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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ok, I'm taking a poll.... a 'would you be insulted if" kind of thing.

I'm not looking for honest answers here. This is the only time that will happen, but I want complete fluff. I want a flowery little, sugarcoating session.

So my friends at work and I were going to go shopping after work today at 6. We are going every Fruday form now on so we cn get all our Christmas shopping done, but we have our town's homecoming game this Friday so we were going to go today. One girl wasn't working and I was covering for another one to there was only one girl that going going to be going at work today. She came outside at around 4:45 to say "hey Kris, bad news. We aren't going shopping today b/c I have to go home and watch my brothers b/c my mom's friend is having an emergency". No big deal, this kind of thing happens with her a lot, when she has to watch her brothers. I went on the computer a while ago to go on AIM and one girl's daughter's away messege says "at the mall with my mommy and her friends"....

should I be completely insulted that they either A) lied to me so I didn't go, B ) weren't going to go, decided last minute to go and didn't bother to call me, or C) actually, I don't know what option C would be, but there has to be something.

I am not usually bothered by this crap, but I'm kinda pissed right now. I guess I usually feel like the odd man out of most things, but I never have with these guys, so I'm pretty peevd now.

Edited by knh
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Ok guys, official apology to come....

To all who were in the breakroom,

Sorry for being such a killjoy. I was a serious downer and I should stay away from other people entirely when I am in that mood. I think I need to go on some kind of antidepressant lately. That or I can just have one of my little fits I haven't had in almost ten years.

My apologies again,


hopefully i'm out of this bloody foul mood and can be back to normal for tomorrow b/c I'm looking forward to a good show.

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hey lainey!!! I knew you would love that Diane scene today. Was wondering where you were tonight!!! Luke totally better tell her ILY...he hasn't said it in almost a year!!! He had the perfect opportunity today, but maybe as someone pointed out, it was too mushy for them both to say it. Maybe alan will harass her about him tomorrow and he will say something to her...

anyone else wish nik would have done the deed and slashed carly's throat today????

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:D :D :D I have today's clips!!!!! :D :D :D All 1 min and 33 seconds of it!

But I have to tell you guys that I heard this rumor over at Hella Good that Favorite-Moments.net has shut down. :( I don't know if this is true or not but if anybody still wanted yesterdays clips WITH the sound delay I can post them, but I thought I would ask first before I edit them.


Clips provided by Geena, edited by me!

Hooked, I was hoping that Nik's letter opener would slice open Carly's neck or at least cut it a little, you know just long enough to keep her in the hospital (off screen) for at least a month, or at the very least make her scream/talk a little lower.

Edited by nex4evr
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Thanks for the clips Nex!!! I would want them even with the sound delay, from the other day, but only if you have time. Don't do them just for me. I lost all of my old clips when my computer crashed, so I am trying to rebuild my LuNancy/Tracy library.

Someone on soapdish posted the most hilarious line ever...she said she thinks Leticia killed herself because she found out Carly was pregnant and she couldn't take raising another one of her bratty children! Too darn funny!!!

Oh and our girl made a spoiler on soapdish...nothing major or new, but at least it was good to see her name in a spoiler

Oh comment from yesterday: Don't the Qs live a ways away from town. Does Lulu not have a car? She just leaves and decides to walk back to kelly's or logans or jasons? Does that girl not learn a lesson not to get in a car with that nut. Luke is right...she is stupid. Oh and um Luke, you do have a son---what was his name again? Hmmmm...starts something with an L. Does lucky even know he is back in town? That he is divorcing Liz, about to lose his kids and doing Sam????

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LOVED LOVED LOVED yesterday's LuNacy! all 1 minute and 33 seconds of it!

I just melted when she put her head on his back. And she looked sooo purdy too. LOVE when they touch. :)

Loved Luke touching her hair of course. I didn't think he would say ILY back, not because he doesn't, but ya know it's not like she said straight out "ILY" and he didn't respond. She said "I love you just the way you are". But he could have touched her face or something. He'll say it to her though. You can tell he loves her, so he will tell her again soon. HE BETTER! lol

Nex, thanks for the clips!

Ms. Q, LOVE your new avatar and banner!

Hooked, LOVE your new banner too! - You think you could enlarge it a little? LOL ;)

I read in a spoiler over at SOC that Emily is the female character being killed off. I hope this is not true, though I think she is a drip, but how many more Q's do we have to lose?

All you SOCers must post on Ms. Q's LuNacy thread over there: "I Love You Just The Way You Are (Tracy to Luke)" http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=297020

Just 19 more days 'til I see bsg and hooked :). Can I lose 10 pounds in 19 days ya think? heh

Edited by TracyLuv
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Sorry I've been MIA lately. Just real busy with life right now, and not able to do a lot with GH. I haven't seen Monday or Tuesday's clips yet--would some kind person be willing to repost any links that might exist to those clips? (Muchos gracias!)

Work is strange. The new supervisor (who traded teams with my old supervisor) just got promoted. So my old supervisor is covering our group while my new supervisor transitions into her new position. It's so stupid. We're six people without a supervisor, piggy-backed onto other teams and basically ignored like the red-headed stepchildren we are. Whatevah. At least my one-on-one next week is with my old supervisor, which makes me smile.

So. Did anyone read the spoiler about Emily? I heard in one of the LJ groups that

This could mean good Alan/Tracy scenes. Or it could just be another false rumor.

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Scene count: 3 total, which we knew courtesy of the scene insider at SoapDish.

Segments were: 1, 2, and 6. Luke appeared in 1, 2, 6, and 7 and in the previews as well.

Wardrobe: Might have been mentioned here or in the breakroom, but it's the ILY November 14th jacket; she also wore it January 2007 during the Sam/ELQ mini-story. Anyway, the jacket and the pants fit her nicely. So much better than those long, heavy looking things.

Hair: I love how shiny and silky it's been looking. Wasn't flat. Wasn't full of oomph, but I LOVED it.

Brief Recap: Alice/Tracy/Luke are having breakfast. Logan comes in. Wants to know where Lulu is. Later, Alan/Tracy talk about Lulu (some more Tracy/Lulu comparisons are tossed in there). Luke comes in; he knows she's talking to Alan, but Tracy quickly says he's not there and gets down to business. She tells him about the Zaccharas, what happened that night when Lulu found out the truth about Logan (she hitched hiked, found Johnny Zacchara). Tracy thinks she might be with Johnny. Luke goes to Sonny for information.

Highlights: Luke mentioned missing Tracy today; he wasn't around for a long time, so he was like "allow me" when she wanted Alice to serve her; I think he said something about making up for the time he missed. Tracy was all: If you think serving me a bloody mary is going make up for the months you've been gone...LOL.

Logan told them all that Lulu does what she wants; and Tracy goes: That's not you. :lol:

Luke called Tracy "My wife" when talking to Sonny. Aww. LOL. Not "The wife" or "Tracy" by "my wife," and it sounded so real and sincere.

Randomness: Anyone notice for the last 2 episodes Tracy has been shown drinking water? Although, in the beginning of today, she asked for a bloody mary.

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Ya beat me to the recap, Ms. Q! Just saw it.

Comments on today:

JE looked absolutely radiant in that outfit today. I like it much better than those flowy things.

I also noticed Luke referring to her as his "wife." Awww

Tracy gave Alice the most hilarious look when she was fawning over "Mr. Luke"

Unfortunately, Lucky and Liz were back on the screen, sucking up their time. *snore*

SPOILER(Soap Dish):

On the spoiler:

Nex: THANKS for the clips!!!

knh: I understand what you are talking about. I have this really close friend who is also friends with another girl I have known for a long time. She has become suddenly attached to my close friend, and though she is fine towards me, she tends to exclude everyone except for him. So when you are around them, she acts like you don't exist. I have other close female friends along with him, and they have been feeling it, too. Being a guy, my friend is a little dense in noticing it, and it makes for some very awkward times. The whole fifth wheel thing. We tend to invite him to lunch- not her. Yea, it sucks. You should definately ask what went up about those plans.

Hmm, about choice C. haha. From past experiences, possibly they wanted to save the trouble of calling and just get out there? (That would be lame of them.) Sometimes I head out with one friend to do whatever. (we tend to go as a group.) Though this is a little different... The kid could just be stupid and never took down her away message? I can do that. I plan on doing something, put the message up before I actually do it, plans change, and the message is still up. Maybe the girl that couldn't go because she had to watch her brothers had the impression that no one was going now, told you that, when in reality the rest were still going to go? And figured you couldn't.... I don't know. But I am sure that there is a good explanation. :) Let me know.

Edited by Colette
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Dear diary,

It's me again, everybody's fifth wheel....

Oh, Colette, I wish that were the case. Thanks for all of that though. What happened was friend A and I were going. Friend B (the one with the daughter) called her so we invited her and called friend C (these were all the girls we went to Vermont with. Friend A couldn't go and told me it was canceled all together. She is the one who canceled and she said she called and told them all the same thing. Didn't care much at that point. Went online later b/c i have to talk to friend B's daughter. I was going to do a pic of her kids for her for Christmas/thanks for the trip kind of thing. Her messege, which was way later on, said they were all out at the mall. I thought maybe she just never took it down, but this whole mall thing was canceled before the daughter was even home from school and she wouldn't have know about it. Plus I checked her away messege later on to see if she was around and she said they were back from the mall and she was going to bed, this was around 10. I came to work today and not one of them talked to me at all. No one even said hello. In fact, the only time any even came near me was to such the door between my room and theirs and I didn't even get a hi then. I don't know what's up, but I must have done something. Friend B has always said that people would know if she is pissed at them, well I think the cold shoulder and the glares are a good sign though I don 't know what I did to deserve them.

Clearly the mood is not gone yet. I think it's here to stay for a while, actually. I'll try not to talk to much before it goes b/c it's not going to be filled with happy little optomistic comments at all. Whatever, I'm a scorpio. I've heard that we always think people are against us. maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, thanks again for that. Have to go though, I think my sis is crying hysterically in her room so I have to go see what's going on. Oh, the drama in this house. And what's ironic is that I'm out of school and this is the first time in my life I've ever been involved with drama. Girls suck.

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There are ABC Media Net pictures of the ball the week of November 5th. I see Scott and Luke in more than a couple pictures, but no sign of Tracy (or ANY of the Quartermaines). Maybe she's in the background?

Characters pictured...


















Jason (looks like he's outside the ballroom)


That's kind of a huge portion of the cast. I REALLY, REALLY hope our girl is featured. Would be such a rip off not to have her there. And all right, maybe I'm being logical, but if the ball is in honor of ALAN QUARTERMAINE (or something like that), shouldn't you know, the QUARTERMAINES be there? Hopefully, this is just a case of "They're there, but not in the pictures." :(

EDITED to correct the list.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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