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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb, Thanks for the GREAT fic! LOVED IT!!

Nex, Thanks for the clips :)

Edit: Nex, do you happen to have any clips of the vow renewal day? One of us (don't remember who) was asking about it in the breakroom the other nite and I thought I had it. Turns out the only one I have begins with Luke's attempt at escpape by way of window. LOL. Hooked checked her collection and she only had the same one I did. We checked Ms. Q's savefile thingy and we couldn't find any there, 'cept that one. If you have any could you please post them when you get a chance? THANKS A MILLION!

Edit again: Lainey, Congrats on your 300th post!

*waves back to Colette*

Edited by TracyLuv
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LaineyBev, congrats on your 300th post! :D

Thanks, Nex, for the clips! Those are iPod worthy. :lol:

And, sorry I forget, but whoever it was to post the clip converter for iTunes, it is SO MUCH better than the old one I used! Thanks!!!

I should be watching live today, and I will white out the recaps this time, now that I look back I realize that I completely forgot! :o

Of to download those clips and vote on hellagood...

Edit: forgot to bold again... *waves* to TracyLuv!

Edited by Colette
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Tracy was only on in the beginning for her scene with Nic, and that was it :( . She wasn't on for the rest of the show and was later only referred to .

I didn't bother to white out their short scene, so scroll past if you don't want it spoiled:

Tracy gives Nic the skinny on Scott/Logan and their relationship and how she came to find out. She told him Logan is sleazy and that disaster is looming.

That's basically it. Nic did not say one word the whole time. He just listened. I didn't like the expression on his face the whole time like part constipated and part ... I don't know... bothered. Anyhoo that was it.

Mentions of Tracy:

Scott accused Logan of being in on the scam with Tracy to say that he is Logan's father. And he asked Logan how much Tracy was paying him to say he was Scott's son. Lulu informs Scott that Tracy paid a PI to dig up dirt, not Logan.

When Nic when to Logan's to get Lulu, Lulu asked if Tracy put him up to it. Nic said "She is concerned about you, as am I"

Later at Kelly's Nik said to Lulu: "You said youself this has been a difficult year - Mom and Luke are gone, Tracy's locked up in ShadyBrook and Dillon left to pursue his dreams....." (my comment: I liked that Nic included Tracy in that list of people.)

Lulu said to Nic: I get that you are doing the protective older brother thing but that he shouldn't be making a big deal out of it. Nic said "someone needs to look out for you." And Lulu told him that she has an entire house full of Quartermaines thrilled to take on that job and that it gives them a reason to bicker and fight.

That's all! I LIKEY that even Nic thinks of Tracy as part of Lulu's family. Or at the very least, someone who cares deeply about Lulu and that Lulu cares about as well.

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Is SON going super slow for anyone else? :o

TracyLuv, thanks for the recaps the last couple days. I should have those vow renewal clips and will upload to the site when I get home. Remind me if I forget, though. I got quite a few of PMs from HellaGood and YouTube messages requesting clips and am getting confused on who is interested in what. :o

So sad to hear that Alan might be leaving for good. This might even be worse than his death because at least then, we knew he was returning as a ghost.

Lainey, congrats on 300 posts!

MinervaFan, probably will not have a chance to read the story until I get home. Can't wait.

Tracy got a haircut, huh? And it has oomph? YAY! And it sounds like a new outfit too.

hooked, I'll get the clips up from yesterday and today on SaveFile either tomorrow night or Friday.

(That sounds so strange...Me...Getting clips up!!! TOMORROW!!!! 24 hours, my friends...I'll be on a plane!!! Or wait...I might be in an airport, waiting to board the second flight. Either way, YIPPIE!)

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Thanks for the recap, TL! Love your new avatar!

And thanks, as always for the clips nex! Can't wait to watch

*waves to Lainey* I saw you over at the couples game. :D

Welcome home (almost), Ms. Q! We've missed you in the breakroom!

hooked: we miss you too already. Hope you're in-laws aren't driving you too crazy. Have some pineapple for me!

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No TQ today I don't think.


Hope everyone is having a devine day.

I am personally responsible for the misery of at least one family today, which just brings a tired, sad end to an unhappy, hectic, day.

Did I mention how much I LOVE my job? :()

I would go home and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's but I've done that once this week already. LOL

Can't do that too often.........

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I'm home!!!!!!!

OT, but remember my keyboard issues in Mexico? Well, now I am having a hell of a time with the American one. I forgot how to make an apostrophe! Haha.

From a few days ago, but hooked (I know you're away), but I believe you mentioned that you now have Mozilla FireFox. Just want to say I have the same browser, and it really is so much better than Internet Explorer.

No Tracy today, I'm assuming? I still have the new hair/wardrobe episodes to catch up on. My sister has them all out of order on the tape though, so it's going to be an adventure to find them. Also, remind me to put the clips on SaveFile for hooked. Speaking of SaveFile, I am going to try and upload the 2005 to 2007 LuNacy clips soon. I'll try to be quick, but I am still in the "getting used to being home again" stage. It's so...weird. But I am really, really happy to be back!

Truke, totally agree on the Lulu and her love life nonsense. It's great that Tracy is getting stuff to do, and I love that she's concerned, but I hate when she's just a prop. But...I guess that is what happens when Luke is gone.

OT again, but everyone is being so wonderful to me at home. I wonder how long it will last?

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I. Can't. Sleep. :(

I've been up since 5am -- close to 24 hours ago. Granted I slept a lot on the bus and on one of the flights, this is still ridiculous.

TracyLuv, I realized tonight that hooked posted the vow renewal clips on SaveFile. However, I realized this after I, too, had posted them. In any case, here are the links again if people are interested...

hooked's Collection: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808500264

Ms. Q's 2006 Collection: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808494529

MinervaFan, read your latest story tonight. I really enjoyed it. Very fun. Made me laugh out loud a few times. My mother heard me and came into the room, wondering what I was still doing up. :o

Thanks for the "Welcome back's" Lainey and bsg. I've gotten a whole bunch of those, and each time, I get so excited, LOL. It's still weird though. I am so happy to be home, and yet, here I am, having a hell of a time falling sleeping, and sort of wishing that I was in my "other bed" in Mexico. Sigh.

EDIT: New banner and avatar. Good? Bad? Not enough color? Too simple? Too blurred? Just right? Ahh...S

ILoveTracyQ, I'm sorry to hear about your work troubles. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

A little tidbit from GHFCW, regarding Scott Clifton: Scott said that he learn so much from Jane and Tony, and will take that with him no matter what happens in the future... *Source is Scott Clifton Central.

A request or rather suggestion for all you clip posters: I was going through my YouTube messages that I received while in Mexico and sort of have accumulated this kind of big list of requests of certain scenes. I was wondering if I could get help with the Dillon/Tracy scenes. The person is interested in all that I got. I know some of them are in the LuNacy SaveFile sites, but...A lot of them aren't. :(

So...My idea is that we (hooked, nex, TracyLuv, and anyone else) could create a Dillon/Tracy SaveFile account, share the password, and just upload what we can, when we can. We'd just have to make sure we included the date of the episode or a description, so we don't all post the same thing. Anyway, just a suggestion. If it doesn't make a lot of sense, it is cause it's very, very early, and although I can't sleep, I need sleep.

On the subject of clips, Colette, I reuploaded the Tracy, Dillon, and Ned hug at HellaGood. :)

And finally (before I attempt to fall asleep again), I restarted the video to "Bitch" tonight, remos. No promises, but I'd love to finish it in the near future.

Speaking of things getting done in the near future...I also brought out my notebook that I had been writing Oh, Baby in. Small squee.

And with that, I must head out. OT, but I am so frustrated (still) with the damn apostrophes, quotation and question marks, and colons...Why can't they be in the same place on ALL keyboards??? :angry:

EDIT: New banner and avatar. Good? Bad? Ehhh? Going to bed for real now.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Welcome back, MsQ!!!!!!!

I was so thinking of you, just this very morning. When you're done with your B!tch video, I thought you might be the perfect person to tackle Barbra Streisand's "Everybody Says Don't." It's from The Broadway Album, and it could be Tracy's life story. The song goes by very fast, and requires more skill (and clips) than I have. If you or Nex or any of the other vid makers want to take a stab at it, I'd love to see the results.

Everybody Says Don't

Barbra Streisand - The Broadway Album

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't it isn't right

Don't it isn't nice

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't walk on the grass

Don't disturb the peace

Don't skate on the ice

Well I say do, I say,

Walk on the grass it was meant to feel

I say sail - tilt at the windmill

And if you fail you fail!

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't

Everybody says don't get out of line

When they say that then lady that's a sign

Nine times out of ten

Lady, you are doing just fine.

Make just a ripple come on be brave

This time a ripple next time a wave

Sometimes you have to start small,

Climbing the tiniest wall

Maybe you're going to fall

But it is better than not starting at all.

Everybody says no, stop,

Mustn't rock the boat mustn't touch a thing

Everybody says don't

Everybody says wait

Everybody says can't fight City Hall

Can't upset the cart

Can't laugh at the king!

Well I say try,

I say,

Laugh at the king or he'll make you cry

Lose your poise

Fall if you have to but lady make a noise...


Everybody says don't

Everybody says can't

Everybody says wait around for miracles

That's the way the world is made

I insist on miracles if you do them,

Miracles might come true,

Then I say don't...

Don't be afraid!

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