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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the banner feedback! I like how everyone seems to have a different favorite. :)

hooked, the kiss was June 23, 2005. Their first one ever...Well, the first one on the lips. It was right after Luke agreed to help Tracy solidify her position at ELQ. Unfortunately, I have yet to come across the clip. BTW, thank you for the comments on the videos. Hard to believe I went 2 whole months without making them, huh?

Speaking of, below is a short video. It's a LuNacy Promo, with actual dialogue inserted and not just a bunch of random clips. nex, remember that one spoiler clue from a million years ago (the last person on Earth you want to be with - same thing you used in your promo)? Well, I sort of used it in mine too. Hope that's all right. I figured it would be since we came up with the original promo together - I just made you do all the work. :P

SENDSPACE LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fmk4ks

MEGAUPLOAD LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7YH8TLGY

YOUTUBE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be6gjnc_-ao

Feedback is love. :wub:

BTW, have I posted the big spoiler pics here yet?



Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Maybe LadyAshton has that clip??? LadyAshton you around? Have the clip of Tracy/Luke kiss from June 23, 2005? She is in a red jacket?

Anyone around for a quick breakroom chat? 7pm central time http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


Ms Q---LOVED It you video-making machine you! Making up for those lost 8 weeks I see...Good news for us!!! Loved the ending! There is an article on LL in the ABC SID from 8/14 Stace about how she is so sad and doesn't know where she stands at GH...poor LL! Says her contract is up Sept. 1st

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Ms. Q, BSG, hooked, Deb, glad you like the wallpaper. It's funny how resourceful I have become with making these things without banner making software. I usually just add images to the edit section of SON signature option, save the new signature and then take a snapshot of the result. This time I made it at the "slide" website that makes slide shows (thank god they have a checkerboard option for the slide show) then had to try and take a snap shot of it before each pic moved for the fade in's. One of these days I have to get a new computer with "the works" with good video making and banner making capabilities. I LOVE seeing all these LuNacy kisses/hugs on my desktop. :)

hooked, about the "red jacket kiss"... We have been in search of that clip like forever!

Ms. Q, was it their first kiss? Or was the Vegas wedding their first kiss?

Ms. Q, LOVED your little LuNacy promo!! I really miss our girl and and her hubba together. Love the "LuNacy 2008". It was a nice touch.

BSG, LOVE the Simpson's LuNacy. VERY CUTE! Wouldn't it be funny if when you passed by Hairspray I was outside and we never knew we passed eachother. But I was early yesterday and probably not there by the time you passed by.

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Well since nobody has posted yet today, I guess I should! Where is everyone???

Was up again last night til 3:30. At least I had to wake up early this morning. Tonight I have to take an tylenol PM or something to get myself to bed early to get back on central time. This five hour time difference is killing me...was fine on the way there, but getting back hasn't been so easy.

LadyAshton--where ya been?

So TQ will be on the week of the 13th when I will be gone again.

You guys all go vote at hellagood--don't forget.

Will be around all day today catching up on last week's GH and trying to watch these City tapes which so far are very bad quality. If anyone is around later post a link to the BR!

Happy Saturday!

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Aww, MinervaFan, I missed you!! :(

hooked, will you be gone the entire week?! Where are you going? You probably told me, but I can't remember.

On the subject of vacations...August 10th, 11th, and 12th, I will be in Indiana without internet access. Don't miss me too much. ;)

TracyLuv, I meant the first kiss onscreen. ;)

And yes, I voted at Hella Good, taking points away from Sam in the character game and Jason and Sam in the couple game. Go Team!Tracy! :lol:

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For those interested...

Last month, JE/Tracy appeared in 11 out of 21 episodes, ranking 6 in the entire cast.

This month, JE/Tracy appeared in 7 out of 22 episodes, ranking 22 in the entire cast.

FYI, her year to date count is 69 out of 150 (46%), ranking 19 in the entire cast.

July and overall numbers came from this site. June numbers came from SoapDish.

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Ah...Ms. Q--I so missed all your tidbits of info while you were gone! Like episode counts, spoiler info, media photos, etc...Not to mention videos, banners, avatars.....Don't ever leave us for 8 weeks again okay??? :)

In answer to your question, I am going to be gone the 11-16th (Sat. to Thurs). We are going to Breckenridge, CO. I am going to torture my kids and make them go whitewater rafting with me again. They hated it last summer and it was a wussy float trip! I went on once that was so scary I literally thought I was going to die, where you had to wear the wetsuit and the whole gear. I almost got divorced over that one that he convinced me wouldn't be scary! But these that they take the little kids on are just basically floating down the river and they splash you a tiny bit to get wet!!!

I just finished watching five episodes of GH and nightshift (oy...it stinks) and Entourage. I must say...I didn't think I would like that show at all, but my husband made me watch it with him and it is pretty darn funny in a Hollywood sort of way! I am tv'd out.

If I didn't already know it...I have just confirmed that I am THE WORST cook on the planet! I tried, I really tried to make dinner tonight. I bought Ahi tuna and even marinated it, and tried to sear it and it was TOTALLY gross and disgusting. I made this whole salad too to put it over and blah!!!! I was so sick of eating out so much while away and since we are about to go away again, I thought I would try to cook. Bad plan on my part!

However, I did make one mean bowl of easy mac for my son and a great cup of microwave success rice for the other! :)

August is going to suck for episode counts I am afraid if she isn't even going to be on til the week of the 13th!!!

Thanks for the birthday wishes Lainey! You went out of town and not Tracy huh? It is getting really, really, really boring with no tracy or spoilers in sight! I hope JE is enjoying her vacation cause we all certainly aren't!! :)

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Hey! I did the same thing in Austria!! I had a great time though, plus I was the only one on the little float that they didn't make jump out as part of the safety prep thing. I just rode along, sitting in the float and getting tossed around. ANyway, have fun on your trip

edit: wow, I've been opening pages on here left and right lately... maybe I'll get the even hundred this time around with only 7 left

*and hi Carrie!!*

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Ms. Q.. your video blew my mind. Totally awesome. TOTALY!

I love your Oh Baby update, too (more!!! more!! I need more!!)

I'm out of town for a week, beginning tomorrow. Here's hoping for good Tracy. I'm not hopeful, but here's hoping!!!!!

If she does pop up, somebody please post clips, please!

I'll be lurking, but not posting too much.

TL, do you have a photobucket link or something for your wallpaper? I LOVE it, and I would love to steal it for my computer (if you don't mind!), but I'm having trouble doing that.

Take care all!


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