing. So what I would like to know is how our girl is gonna get there?

Everyone looked really pretty. And Wyndemere looked pretty. And the only chick Luke danced with was Lulu. :D:D:D Looks like Luke is going to alert Logan of the dirt on him tomorrow.

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Hmm, Tracy and Sonny? :lol:

I really, really hope Tracy gets some screentime before the 9th! I'm sure Sonny will. Our girl? Not so sure. :(

I'm kind of sad about the non-existent LuNacy dance. Not that I expected one, and I get that she wasn't even at the ball, but still...

And there is probably more than just that one set of docks in PC. Somewhere or the other. Maybe Sonny and Tracy take Jason's speedboat. LOL. I don't really care how Tracy gets there, as long as she does. And SOON!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Darnit! How is Tracy going to get there then????? We know she is there. Maybe she and Sonny share a jet ski ride together. They better darn show them arriving tomorrow or I am going to cry. How LAME that Edwarsd and monica aren't there, but bottom line...where the heck is Tracy and how is she gonna get there. We know she is there though, so I will calm down. Watch Ms. Q--she will arrive just as luke is locking the ballroom and she will be locked out and has to stay in the libray with logan.

Why was she running late anyway???? Inquiring minds want to know---Oh I know...she was trying to find a last minute alterations place to fix her stupid, ill-fitting shirt! Ha ha!


There was a follow up scene to the one I was talking about earlier with Tracy at Kelly's having coffee with Lucy and giggling together telling her how harlan came down in his boxer shorts in the middle of the living room, etc. Ruby was like "I never thought I would see the two of you laughing together. Tracy is like yeah well neither did we...then she gets up to leave and is like "she will take care of the check". Too funny!

Edit again

Lainey/Deb you have inspired me...I have a fic brewing in my head right now...gotta write...maybe in between trick or treaters tonight! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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Back from my trip and I see I have at least ten pages to read up on. I scanned as much as I could this morning before going through my emails and the tons of papers on my desk.

Can anybody tell me what days Tracy was on while I was gone so I can download them???

I did get a chance to download and watch your vids Ms.Q and they were both great! I have to ask, did you get a new version of Windows Media Maker? I noticed that you used some applications that I know I don't have on mine WMM??

MinervaFan and Lainey, I read both of your stories and I loved them both!

Gotta go back to work!!! :( :(

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Hanging out in here, waiting for trick-or-treaters. My mom called me the wicked witch 'cause I get so mad when kids come. Like, "UGH. I HAVE TO GET UP AGAIN?!" This was much more fun when I was younger.

hooked, Guza lies. And if he's not,

In the words of Dillon Quartermaine, "Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt."

And you better be kidding about having to be locked in the library with Logan!!! She's locked with someone else too! Someone's feet. We thought Luke, but SoapDish is saying Jerry, it seems. Wherever she is, I don't care, as long as she gets onscreen soon! PLEASE, GH!!! You already messed this up by not having Monica and Edward attend, but if you wait until late next week to show Tracy, I will not be a happy fan.

That all said, I am getting ahead of myself. I think we probably we need to relax. Sonny wasn't there yet, and we know he gets there (soon). Why shouldn't Tracy? She has her resources.

nex, welcome back! The first week you were gone, she was on Wednesday; edited clips were posted (will have to find them). The second week, she was on Monday for just 2 scenes (2 good scenes though). And no, I have the same WMM. I just added some effects to the program that smirks and others posted at GHVT. I actually got the effects a long time ago, like Christmas time (effects like Foggy Edges, Glossy)... Not sure of the exact thread, but how to go about doing adding these should still be there.

Finally, in the spirit of HALLOWEEN, those who were not around last year, I made these: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q..._Halloween2.jpg

I didn't make any new ones this year though. :(

EDIT: So, I'm sitting in here, waiting for trick-or-treaters, who can see me from the door. This one kid screams: TRICK OR TREAT WAKE UP!!! I should've been like, "Excuse me? If you want candy, you're going to have be nicer than that." (or something) Too teacher-y? Haha. I almost said, "Hola" and "De nada" too.

Hmm, what else? Oh, this one girl said to me, "You must be a witch." I am in black, but still...I have no hat!!! Do I look that wicked?

And the best one...I bend down to get the candy, right outside the door, and when I stand up to give the kids the candy, this boy says, "I thought you were a dog or something." Oy.

And now, these kids showed up singing, "Jingle Bells, Batman smells..." and are debating if Christmas or Halloween is the better holiday. This is almost kind of amusing me. :lol:

Sorry for all the off topic-ness.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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