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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh BTW...when I ordered those city tapes, the girl who sent them (my new friend--ha ha) warned me about someone named Lori Githens who goes by the email address of [email protected]. She said she is savvy about enticing people to buy recordings of shows, and then turns them over to the authorities. She said she used to lurk around the Loving/City groups site and would pop up occassionally... Just thought I would pass that along....just in case....

Can you see me sitting in a jail cell next to some mass murderer and them asking me what I'm in for???? "Um buying some old Tracy Quartermaine tapes from the City show" Oy!!

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hooked!!! Why did you say that? :lol: Now, I'm kind of bummed. LOL.

And MinervaFan, you better run faster. :P

Thanks everyone for the Oh, Baby feedback. And LOL nex. Could you imagine how long it would've been had she been full term? LOL.

EDIT: She's on!!! (as others have pointed out)

A lot of people are on today, actually. Tracy (first and foremost), Edward, Monica, Alice, Noah, Bobbie (yes, you read that right; she's got cute clothes, BTW) , Skye, Ric, Carly, Jerry, Jason, Diane, Elizabeth, Lucky, Sam, Patrick, Robin, Logan, Lulu. I wonder who I forgot...

Quartermaine!Recap: Lulu gets up early, wondering if there's been a phone call for her. No phone calls. Something in the mail? Yes, but it's for Monica, not Lulu. Lulu is all :: pouts :: Alice, Edward, and Monica want her to try Cook's special eggs. Lulu doesn't want to. Eventually, Edward lifts up the pot thing to reveal a muffin with a candle. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LULU! WE LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL GIRL IN THE UNIVERSE." Lulu is touched that the Q's remembered. They tell her there was going to be a party, but it's been canceled. The reason is the Q's know that Lucky found out about Jason sleeping with Elizabeth, and they didn't think it'd be a good idea to have Elizabeth and Lucky at the same party. Lulu agrees. Alice says they can still have their own little party, but Lulu says she's not big on birthdays. Reminds her when she was little when her mom would do all these party things to try and distract her from the fact that her father wasn't around. She's about to leave the mansion, but Edward wants her to make a wish. Lulu knows it won't make her dreams come true, but Old Man Q is persistent. Monica wants Edward to cut to the chase and ask Lulu what he needs to ask: The Q's want to know if Lulu has heard anything about Jason being Jake's father. Dum. Dum. Dum. Edward goes on about the wonderfulness of Jason's child, and how since Dillon ran off, Jake can have all of ELQ. Lulu says Elizabeth didn't mention anything to her. She brings up Elizabeth on the stand, saying that Lucky is the father. Monica is leaning towards Lulu's side. After all, the paternity test did say Lucky was the Daddy. Lulu decides to take off (again). Alice stops her. She still wants to celebrate her birthday, but Lulu's not interested. She thanks them for the muffin and leaves.

ShadyBrook!Recap: Tracy, her hair sadly lacking the oomph it exhibited 2 weeks ago, is pacing back and forth. Alan's there too; he wants her to stop because it's nauseating him. She is wearing her "Luke and I, on the couch, when Alan interrupted" jacket. Tracy is not pleased that she's locked up in Shady Brook when it's Lulu's birthday. She should be out celebrating with her (aww, cute). Alan reminds her it's her fault when she stole ELQ for herself. Tracy is getting annoyed with Alan again because she thought he was on a break. Alan said he was, but then Tracy pulled him back in. Logan enters, "Mrs. Spencer." He wants to have a talk with her. Tracy wants to give him money to go away, but Logan doesn't want money. He wants to date Lulu. Alan and Tracy: Hahahaha. So, Logan likes Lulu a lot 'cause she's smart and oh, so wonderful, but Tracy reminds him that she's Luke Spencer's daughter and he is Scott Baldwin's son. It just can't happen. Logan asks her what about what Lulu wants. Enter Lulu. "SWEETHEART! (hug) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She asks what Logan is doing there. Tracy tells her he wants money to stay out of her life. There is probably at least one more scene, but I couldn't sit through the other garbage anymore. Will watch and FF the non-Tracy scenes later...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Recap (continued)...

Tracy tells Lulu that Logan is a liar. He's a Baldwin. She doesn't want them together. Lulu asks why she should listen to her. Tracy reminds her of what happened last summer when Lulu didn't listen to her (ouch). Lulu wants to know if Logan is using her, and Logan tells her the truth, that he came there to ask permission to see her. Lulu tells him that he's wasting his time; Tracy gets excited ("Good girl!"), but then Lulu bursts her bubble when she says that Tracy doesn't control her life. Tracy reminds her that Logan is bad for her. Lulu won't listen. She "thanks" Tracy for showing her who she can trust and takes off. Then, Tracy screams at Alan. She wanted back-up, but Alan tells her it was too late. Lulu had already made up her mind.

Next scene: Tracy is sitting on the bed, next to Alan. She knows why Lulu is doing what she's doing. She wants answers to everything she believed about her parents and their true love, and she thinks Logan can give her those answers. Tracy believes Lulu wants to see to good in Logan, like Laura saw the good in Luke. She wants to see that the kind of fairy tale romance is true, but Tracy knows that life doesn't work that way. Alan tells her that life isn't the problem; the people are. Tracy turns to him and smiles, "When did you become so smart?" Alan tells he he learned all the way, and she can do the same. (She's so cute here.) She's about to respond when Edward enters. He wants to know what's the big emergency. Tracy explains that it's Lulu. Tracy, however, can fix the problem, IF Edward lets her out, but he's not budging. Tracy is persistent. Lulu needs parental guidance, and she's the only one who gave it right now. Edward is not convinced. Tracy did such a horrible job with her own children, anyway. (Poor Tracy!) Edward goes on, insisting that Tracy is afraid. Luke is going to return and find out that his precious little girl is dating Scott Baldwin's daughter. There is going to be hell to pay, and Luke's going to start with Tracy. Tracy tells him that the only hell to pay will be for Lulu.

FYI, 4 scenes total. So much shorter than those of the trial (which took FOREVER to fast-forward). Hair isn't as bad as I initially thought. But I'm still not liking that outfit. But, how cute that Tracy wore her very own "birthday outfit" on the same day as Lulu's birthday? :lol: Oh, Jane Elliot totally rocked (more than usual) those last scenes with Stuart Damon and John Ingle. Great to have her back onscreen! Any hope for tomorrow? :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ha! I was hoping my strategy of expecting nothing but getting something would work--it did! Yippee! Can't wait to watch...great recaps Ms. Q!! Woo Woo...happy days are hear again...TQ is back on our screens! And, at least we know she is on at least once next week...so even if it is only today...it can tide us over :)

Wow...and Ms. Q is actually home to edit the clips for us!!! Give poor Nex a break! :) Although she has had a long break with no TQ for 2 weeks! :)

Ms. Q--I went to GHVT to try to bump up your video..but there is a message saying no account can be found for hookedongh? That is strange? I know I used that screen name there? Sorry! Guess I need to create a new account there now....maybe it is someone getting revenge for our Hellagood Lucky coup! Ha ha!

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I'm feeling too excited for words. I obviously picked a good week to be gone. I'm flying home in the next couple of hours, and looking forward to some clips from today. (no presure, or anything - still can't spell)

I've also been reading Oh Baby. Great work, Ms. Q. I'm ready to scream at my computer, "what's next?". Remember when soap operas used to be like that?

Reunion was a blast. Lots of memories shared, lots I had forgotten. 20 years seems like nothing. No one has really changed that much. The men are losing their hair, and the women their wastelines, but other than that... It's really amazing to be with a group of people who haven't been together for almost 2 decades, and realize that time means nothing. We just picked up where we left off all those years ago. Wish all reunions were this easy.

Off to see my children, and settle back into my own 'puter. Happy Birthday to Nex.

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Remos! Glad you are coming back and so glad you had a good time and a nice break away from your kids...you will be so excited to see them (for a few hours at least--ha ha!

Don't know if you ever saw them on not, but Ms. Q does have the whole vow renewal stuff in her savefile account...you might have already seen them by now since I was gone for a while there...but thought I would mention it!

TL- My Slow Mo buddy...if you slow mo the part with tracy and logan before lulu walks in you can see that stupid shirt she is wearing is way too big on her...she is standing there with the sleeves hanging way past her hands...it looks so funny! You would think they could at least put her in ugly clothes that fit--ha ha!

Not feeling the oomph either Ms. Q but not so horrible!

It is amazing what a better mood I am in now that she was on today.

PinkPopsicle--Hope you are doing ok--I know you had a lot going on in real life--we miss you around here...hope you pop in soon!

LadyAshton...did you ever check to see if you had that clip with the first kiss from 6/23/05? Glad you finished Harry Potter 7 I feel so left out of the group not reading it! I am too busy reading trashy beach novels--ha ha!

Lainey--see you are good luck when you travel for work! Hope you have some more trips planned--ha ha!

BSG--are you sooo tired today??? I know you had to get up early, but couldn't resist watching the final blow last night--ha ha! I just made plans to meet my friend for a birthday breakfast tomorrow at 7:30am--WHAT was I thinking?

Maybe Tracy will call Scott to tell him that her plan backfired and he needs to go stop whatever is happening with Logan/lulu. Then he will realize he needs her help and will "spring" her.

I felt sorry for her today when she was really being sort of altruistic and honest about her reason to get out to help Lulu, and he totally mocked her of how she did a lousy job with her own kids....for once she isn't being selfish and she STILL gets reamed! Look in the mirror old man!! You were the worst father of all!!


Anyone around for a few?

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Truke--you have a Hellagood account right? You need to vote for TQ in the character game with us! Team Tracy is in the lead! You can vote once a day!

Lainey--I just checked, they are not up at Hellagood yet, but it looks like they have been doing them by character, so when they are up, I will post them if nobody else beats me to it---although I cant' edit them!

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woohoo! Our girl was on!! And she was GOOORGEEOUSSS!!!

My comments on today's show below NOT WHITED OUT so scroll by quick if you don't want the show spoiled.










Loved that Tracy hugged Lulu and called her sweetheart, but did not like that Lulu wiggled out and pulled away. Liked that Logan called Tracy "Mrs. Spencer". I liked that when Edward said to Tracy "tell me why you really want to get out of here", she VERY SINCERELY said "I just told you" meaning that she wanted to get out to help Lulu. LOVED LOVED LOVED when her first scene opened wth her saying to Alan that today was Lulu's birthday and that she was upset that she had to be in shadybrook when she and Lulu should be celebrating. I thought Tracy and Alan's BIG laugh was HILARIOUS when Logan asked Tracy if he could date Lulu. Loved also that the Q's remembered her birthday. Loved how she looked when she asked Alan how he became so smart. LOVED that when Lulu apologized to Logan for Tracy's treatment of him, Logan told her that Tracy was just being protective of her and that he didn't blame Tracy.

Hint to Tracy though... She seems to have figured out why Lulu is moving in the direction she is, BUT she's going about trying to help her the wrong way. I am just afraid that Tracy's tactics are just going to push Lulu further away from her. Just when Lulu started to see the good in Tracy and started liking her. Tracy's way is not going to win any points with Lulu. I want them to get closer, but they wont if Tracy continues with her approach.

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