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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves to remos*

Thanks for the clips, Ms. Q! And hooked! I loved the TrAsh dancing clip. So good.

I only caught a few minutes of the show. Enough to decide that Tracy wasn't going to be on. Was I right? I love Anna, but this Eli Love plot is sooo stupid. My bit of positivity about today's show...it looks like they aren't allowing Jason hair products in jail. His hair is looking less slicked and helmety.


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Yup, no Tracy today.

But they did have this old, loud, skirt chaser, shaking his little vial, talking about the "keys to the kingdom". I can't tell you how much A: I was grossed out, and B: I was glad my daughter had just left the room. Ewwwww

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Skye?!?!?! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Yeah, right!

Robin Christopher needs to wake up and smell the LuNacy Lust.

That is so not happening... ever.


Vegetable? Maybe.

Skye? NEV-UH!

Oh... Thanks to our very own, HOOKED... Lainey learned the secret to securing SkyMile tickets. SOOOOO. She's going to Hawaii in September: Oahu and Maui!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thanks, Hooked!

I haven't been this excited about a trip in years... years!!! :D

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Where is everyone today????

Lainey..so glad I can be of use to someone--ha ha! Glad you got your tickets. Will be a great trip I am sure!

BSG--We ended up taking our two oldest to a Harry Potter party at Barnes and Noble...but we left at 11:30 after all the costume contests, etc. My mother in law already ordered them the book so we didn't bother to wait in line.

My little one got invited to a sleep over at 9pm tonight (a little late for a 7 year old to be calling for a friend to sleep over don't ya think???? But...being the night owl family we are...we were out for dinner that late, so we dropped him off. It is his first sleep out away from home ever! So far, so good. I was totally expecting a call to go pick him up. I hope he makes it through the night over there! It is so quiet around here without my little motor mouth!

TL--did you like the movie?

I got a new browser installed today called firefox and it seems to be working so much faster than internet explorer...anyone have that one?

LadyAshton...hope you didn't mind I posted the drunk tracy dancing clip for BSG on savefile...trying to save you the trouble of reposting! How is your story coming?

Remos Sorry I missed ya today too...hope you got your tickets all booked

Ms Q--even from Mexico she is posting youtube clips for us! Thanks!

It is 12:25 central time...I am going to be up for a while...anyone around???


Okay...so guess who DIDN'T make it sleeping over at his friends???? It is 1:30am and he just called my cell phone to come pick him up cause he couldn't sleep. So I went and picked him up. I can so vividly remember my dad having to drag out in the middle of the night to pick me up from someone's house I was sleeping at cause I was scared...so I really didn't mind! :)

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Guess who didn't go to the Harry Potter launch party last night after talking about NOTHING ELSE all day long yesterday at work and annoying the #($ out of my coworkers? I got home, and apathy kicked in, and I'm like, dudes, I will so get the book tomorrow when there are no crowds. So I still don't have the book. But I got lots of good sleep last night. Didn't even bother to eat supper--just went to sleep. (It was a rough day at work.)

Alas, no Tracy again yesterday, huh? *rolls eyes* I'm going to get a little more written on my LuNacy story before I start working on my Dana Ivey screen caps. My new goal is - "get something done." Think I can manage?

Hey, MsQ, what's the countdown for coming home? 5 days? Woo-hoo! Staci is leaving behind la cucaracha and returning to home-grown bugs! Can't wait for youto get back.

EDIT: Fic update. I killed the 188 words I had written on the LuNacy fic and started from scratch. Now I'm at 1805 words, and I'm liking it much better. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and post it either Sunday or Monday. Woo-hoo!

Edited by MinervaFan
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I went to several HP events yesterday culminating in a midnight party for adult fans. And it was fun, but it was also hot and super crowded. And there were moments where I thought, ugh, I should have just ordered it on Amazon. I did get the book shortly after midnight and I'm about a 1/3 of the way through. The plan is to finish this afternoon.

HG members keep voting! The Lucky and Sam supporters are coming out in force. Tracy has been holding a steady lead, but she hasn't gone up by much in the past couple of days. And in the couples game LuNacy is way ahead at 55, but people are getting annoyed at their lead. One of the other players posted: "What is w/ all this Luke/Tracy love? I hate them together!" :( Go show some LuNacy love!

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Hey gang! I haven't been around much this week, other than to just pop in and read. Super busy work week. YAY for Saturday!!!! Went to the Moody Blues concert last night. It was awesome! My dad kinda dragged me to it so he would have someone to go with. I wasn't sure I would like it but is was a blast!

BSG, glad you liked the TrAsh clip. The TrAsh limo is enormous...always room for more :) Was there some other clip I was supposed to look for for you? I feel like I was looking for one for somebody but I have forgotten what it was and who it was for....

Hooked, thanks for posting the clip in my absence! Any word on the tapes?

MinervaFan, a fic on the way??? YAY!!!

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Hey guys, just checking in. It's Saturday so I'm not expecting much new here, I'm sure it's pretty dead, but I'm taking a breal from my homework so I wanted to stop in.

MF, can't wait for the new fic.

Collette, glad to here thing are better (I hope I'm not wrong but I thought that's what I read).

Bit of news, but nothing too exraordinary yet, my professor told me I should submit my stories to be published in an literary mag. I thought that was pretty cool. Exciting for me, anyway

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TL--you around for a few to chat???? Did you like the hairspray movie? My husband bought the CD at the bookstore last night which I thought was pretty humorous for some reason as he is such a top 40, VH1 countdown type of guy!

knh--that is awesome news about your stories! I really think you should enter them!! I have missed reading your stuff!

BSG--I can't believe you are 1/3 way done already. We went to Barnes and Noble last night and there was a huge costume contest. My friend's son went as a "hairy potter" and he has all this scotch tape on his chest and arms and face with black fake curly hair taped to it and was holding a big plant pot! IT was very creative, but didn't win. The girl who won was a weeping willow tree and she had a car stuck in her head with plastic harry and ron figures stuck in it and her hair was in a zillion ponytails to look like branches. It was cute!

It is so quiet around here on the weekends you guys! I voted on Hellagood today...we need to keep TQ and Lunacy going strong! :)

Going to a "white" party tonight for my husband's friend's 40th...supposedly the "white" theme is the hollywood rage---I am rebelling and wearing a white shirt but black pants--I hate this guy anyway! LOL!!

So nothing too much going on around here....LadyAshton I think the clips you were going to look for I already posted for BSG. They were of the Ashton's moving into the gatehouse, etc...

I have not seen TQ in any spoilers or mentioned for next week or the week after---I think it is all about Jason and his trial...and the stupid baby Jake thing....and lulu/coop/logan, etc

BTW...I watched nighshift thurday night--I must say..this episode was much better than the first...

TTYL...Will try to be around late night tonight!

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Colette, Glad to hear your grandfather is feeling better.

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the YouTube links

Hooked, I thought the movie was just okay. You have to understand that I have watched the B'way musical show 4 times a week for the past 4 years, so I couldn't help but compare them. I thought that the girl who played Tracy Turnblad was VERY good and was the kid who played Link. I thought the guy who played Corny Collins was fabulous!! Michelle Pfeiffer, John Travolta, Latifa, and Amanda Bines (?), were just okay. Jerry Stiller and Christopher Walken were good too.

The extra added surprise where the guest appearances in the audience of the Corny Collins Show during the Miss Hairspray contest at the end - Ricki Lake, Scott Whittman and Marc Shaiman (musical composers)!

BSG, I didn't notice that that person posted that comment about LuNacy in the thread at the HG game until I checked a few moments ago. I am tempted to say something about the couple (Nic and Emily) she's been voting for almost consistently in my next vote, but I've decided to ignore her comment instead.

Yes, Tracy is still in the lead in the Hella Good character game BUT she only increased one point since yesterday because the supporters for the others are out in full force. So if we want our girl to win we have to try and be consistent with the voting. :)

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TL--are you going to be around late night tonight? You working this evening? I'm in the breakroom but it is 4:35 central and I have about 20 minutes or so before I have to go get dressed. If not, will try to catch you later or sometime this weekend...cause I leave Tuesday am!


Hey...I see you guys are still on here...wish I had time to chat...

LadyAshton--the tapes are ready, but I told her to mail them to me on August 1st, so I will get them by the 4th probably when I get home from Hawaii. I will send them to you shortly thereafter.

I just went into the garage to get a bottle of water out of the fridge in there and saw a whole case of these energy drinks someone must have given my husband to try. They were called "Whose your daddy?" energy drinks. I cracked up!!

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I finished Harry Potter! Whooooooo! I'm so tired now from reading most of the day.

hooked: your friend's son's costume sounds very cute and clever.

knh: very cool news from your prof! go for it! any new decisions on your post grad plans?

Lady A: The clips were so awesome. I loved them. Can't wait to watch them again soon. I think those were the clips that I was asking about. hooked mentioned that you might have some clips of Tracy and Ashton watching the SS. Tracy sinking where Tracy slaps Ashton. hooked: am I getting the scenario right? if you do have those, I'd love to see them sometime.

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Fey and I saw this yesterday. I agree with you on Tracy and Link and Corny. Having never seen the play, I had nothing to compare it to but the original movie with Ricki and Divine. FWIW, I thought the movie was extremely entertaining, and if you could excise John Travolta from the film with an Exacto knife, would be one of the best movie musicals in a long time. The score was terrific, the dances were great, and I left the theater feeling better than when I came in. I can't help compare JT to Divine, and JT just came up terrible IMHO. He was always a man in a dress (AND A FAT SUIT...GRRR), whereas Divine *was* Edna Turnblad. Any good scenes he had in the movie were with Tracy, and only because the actress who played Tracy was so fabulous--so earnest and talented that she brought out the humanity in JT's Edna. But even he couldn't ruin the movie for me--I thought it was incredible, and a fairly good homage to the original movie (which is all I've seen). Oh, and TL, you missed a very, very important cameo--John Waters (who wrote and directed the original non-musical version) appeared in the opening "Good Morning, Baltimore" sequence. I recognized him immediately and knew everything would be okay.

As for Tracy, I am happy to say that she is about to have some fun with Luke in my story--of course, I have to go to the grocery store this morning, so it may be tomorrow before I get to write on it. I scrapped what I had, because I was (as I once mentioned to Hooked) enslaved to the Great Plot God, and the result was stilted and dull. I flipped it upside down, and now I think it's much better. Of course, the question now is, when the heck am I going to find time to finish it???

Will vote for TQ at HellaGood probably tomorrow. I won't abandon our girl, but weekends are tricky. Best to you all--we may go see Harry Potter today. We were supposed to do a double-feature yesterday, but just didn't go to the second movie. Oh, and I'm on Chapter Six of Deathly Hallows. I went ahead and skimmed through, because I was going to be damned if Chapter Three was all we got of Petunia Dursley. Liked what I saw at the end and already have a fanfic idea. (Petunia is right after Minerva McGonagall as my favorite Harry Potter character. I'm such a rebel.)

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Hooked, Sorry I missed you yesterday, I was logged in during the day but was cleaning around the house and by the time I noticed your post, you were gone from the BR. As for the past couple of nights, I've been conking out early from the cleaning I am trying to get done before my baby girl comes home tonite, and well before school starts next month. The thought of attempting the closets is giving me anxiety. LOL

Deb, That's right John Waters was in the movie, but i missed him. My friend Josh who was with me was like "there's John Waters"! I was searching for a decent pair of glasses in my bag, and was like "where? where? with my squinted eyes. Oh, BTW, they did not use the singing voices of the actresses/singers who played the "Dynamites" in the movie. They used the singing voices of Shayna Steele and Terita Redd who have played "The Dynamites" in the Broadway musical.

About Hella Good Game: Tracy of course is still in the lead BUT her score between the end of the day Friday, and the end of Yesterday (Saturday) is still the same. We are all doing a great job at trying to be cosistent for our girl over there but there are just as many who are voting against her, for the most part, it seems all of our votes for her yesterday were cancelled out by those voting against her. Well at least she didn't decrease by any at the end of the day. Let's keep int going for our girl!

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Aw, thanks guys!! No, though. No new decisions on my plans. I'll fill you guys in as I figure it out. I'm kind of annoyed right now. Let me know if you all think this is terribly selfish (b/c I'm starting to and I feel bad about it). The nephew of my new uncle is going out to stay with my uncle in Cali for a few weeks. I am going the last week of Aug first of Sept and my grandmother is coming with me. We don't get to go out often at all. In fact the last time I was there was 2 or 3 years ago so I want some time with them. We are also going to meet my cousin Xander like I said before. My mom just woke me up to ask me if I would mind if the nephew would come when I do and he can meet him too b/c he wants to get into acting. I said I would mind. I know ti would be a nice thing to let him come but he doesn't talk. I'm sure he will if it's two weeks, but as comfortable as I am with most anyone as a general rule I don't this kids at all. The most I have had with him is small talk and that was only b/c he was the groomsman that escorted me down the isle last week! I don't want to spend two weeks with someone I don't know when I am trying to visit my family that I don't ever see and I especially don't want to take him when I meet my cousin for the first time b/c he wants me to take advantage of a connection. I said I'll give him his number when he goes out, but that's all I can do.

Is that really awful of me b/c I am thinking of changing my mind. (though a psychic came up to me in a bathroom last years (a whole story unto itself) and told me to stop doing so many things for other people and to think of myself... I think this would qualify, right?)

*waves to BSG*

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