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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sorry about the late post. I was having a serious migraine. Ouchh.

No Tracy. :(

Diane was on, and went on this HUGE spiel to the judge about fashion and how Kate shouldn't have to wear an ankle monitor because it will crimp her style. It was pretty random.

OT:Since there is no Tracy to talk about, I will mention how irritated I am getting with Spinelli chasing after Lulu. GEEZ just have him fall in love with Georgie already; man are they dragging this out. I can be his girlfriend! You'll see in Soap Digest "Bradford Anderson marries COLETTE!" Actually, you wouldn't, because that isn't my real name, but I like to focus on him when there is a lack of Tracy. Spinelli needs some action.

EDIT: woot! page 433!

Edited by Colette
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Warning: School rant coming up: Skip over cause it is boring!! I justr need to vent!!

Can I just say that I HATE THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE THESE DAYS????? Remos I know you will be nodding up and down saying that is why you homeschool! My 13 year old came home in total tears cause he found out he failed two tests today. He was so upset. He thought I was going to be mad at him and he was so mad at himself. He got a 36 on a math test. And...he said he got one of the highest grades in the class. I am like HELLO??? If the entire class fails, would ya think the teacher would have a clue that she didn't teach the lesson well? So she gives them the test today and tells them to make corrections to it to bring their grades up to a 70. But he still didn't understand how to do them correctly as it wasn't like she "re-taught the lesson" Makes me want to scream. Then he got a 54 on a science test cause he didn't finish it. The teacher told him "Too bad, so sad" when he told her he didn't finish. HOW RUDE IS THAT? I mean fine, he deserves a poor grade if he didn't finish it, but she didn't need to be so rude about it. He is like the one good kid in a class of 30 horrible wild kids. UGGHH! I told him that everyone bombs a test from time to time and this is 8th grade and will make not one iota of a difference in his life. He is still in his room all teary. Poor guy.

Anyway, back to Tracy land. Bummer she wasn't on today. I head people ranting aon other boards about how they are ruining Diane now with all her fawning over Kate today.

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hooked, that's so sad. :( I can't believe that science teacher said that. As for the math teacher...I could see maybe her not re-teaching if there were a couple A's, some B's, some C's, and couple D's and F's, but since the entire class didn't do well...Ugh. Hope your son feels better about it soon.

Colette, hope the migraine is gone now!


When are we going to get some LuNacy spoilers?! Granted, I've let it slip that I prefer Tracy/Alan, but still...WHERE. IS. THE. LUNACY?

SoapDish has speculated that a Quartermaine might get killed off, and someone guessed Tracy, considering the mob mention and the fact that she's missing from the Luke spoilers. I thought, "WTH?!" Then, I thought that maybe her contract last November just lasted one year. Anyway, I still don't see them bumping her off, though I am still am in love with my Ghost!Tracy idea that was so beautifully carried out in a fic by MinervaFan.

On the topic of fic, thanks to those who've commented on Oh, Baby. And ending IS in site, but I've been informed by some very intuitive people that it's possible I am delaying finishing it because I, subconsciously, don't want it to end. Or something like that. It made more sense in my head. In any case, I think these very intuitive people are right.

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Nah...it is not going to be Tracy. BTW LOL Ms. Q--I think that was me who said "could it be Tracy since she is not mentioned in the Luke spoilers" only cause i wanted a bunch of those people to shoot back "Of course it is not Tracy. THey would not kill her off, etc" But nobody really did answer it. I have seen some people speculated Emily but none of the Qs are going to get killed off. I am very confidant about that one for some reason. There is no way they are going to kill Tracy off with her ghost alan storyline as that is his only link to the canvas at this point.

That soapdish site is nuts. They are saying one of three people are going to die...Sam, Alexis or Emily. That is BS!! They were speculating Mac cause then it would make sense to bring Anna or Robert back. I guess there are a few insiders with info that pans out, but most of it seems like people just spouting off whatever they feel like.

Only two more weeks til Luke comes back on the 10th so I guess we will all just have to wait and see. It is strange though we got that one or two little Lunacy spoilers that luke comes back and Tracy remains cool with him and updates him on lulu/logan months ago it seems. And the spoiler with and Skye rekindling embers and Alan rubbing it in to Tracy, but now that he is coming back we get nothing!!!

My husband is taking kids to see the GamePlan sneak preview movie tonight, so I will be online later. Grey's Anatomy is new tonight--yeah. I love when new seasons start up again. Such a long, boring summer.

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Good positivity, TL. I'm with you and hoping for some good LuNacy material.

I would LOVE and LuNacy dance scene. Please, please, please Guza and co., please get Luke and Tracy on the dance floor. Can you imagine them dancing together if they were both there with unexpected partners? Swoon.

I'm with you, TL. I'd like a hunky guy to show some interest in Tracy and make her mister jealous.

That would be awesome if Anthony and Tracy had romantic history. We never did learn how she got out of her mob trouble after Gino died. And they hinted/revived the Tracy mob connection with some comment that Dillon made this summer. Hoping...hoping...hoping for a good story for our gal.

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Okay.. I don't have this idea fully formed.. but it's in my head, so I'm sharing.

You said your next prompt is "choked." How about if Tracy and Monica get into a rip roaring brawl, and Monica starts to choke Tracy..and then Alan sorta invades Tracy's body (If he's her conscience he's a part of her body, right?). Alan (as Tracy) tells Moinca to stop. And Monica and "Alan" end up having a conversation. A real funny part would be if you could write in the sexual tension. I mean Monica is longing to kiss Alan, because she misses him.. but it's really Tracy. Anyway-- Monica's touching (choking) of Tracy is sorta what makes the connection to Alan possible.

I'm telling you.. in your hands, Deb, this could be brillant, and hilarious.

Could it be (I think it IS!) that Ms. Q KNOWS she should write LuNacy Sex into Oh Baby... but she can't bring herself to do it... so she is putting off the ending?!?! Hmmm... Hmmmm...

Go for the LuNacy Lust, Staci. GO FOR IT!!










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It took me a good couple of weeks to get back off that crazy time change Lainey. I am telling you, take some benedryl one night at like 10pm and it will kick in and you will sleep hard and get up early and hopefully that will get you back on track. I was up til all hours after Hawaii. Hey did you Middlesex? Did you like it? I am reading A Thousand Splendid Suns now (by the author of the Kite Runner). So far, it is great!

My kids are off school today. They all have projects to do, so I am off to buy poster boards.

TL/Ms. Q--can you believe neither one of those teachers emailed me back yet?

Please someone...write some fic (talking to myself too)!!!

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Wow, 8 guests are on right now.

I didn't get to watch, it is my sister's birthday and I'm heading out in a minute. Just wanted to post this:

I don't think anyone has posted this one yet. I have no idea the authority of this, but "marzrocks" posted it on HG.

Talk to you all later!

Edited by Colette
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Thanks Colette. SOD said he returns Wednesday, October 10th.

Also, another reliable source (SOW, perhaps?) has Luke mixing it up with his children and with Scott. No mention of Tracy. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SISTER!

Speaking of birthdays, TracyLuv's is coming up. We're gonna have a celebration, right?

hooked, maybe they'll respond this weekend after they've figured out exactly what they are going to say! Haha. (They're not gonna make themselves look bad, ya know? So, they'll have to put some extra thinking into how they are going to word it). Hope your son is doing better today.

MinervaFan, loved the fic! Very creative idea.

OFF TOPIC, but I am sad. :( Just got b-tched at by evil dentist receptionists - They're not getting my money until I get the right amount I owe from the insurance company; the office keeps changing it on me, like today alone, first it was 292 something, then it was 466 something (SAME FREAKIN' DAY), and last week, it was 613, and before then, it didn't matter, since I wasn't maxed out. Or something. I don't know. GAH. This growing up thing is no fun. Oh, they're also not getting my money until they put the damn crown on. I can't believe it didn't work for a SECOND time.

In other news, teaching continues to go "eh..." (In fact, Tuesday, conveniently the day the supervisor came, was the only good day this week). I know things will come in time, and you can't be super awesome in the beginning, but still...It gets stressful and frustrating. Not to mention, I can't help but feel bad for the students. They have to trade their really cool teacher who knows her stuff in for someone like me. :(

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Just stepping in for a few to let you know I'm still alive. Husband's still out of town (that's the good news); off to Girl Guide camp this weekend with my daughter and 6 other guides from my unit (that's the okay news); couple who agreed to take the boys weren't even in town this week, and are still not back so I had to scramble to find someone to housesit AND take care of 3 boys from ages 2-6 (the not so great news). Stace, if only you were closer............ All I can say is thank God I'm a social butterfly, so my circle of possibilities was quite extensive.

Hopefully something with Tracy will show up next week. I'm not even bothering to tune in now - I just wait for the clips from Nex or Colette. I miss all of you, since I keep missing you in the BR, and there's nothing else newsworthy. Here's hoping for a better October!

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For MinervaFan

Awesome Idea, but I have another one. To go in a different direction, I would not use choke in a literal sense. I think you should go with the idea that Anthony and Tracy had a past. He has come back and is trying to get Tracy back into his life. He's a bad guy, obviously, but he has to have some charm, so it isn't hard to see her falling for him again (that's how it looks to Luke at least). Luke comes back after hearing of all of this. He confronts her on it, probably getting them into a fight b/c he's being a shm-ck and she has a whole lot to say about his leaving her which turns into him telling her what he really thinks and feels and trying to win her back b/c at this point she should bother taking him back and he knows it. She told him all her gripes about his leaving but after his revelation that he wants her and only her yata yata yata, she is not only choking back the tears but she is choking back the things she really wants to say to him because she doesn't want to leave herself open to being hurt by him again....

I know that was long, but that was my idea for the next prompt. I know I alwasy say I'm going to get one done eventually, but it never seems to actually happen, so I thought I'd oput the idea out there again.

reading your new story now though, I'll check back in later.

Mrs Q read the new Oh Baby chapters... I love them so much. As much as I am getting anxious to see how it all ends, I so don'twant it to. when it's over I'm going to be begging you to write a sequal or some kind of continuation cuz I love it

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It seems like its been FOREVER since I was here, actually it was Monday, but still thats almost a week! Sorry I haven't been around but I have been busy with work and when I get home I don't have the energy to turn on my computer.

I am in the process of getting ready to buy a new computer which means putting all of my Tracy clips onto CD's so I can eventually get rid of my current laptop. So I can't even make any vids until I actually buy the computer, and I am being a total butthead about going to Best Buy. I swear as soon as I buy my new toy I will be around more. :D

Ms.Q, I feel the same way that knh does. If you were to finish the story then I would probably beg you to write a sequal too, so however long it takes you to finish the story, or not, I will not complain. Also, good luck with the dentist!

Deb, I just finished reading Choke and thought it was great.

OK I gotta get back to work, have a great Friday everybody!!!!!

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