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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok guys it seems like Hella Good isn't posting yesterdays's clips, well at least they haven't so far. So I had to go to Favorite-Moments.net and get them. I know the quality isn't the same but I guess beggars can't be choosers. :) Maybe if HG eventually posts them I will put them here but for now this will have to do.

I also added the one short scene from today as well.


Credit goes to Izzy at F-M.net edited by me.


Colette, thanks for posting the recaps today!

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Thanks for the clips Nex!! Hey even if it was only a minute scene, at least it means she was in three episodes this week, bringing her count up for the year. All she needs is 4 more right Ms. Q--to beat last year's count????

My family is still here til tomorrow evening. I have'nt watched yesterday or today's brief scene yet, but I don't like how it sounded Colette...do you think Tracy was trying to make lulu feel guilty??? That is so un=Tracy like to admit that. More her style to get some dirt on logan and team up with Maxi or something!

LadyA--how was your bowling last night? Did you laptop do the trick?

BSG--Were you the one who had the short cut or knew the way to load clips to your ipod? Someone posted a way to do it here.

I have late night ice skating pick up at 11pm tonight, so am on the computer for about 30 minutes til I have to leave if anyone is around for a few...

It is 10:15 central...


Hope your babysitting wasn't too bad today Ms. Q

Colette--thanks for the recap for today

knh--glad you are home!

Lainey---have a great trip if you check this from Atlanta before you leave!

TL/Remos-/Deb-Hi! Hope Tracy is luring you back in Deb! We miss you posting.

Edited by hookedongh
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So, I am editing the original post I made to keep it condensed.

hooked, OT, but babysitting was fine, though I don't think I'm EVER going to serve my children spaghetti. :lol:

Thanks nex for the clips!

On the topic of clips, HERE IS THE SECOND TQ SCENE of the episode. Credit Izzy.

Thanks Colette for the recap!

Some comments:

  • About that one line: Not sure if went from wanting to protect Lulu to save her marriage because I want to say Tracy only said it to guilt Lulu into staying away from Logan. It was Alan's idea that she do that. She was telling her to listen to reason, and then Alan was all "Forget reason, do ________" (can't remember, but it was something with Luke).
  • Alan did have some line about Luke returning to the Q's (and therefore Tracy) no matter WHERE Lulu lives...That sounds kind of promising for LuNacy, doesn't it?
  • Oh, and Tracy threatening to chain Lulu to a chair, even if she was sort of joking, was not just cool. Our girl would've have fared better today, I think, if she weren't on at all.
  • I liked Scott encouraging Lulu to go to Bobbie's, Lesley's, or Lucky's. Then he had to say, "Anywhere but him." Guess Lulu listens, 'cause next week, Lulu

    . Bet Logan's place isn't looking so bad to us now, huh?

MagicHappens, saw your post on SOC about how Lulu should find out about Scott/Tracy. Would LOVE that to happen. :lol:

So, don't hate me, but Tracy sort of annoyed me in this episode. However, I am still in love with Tracy's oomphy hair, and red continues to be an awesome color on Jane, even for a third day in a row (awesome jacket too). Let's recycle this one more often. ;)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey All!

Hope everyone is well

*waves to knh and colette*

About yesterday's show.... It seems to me that Tracy's comment to Lulu about Luke divorcing her if Lulu moves in with Logan, was to make her feel guilty. Alan suggested to Tracy that she use Luke to get Lulu to stay. But it didn't work, oh well.

I was rewatching Thursday's epi last night, and I was LMAO at the expression Tracy made when Epiphany told her to "take. a. seat." It was hilarious.

Another thing I noticed.... Tracy is standing next to Scott ALOT the past three days and Tracy is looking at him ALOT when he speaks. I mean I noticed it initially of course, but this morning I was watching yesterday's epi again, and after Scott makes the comment about how he's ready to arrest Logan who "just stuffed a family heirloom into his pocket", Tracy, standing next to Alan's chair, crosses the room, to stand next to scott while delivering the line "you are not helping Scott". She could have delivered the line standing next to Alan's chair and stayed there, why didn't she? hmmmmmmm... Also, I don't know if anyone has noticed, BUT there is a kind of "Triangle Theme" going on with GH lately..... Lucky, Liz, Jason; Lucky, Sam, Liz; Sonny, Kate, Trevor; Lulu, Logan, Maxie; Robin, Patrick, Leyla; Craig, Sam, Alexis; and I'm sure there are others I just can't think of. But with all this triangle stuff I am wondering if it will somehow include Scott/Tracy/Luke or maybe at the very least, somehow bring up Scott and Tracy's affair from the past especially considering how much in cahoots they've been with the Lulu/Logan thing.

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I agree with you TL about the triangle...I wouldn't mind it actually if it would get Luke jealous and get Tracy more airtime. I don't see them really having a big interest in giving KS a real storyline though do you guys?

I am about to leave to drive my parents to the airport. It is a two hour trek there and back. My son just got his Mac laptop with his BM money so he is all excited and has a friend over helping him set it up. I know I am gonna be jealous!!! He is all into that photobooth program and then there is some garage band thing where you can record music and plug your guitar into it with some special cord and record songs, etc. Should keep them all occupied for a long, long time.

I miss chatting with you guys the past couple of nights!! I will for sure be around tonight. Can you believe I still haven't watched Th or F??? Going to later today when I get back.

Well it kind of stinks that lulu is moving out of the Qs...maybe when Luke comes back she will return.

I will post a link later when I am online.

LadyA--did you watch any more City clips?

I got april through Jun 1991 episodes to describe in the mail today. Someone needs to teach me how to post clips!!!

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Ms.Q, thanks for posting that last clip. I read the recaps and nobody mentioned that last scene so its a good thing you were payig attention because I sure wasn't. haha!

TracyLuv, I have to agree with you about Tracy using Luke as a reason for Lulu to not move in with Logan. Alan told her to use that to make her feel guilty and it didn't work. :rolleyes:

Well i'm off, hope everybody has a great Saturday!

**waves to hooked**

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first of all *waves to Hooked*... ok now that that's done...

Myspace is freakin' me out so I had to come onto a friendly site. I've had a myspace page for a while but I've never put anything up on it. I had a little bit of a profile and nothing else. I didn't add anything else to that but I finally got to upload a few pics, not a lot and nothing like a lot of the girls who are in college and looking like a giant hooch, just me and my fam and my roomies at school. No sooner did I put them up than I got a ton of friend requests and messages. One guy who, when I checked his profile to see who was writing to me, was a 34 year old slob living in Kansas but he told me he was some girl just out of college (I'm straight by the way, so I don't know he was going for in his messege). He basically thanked me, in a slightly less vulgar way for giving him something to masterbate to tonight. SOOOOO not into hearing that, let me tell you!!

Kinda creaped out right now. I was all for keeping in touch with friends from my school and MAYBE meeting people who are a little less shady than that, but I'm not cool with this! I had to block him but I'm hoping it worked

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Nex, Ms. Q, Thanks for the clips :)

and Yes, Ms. Q, sounds good for LuNacy that Alan said that Luke will return to the mansion no matter where Lulu lives, at least I think so.

I loved Tracy on the show all 3 days!! Yeah, so Tracy threatened to tie Lulu to a chair - LOL! darn brat deseves to be. heh. And gagged too while she's at it. Hey Tracy's had to endure that numerous times herself.

Oh and it took me a few minutes to realize that the SOC appreciation thread got bigger because the moderator merged it with "I worhsip Tracy" thread.

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Okay...nobody has posted at all today since I posted last night! I need to get a life--ha ha.

So I finally watched Thursday and Friday's episodes (TL--now we can "talk"). I dont' know if I am just so happy to see TQ or not, but I liked them all. Even Tracy saying the line about luke divorcing her didn't bother me as Alan was telling her to use Luke as her ace in the hole. Like I said though, any TQ is better than no TQ to me. It was total Q madness with edward changing his mind and wanting lulu to run out with logan if it meant Luke not coming back to his house. It was actually amusing to me. I know it shouldn't be, but again, some Q craziness is better than no Q craziness to me!

I do think that Monica should have said something about Scott "doing" Tracy when Lulu was all "Alan did your wife?" to Scott. That would have been funny and stirred up the pot a bit!

I am going shopping today with my friend and her foreign exchange student from Brazil to buy her a birthday present! Should be fun. I don't get to go shopping for girls EVER!!!

Can someone email me who knows how to post a clip from a dvd or what software you would use to do that? I am determined to learn how to do that cause I have all these dvds of 1991 GH that I could post some Tracy clips from.

Hope to be around tonight if anyone is around.


Lady A you around for a few????? I am opening the breakroom up just in case!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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I'm starting to think they are saving a Tracy/Scott past reveal for when Luke comes back. I doubt he knows about it - he & Laura were out of Port Charles at that time (I think - so was I).

I agree with what some of you have noticed: Scott & Tracy are looking pretty chummy. I think I mentioned this before when Luke was around, that Tracy gets friendlier to Scott when not in Luke's presence. But they have a definite look as if they are very comfortable with each other. It could be Kin & Jane doing it, to acknowledge their characters' familiarity in the past.

They even looked like a tag-team yesterday (or Thurs). When Tracy moved forward to make a point to Lulu, Scott even put his hand on her back, sort of pushing her into the fray.

Just read a Rumor on WUBS that ( Leslie is the one who dies, and that brings Luke back. )

Also, if they ever decide to revive Laura, I could see Scott & Tracy teaming up again to break them up. That's how they got together the first time, to break up Alan & Lucy.

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If anyone wants a better quality Tracy clips from Friday, CLICK HERE. Lulu/Logan are also in there. Credit Trudy of Hella Good. Those who have an account there, if you use these clips, post a thanks in the daily clips thread.

MagicHappens, so you think GH will really bring up Tracy/Scott's past? I hope so. I want to see Luke's reaction. :lol: But I'm not sure if the writers remember...



SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gxew6k

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S1WL4WPC

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfdTWji5KP4

^^^ Wasn't as simple as I thought it would be. Hard to choose which scenes to include. And for the record, music playing in the background of scenes that clashes with the music I'm using is just. not. cool. Anyway, hope you all like it. :D

Could you imagine, hooked?

Alan: She wasn't married when I did her.

Monica: There's more. Before all of that, she was Tracy's ex-husband's mistress.

Lulu: Wait, what?

Awkward pause...

Lulu: Any other secrets?

Monica: *looks over to Tracy and Scott*

Tracy: No. No. Don't even.

Lulu: What's going on?

Scott: Ohhhh...

Tracy: Don't.

Monica: Scott did your stepmother!

Lulu: Ewww...

Scott: And if Ned were here, he'd tell you he walked in on us on a desk at ELQ...

Edward: Oh God.

Lulu: *covering ears* Stop!

Tracy: *gets revenge on Monica* Monica slept with Ned!

Lulu: OMG!!!

Monica: Um, Tracy's husband slept with Ned's wife!

Scott: Now, I didn't know that.

Tracy: Scott slept with Heather Webber!

Alan: Like Lulu cares...

Lulu: Heather who?!

Monica (at the same time as Edward): Edward's former wife.

Edward (at the same time as Monica): Jason's cousin!

Lulu: Wait. You married someone else after Lila?!

Edward: It's complicated...She wanted my money, so she could run off with--Never mind.

Tracy: No, no, Daddy tell her.

Edward: (to Lulu) She wanted your father.

Lulu: Ewww!!! Why?!

Tracy: 'Cause he slept with her once, and she wanted more...

Lulu: You all like to keep it in the family, huh?

Tracy: Says the girl who slept with her stepbrother...

Ahh, I could go on and on...


Edited to add in video links...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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