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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Carrie, YOU ARE A RIOT!! Too funny! Now what happens if he ends up finding the original box with his tooth somewhere? :o LOL

Ms. Q, Are you entering the pin number/password that you use for your cash card? It wont work. It is a pain in the @$$ but I believe you have to set up online banking with the bank. At least that's what I had to do.

About the show today.... Okay, I hate to be a downer... I hated the show. And I think the whole Alan getting Tracy to scream at him in front of everyone 'cause she's crazy/Everyone thinking she wants Lulu back to keep Luke is getting WAY OLD. I can't stand this show as it is because it's like living in groundhog day with everyone repeating the same dialogue about the same topics day in and day out and at this point Tracy is no different and i am tired of it. I am losing interest in A BIG WAY.

ETA: Page 436

Edit: Hey Nex if you are going to be in the city around the first couple of days of November, you can come hang with me, hooked and BSG :)

Anyone gonna be around for BR later? I will be back around 10:30 central/11:30 eastern.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Happy Birthday TL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a good one!

Spoiler from soapdish on how Luke gets to return home or be free from the whole kidnappng debacle...

Lainey...when you get home, make sure you watch the clips from Monday's show or tape it on soapnet this weekend...you will love the diane scenes telling sonny off and calling him a self-obsessed ape...there is also a diane/kate hug!!

Sorry I missed you today Ms. Q

Edited by hookedongh
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I can't stand this show as it is because it's like living in groundhog day with everyone repeating the same dialogue about the same topics day in and day out and at this point Tracy is no different and i am tired of it. I am losing interest in A BIG WAY.

OMG, TL, you hit the nail exactly on the head! Remember when the triangle was Nik, Jax, and Courtney? This was when I first started watching. There was this scene where Nik and Courtney and Jax and Carly were all having dinner at the MetroCourt at the same time. I swear to you, I heard about forty different retellings of that scene by various people to various people before I was like, "Okay, already! It was a terrible, terrible social faux pas! It was so incredibly awkward. It was SIX WEEKS AGO. Move on, willya?"

On the other hand, if I had to write five one-hour television scripts a week, I'd probably make generous use of the copy/paste feature on my word processor too.

OTOH, if

, I will be yay-verily pissed.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Oh, I am so running late. Must. Hurry. Up.

Some trivial things...

Re: Groundhog Day. LuNacy, even from the get-go, have been repeating themselves. The "story" might change every once in a while, but remember how many times they had the same conversation about that stupid 15 million dollars? GH is just stupid. All the stories go in circles until Sweeps when there is some action that is supposed to CHANGE. EVERYTHING. and then changes nothing at all. :(

Someone who reads the mags: Is is true that TG mentioned something last year about not having a lot of material to submit for the Emmys? (hence the reason, he is being moved into the mob this Sweeps). Anyway, if it's true, that's not too good for JE/Tracy, since she was his leading lady (with supporting screentime) last year. Also, I might be sounding rude here, but did TG sleep his way through Lulu's almost death in the virus epidemic? Did he sleep his way through Laura's return? And maybe, just maybe, if he didn't take 6 and A half months vacation a year, he would have more to choose from.

Now, onto more important things:



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Yay! TQ made a spoiler of Wubs.net this morning....hope this wasn't what happened yesterday.

If anyone is really bored today and wants a little laugh...read this old serial drama column



Finally watched yesterday's show. Not so oomphy hair Ms. Q--I agree...our girl looked sort of old to me...must have been the lighting in the "valcorie's house".

The only part I liked of her dialogue was "I DO Care...." when referring to Lulu! It was funny with the hot flash though!!!

My little faker just called and had been in the nurse's office twice today wanting ot come home. The nurse said he was bouncing around from bed to bed and chatting it up with her totally fine. I felt so mean as I am home now, but I dont' want to go pick him up or he will be thinking he can do that every day.

Maybe he is sad cause I am leaving tomorrow...let me tell you how sad I am...I am JUMPING FOR FREAKING JOY!!! Four days alone with no kids--yippee!!!


Edit again...

Supposedly wally Kurth is going to ATWT for a short term role as Sam. Waah! Does that mean ned is no longer on recurring status with GH? Not that is on at all anyway. Glad for WK!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay...this was totally rushed and crammed into the hour I had at home in between appointments today, but I just had to write some little fic for TL's birthday--what else but Lunacy!!! Sorry for the lack of editing and proofing, but I had to post before I had to run out this afternoon again.

Once again, Happy Birthday TL!!! Hope you are having a good day. Know you are going out tonight, but hope to catch you later.

I am leaving tomorrow night til Monday late afternoon for Mexico. Someone post TQ clips if for some strange reason she could be on on Friday or Monday!!!!


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Happy Hump Day!

Here are yesterday's clips, sorry for the delay but Hella Good didn't post them till this morning and it has been crazy busy here at work so I spent my lunch hour downloading and editing.


Credit goes to Geena, edited by me!

Hooked, I will read your story as soon as I get a chance. I can't wait!

One week until Luke comes back, and until we get a Lunacy scene. :D :D According to the spoilers Tracy is going to be the one to fill Luke in on all that he has missed so that at least gurantees the two of them in a scene together.

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No TQ today. And Logan is officially the son of Scott. Ooh big surprise there.

No one agrees with me on the hair! But I agree that it could be better.

So I almost poked my eye out with my eye-lash curler today. I ran out of contacts and they won't be coming in for another week. Now I am stuck wearing glasses. And the clearasil pimple-dryer-upper fried my face up. I have no idea why, it has never done that before, but my face was covered in stinging red splotches. I ended up putting Burt's Bees burn ointment on it. Well, it worked! ^_^


Hope your day is going better than mine. :P

EDIT: Haha, Nex, just noticed the clips. I'm a little slow. THANKS!

Edited by Colette
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Yeah, I'm still here. Sorry, I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to do more than glance at the posts. I have been reading, though, and I'll try to make an effort to be there tonight (I'm such a lousy friend some times!).

Off to a Guide meeting. Purchased our Thanksgiving turkey today. Would someone please tell me how we got to October 2007, 'cause I think I've lost more than one month this year.

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