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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From SoapZone's Scoops & Spoilers:

Previews for the week of 08-Oct-2007

by Carol Banks Weber

Lulu browbeats Logan publicly at Kelly’s Diner, with Spinelli and others as witnesses.

Tracy brokers a deal with Logan. She’ll reward him financially if he’ll ease up on and befriend Scott long enough to get the goods. Then, she can use the goods against Scott to let up on fugitive Luke, paving the way back.

Scott successfully brokers a deal with Lulu, to aid his newly confirmed son Logan’s romantic happiness. Scott promises Lulu he will forgive Luke’s (latest) crimes, and then restore guardianship back to Nikolas, provided she go back to Logan.

Lulu will do anything for her parents’ happiness, but she’s also hoping to work things out with Logan anyway. So she tells Logan about her deal with Scott and her wish to try again.

Logan reels with distaste, not willing at first to be Scott’s pity project.

Lulu runs into Johnny, which then causes her to return to Logan for some closure.

As distasteful as it is to have his father (Scott) force Lulu back to him, Logan allows himself to be persuaded by Lulu that it’s also good for them, outside the deal.

Luke comes back from his summer vacation, and receives a disturbing update on his daughter’s love life. Normally he doesn’t care what Lulu does, until Scott’s name pops up.

Luke rakes Tracy over the coals for letting Logan slip through the cracks.

Tracy defends herself to Luke, considering the circumstances, hey, you were the one who split town dude!

Luke reappears on the landscape, to give Logan what-for. He stops just short of dictating his daughter’s dates. Yet, the thought of Lulu’s current flame being a chip off the ole Scott doesn’t help Logan’s case in Luke’s eyes.

Lulu turns a deaf ear to Luke, thanking him for his input, but mind his own business please.

Luke engages in an altercation with Scott, upon his return. He’s yelling at Scott for orchestrating Logan and Lulu’s hook-up via Laura.

Scott yells back at Luke, reminding him that Lulu does whatever she wants, and she chose Logan all on her own.

Luke tries to brainstorm with Tracy on a means of preventing Lulu from going near Logan anymore.

Tracy, however, informs Luke that the damage is done.

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Also from her News section:

Alan is not Port Charles’ friendly, neighborhood ghost; he is Tracy’s conscience, and as such, he may very well spread out and comfort other loved ones he left behind when he died. This baffling sneak preview, as well as two others, was provided by head writer Bob Guza Jr. in Soap Opera Digest’s October 9th issue, under “GH’s Burning Questions.” Apparently Tracy’s conscience, in the form of the deceased Alan, will take on more qualities of Alan, and then may go off searching for Jason, Emily and Monica to “haunt.”

ME: OK, now that makes a little more sense. I couldn't understand what Guza meant by Alan not being a ghost, but yet he will be haunting people. If "Alan" haunting people is really Tracy's concscience, then she has to be in all those scenes, right?

ETA: Check out the Tracy Love going on in this thread on SC!

If the link doesn't work, it's the thread about which vet would you like to see more of?


Edited by MagicHappens
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Umm...I still kind of don't get it. If it means more scenes for Tracy, then ok...I hope it's done well (ha!) but seriously, what the heck? Are they making him not a ghost because they don't want to go all Passions supernatural or because it's eventually going to be revealed that Alan isn't actually dead?

PS. If Tracy is really going to be involved in this story, she really is going to look like she's gone off her rocker if she starts seeking out Jason, Emily and Monica and being (gulp) nice to them.

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I don't think Tony Geary will go on vacation before Christmas/New Year, because he had a very long vacation in the summer (17 weeks), the whole January ( 4 weeks) and 2 weeks in the spring.

He is working/on screen for 30 weeks a year and has 22 weeks off. So he has no vacation left for 2007. Let's hope that translate into lots of Tracy air time for the rest of the year!

Edited by SeanM
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Yep. If Alan is Tracy's Conscience he doesn't exist without her. So she has to be in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE SCENES.

This is good news! Yep. Definitely good news. Yeah!

TG around for the rest of the year!!!! More good news!! Yeah!!

This was such a good weekend y'all. And I made the best dinner. It's been an all 'round relaxing, great day! Yeah.

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Greetings, all, from the sunny North. Starting out to be a great week, as the Canadian Geese fly overhead...

Turkey is almost ready for the oven; friends who are joining us for Thanksgiving had a baby girl on Saturday, so we get some baby-luv here; dollar's at par, which means I can get educations materials for the kids at the actual sticker price; got to finally see a friend of mine who is dying of cancer, and she's STILL able to give hugs - very thankful for that; and no matter how you cut it, Tracy is going to be given something interesting to do this week. Add to that the math about TG's vacations, and the dry spell may be over for awhile.

Also, in the category of appreciation, Lainey and Hooked, your latest stories were amazing (not that I expected any less).

Am I positive enough for you, Ms. Q? :P

I'm also hoping to be back in the BR more this week. I miss keeping up.

Intentions are always noble, execution a bit elusive....

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Sean, I hope you're right. I just know that last year, he had a short vacation in January and another short one in April. Then, he was gone late June to mid-September. He left again mid-late September and didn't return until late October. Then, he left AGAIN in late November and didn't return until the last day in January. :o I'm not sure how many weeks it was total. Anyone got an estimate? I bet we all wish we could have his vacation schedule. LOL.

*waves to GracieCat* Come post with us. :)

Happy Thanksgiving remos and any others from Canada who might be lurking! So sorry to hear about your friend.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thank you all for the well wishes about my friend. :)

I went to a corn maize this past weekend. For those who have never done it, as I hadn't until then, it is an experience. LOL

*sigh* I should just stick to lurking, or stick to this thread only if I'm going to post. SOC gives me a headache every.single.time.

It's a hard habit to break though but I have to say I am much happier when I'm away. :)

Although I do miss my TracyQ lovefest peeps.

Happy Thanksgiving remos and blessings and peace to your friend.

Good day everyone !

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Oh, my gawd.

I go away for a weekend, and Luke Spencer comes back into town.

I'm dreading this week. If that nimrod has the nerve to blame Tracy for all of this, I will personally rip up my all my "I Love Luke Spencer" memoribilia.

At least she'll be on screen.

I'm having a rough day, folks. The supervisor we waited 8 weeks to return from sick leave just got reassigned, effective tomorrow morning. The supervisor who was covering her during those 8 weeks (oy) was also reassigned--as our new supervisor. It's like a morgue here at work. I'm trying to stay positive. Thank goodness we got this news first thing, on a Monday morning, when I'm on my period, and they didn't pick a stressful time or anything to tell us, and my coworker wasn't crying, and we weren't all upset about it..... :angry:

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In 2006 TG had 2 weeks off in January (after Tracy faked her death) and 2 weeks in April (right before Luke & Tracy were renewing their vows). Than he was last seen on June 29th when Holly called him. Luke was gone for 9 weeks, returned for Lulu's abortion and was gone for another 3 weeks. Luke left again after November sweeps for the last 5 weeks in 2006 and the first 4 weeks in 2007.

TG was 21 weeks off screen in 2006 and 23 weeks off in 2007. I remember reading about 2 years ago that he only works 30 weeks a year. So he should be around for the rest of the year.

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remos, Glad do hear from you! Happy Thanksgiving, and I am very sorry about your friend.

bsg, and all you other Red Sox fans, congrats that we won!!! :D:D:D:D

SeanM, thanks for the info!

ILTQ, I know what you mean. HellaGood gives me chest pains. I gave up voting; I would rather not support their game.

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ILoveTracyQ, yes, stick to this thread. You know we try to stay positive about everything. I usually end up ruining it though. :mellow:

MinervaFan, wow, that's definitely not a good way to start off a Monday. I'm sorry.

Sean, wow! Thanks for tallying all that up. Didn't he also go on vacation right after the vow renewal? I remember Luke falling out the window (serves him right, ha) and then disappearing while Robert/Tracy had some things to do (first, she bribed him to bring Luke home, and then, there was the freezer escapade). It was very short though IIRC. It might've not even been a real vacation. Just a short break.

Question: Did Holly really call him again in June? I remember the patio scene(s) with Luke and Tracy (:wub:) and the next thing I remember is that he took off to visit Laura in ShadyBrook to tell her about Justus's death. Then, Laura's finger moved as he was leaving, setting up her return, 4 months later. Anyway, I have no idea what Luke was supposed to be doing all summer, offscreen. :lol: So, I guess it is possible that Holly called him again. In any case, thanks again! Seems pretty likely he'll be around thru December.

Colette and bsg, congrats on the Red Sox.

OT, but I'm not liking this day off. It has been very unproductive. There are 2 things that I wanted to do today (2 things, that's it, LOL), and I've been up for about 5 hours and have been slacking...

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Double post...

Still not liking this day off. Just got back from the dentist. After 6 months...

Crown is in place.

Crown also feels weird.

Crown is the reason part of my healthy, bottom molar had to be shaved off.

Ms. Q is not happy, especially since Evil!Receptionist changed the price on her again and upped it to over 700 instead of 460 something.

I'm being a child about this and will let my mom call them and the insurance company. To quote Tracy Quartermaine: "THAT'S IT. I'M DONE!"

Oh, in the list of 2 things I wanted to do today, 1 of them is about 1/3 of the way completed. Oy. I'm making the slowest progress ever, no thanks to my one hour dentist escapade and my 3 hour stretch of laziness this morning.

Someone cheer me up.

Hey, when is hooked getting back again?

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