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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


  • remos


  • Ms. Quartermaine


  • ILoveTracyQ


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Ms Q--Love the hair in the big square on the banner....Love the various kisses! Yeah..the flash is very "flashy"--ha ha--but I like it! :) Been in the house all day and it is the first day in forever it hasn't rained. Avoiding all stores of any kind as it is tax free weekend here and everyplace is jammed. I'd rather pay the tax tomorrow rather than fight the crowds today!!

It is taking FOREVER to sort through four people's pictures from our hawaii trip and then to figure out which ones are the best of the lot (translated to which ones do I look the best in--LOL!!). I gotta make these online photo albums on snapfish for my family, as promised so I don't want them to be like 200 photos or more. Always the simplest things seem to take forever to do. I want to write too and this is bugging me as I have to get it done first.

Tonight...I am home all evening...where is everyone in the breakroom these days...actually having a real life--ha ha!

Remos---Hope you are having fun with your company.

TL--post a link tonight when you get home!

I am on the computer for a whlie now with these photos...if anyone is around (gosh I sound pathetic today...this is the third time I have posted about the breakroom http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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so while I would love to help you guys all out, I am now closed out of both games for some reason. They won't let me back in. I am signed in and I can go to reply but it tells me that I can't do it and if I look at the bottom of the screen, while it says reply to individual posts it says closed where it should say add reply. Does anyone else have this problem. I have only ovted a few times so it can't be that they think I cheated or broke some rules or something so something's up. Hope you are all having better luck, but is anyone having this problem?

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Great, the slower one is perfect.

My company has gone - great weekend. It's really fun to find out how much your life parellels a friend's, when you haven't really seen each other for 18 years. Our daughters completely fell in love with each other, so the next generation of Mount Allison allumni are well on their way.

I'm around this evening, catching up on writing, avoiding my housework, usual Sunday fare.

I voted this morning and was amazed by how much our girl has lost in that game. I got a membership for HG to help out with this game, but I think I'm with MF when this is over. It's so obviously being rigged - and I don't want to be part of it.

Hooked, I agree with you about sales like that. It often isn't worth it to join the crowds. I don't know if they do it down your way, but they also mark up prices before these sales here, so that the "sale" price isn't really a sale at all. I'll pay my taxes and get my healthcare, thank you very much!

Hi Lady A, nice to see you post. I'll behave myself and NOT ask you what my weather will be tomorrow morning. B)

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Hey Remos...I'm on the computer for the next two hours or so...still working on this photo project that I am determined to finish tonight. ladyA and Ms. Q were going to try to meet back in the breakroom around 8pm central time (9pm Eastern) if you are around. Glad you had fun with your company!!

I find that so funny too...I was in NY with my girlfriends from high school last year when we all turned 40...and we all had three kids and were all doing the same exact things but just in different locations throughout the US! Only all my friends have all girls!!! I must have not gotten the memo about our high school group only being allowed to have girls! :)

Hope to catch you in a little while in the BR (Lainey you around tonight????) TL--you home yet????

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