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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Back!! Glad you guys missed me! :) Had a great trip, but am tired! It was nice to get away with just one kid (and we took the good one--ha ha). Did laundry, unpacked and helped with some homework. Now i wanna collapse!

Emily rumor: I keep reading that she is going to die, and the body appears to be emily and Nik the killer, but things aren't always what them seem. So I am sure she is not dying really.

I think maybe NLG was just not joking with JE cause maybe they were in different scenes. I heard RC is hardly on at all during sweeps. I am guessing Luke's heart attack will be during sweeps too! JE has to be involved with that. Heard they are wearing the same outfits all fo sweeps like last time (hope tracy's doesn't involve fur!!!) Ha ha.

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Hi, gang! Just me popping up to say I'm still alive. Weekend was very busy, and I'm back to work this morning. Took a nasty yesterday involving concrete, gravity, and a big ass pumpkin. You know, they say it's always more dangerous around the holidays.... I'm not damaged, just bumped up and aching.

Not liking the rumors about

Yeah, yeah, I know. It dangles the tantalizing spectre of more Tracy scenes in front of us, but you know it'll be all about the mob war with Sonny, and Lulu's trouble finding a date to the Spring Fling.

Not that I'm cynical or anything....

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GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome last night. It was scary though--such a close game for a long time. Thank goodness for that 6 run 8th inning. Whew. I'm glad the series doesn't start until Wednesday, I need a few days rest!

I remember a couple CT tornadoes when I was a kid. It was so eery because we got them so rarely. I remember one when I was really little that took down a tree in my great aunt's yard. When I was in Oklahoma on business earlier this year, they were under a tornado warning like the entire time I was there. Of course, I was freaked out and everyone else was like, "Oh, this is nothing."

welcome back, hooked!

Love the new banner, TL! :D

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BSG/Colette--happy for you guys the Sox won!! Good luck with the apt. BSG! That is really exciting! Luke's health thing is supposed to happen at the ball. Hope that means we get some tracy scenes there. Hope our girl is on this week. She is still supposed to cut a deal with logan. If that spoiler was true.

Today was crazy hair day at school for red ribbon week. I was busy putting pony tail holders and making little ponytails all over one's head and then spraying hot pink and green hair spray at 7am!!

Hope to catch you guys tonight...have art, so it won' be til about 9:30 central.

Sorry about your fall Deb! Hope you are feeling better soon.

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So, teacher institute days are cool in that I didn't have to be there until 7:50 (as opposed to 6:40), but not-so-cool in that I didn't get to leave 'til after 3 (as opposed to 2).

hooked and remos, welcome back.

About NLG and the others: I don't think she and TG have a bunch of scenes together either, and they (with the others) were hanging out and about behind stage. It's totally possible JE was out and about with some others, but I am assuming if TG wasn't taping, then she (JE) wasn't either.

Nothing for Tracy in spoilers this week. :(

MinervaFan, sorry about the fall. :o

This is me being pessimistic, but Tracy doesn't have to be at the ball. I mean, the Q's almost always miss out on major disasters or don't have much to do (think hurricane, train wreck, even hotel fire). And yes, it's a ball in honor of Alan, but who's to say the Q's never made it? Maybe they're on their way, but stormy conditions prevent them from getting there? Sorry. Just not feeling too positive about Tracy's role in this. She might be around for the aftermath for Luke's


BSG and Colette, congrats!!!

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Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving tomorrow afternoon for New York and will not be able to post clips, so if infact Tracy is on this week somebody else will have to do the job. :) Otherwise you will have to wait until I get back, which is on Halloween, to see the clips.

Also, about Luke's "health crisis" it occured to me that Guza is saying that while there will be drama, there will also be some black humor involved in the storyline and it makes me wonder if they are taking a que from the movie

, I only bring it up because I saw the movie twice over the weekend on TBS. You know Luke suffers from a funny heart attack, while in the hospital it would be dramatic, but him recovering at the Q's could make for some really funny scenes......just a thought!

MinervaFan, so sorry to hear about your fall.

Hooked, can you send some of that rain my way? The fires here are so bad that you can't even breathe. Believe it or not but the sky is actually red!

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I was thinking of you today Nex while I was on the elliptical machine watching CNN and the southern calif. fires. Hoping it wasn't too bad where you were. I hope you have a great trip to NYC...too bad we are just missing each other by a week there. Are you going for fun or work?

I totally agree that they will play luke's health crisis serious and we will get some good TQ scenes with Luke, and hopefully with lulu/lucky, etc. Those stupid bratty kids should thank tracy for caring about their dad so much! :) But afterwards, I think it will totally be played for laughs at the Q mansion for a while. Maybe luke will have to go somewhere to recover and that is how he will get offscreen for two months---going to dry out somewhere in rehab or something.

Okay Ms. Q--you need to be on clip duty when Nex is gone!!! Let's hope that she is on a little before sweeps which s tart on the 31st I read.

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Yeah the fires are pretty close but I guess its good that I live so close to the airport because no matter what happens, officials won't the fire reach 'John Wayne' airport.

I am going to NY to visit my family, my entire family lives there, and yeah its crazy that I will be in NYC exactly one week before you guys. :(

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I was totally sacked out on the couch after GH today. I fell asleep for about two hours. Those late-night Red Sox games are killing me! By the way,


Amazing. Thanks, Ms.Q and Hooked! Could life get much better? I got two days to catch up on my sleep then its 12:00 o'clock nights again!

bsg, If we win the series, the Yankees can't say the whole "it will take another 86 years to win" thing. SO EXCITED! And how do you feel about Torre not signing on with the Yanks again? Props to him, that was such a good move.

Nex, have a great trip. We will miss you!

MinervaFan, so sorry about the fall.

Hooked, glad you had a good time!

Remos, welcome back!

Edited by Colette
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