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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well thanks for all the congrats about graduating everyone!!! It feels pretty good but I'm sure it'll be much better when it's all done in a week or two. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch seeing all the crap that went on last summer. After this summer I'll officially have my degree so I'll be back in school for my master's in teaching. My mom, who has always said that that is my "calling" and it's what I'm supposed to be doing, said that I should see if I can get a job with set design or some kind of thing like that b/c she thkns I'd enjoy it. I think it would be a lot of fun, plus it can make me some money while I'm taking night classes so it's sounds good to me. I'm hoping I can hit my cousin up for a job, even if I just assist him with whatever. Working for a show would definately teah me a lot about the business if I want to act or something. I know it's always the stupid little girl dream that people have unless they are really outgoing, but that's what I'd really love to do, so here's hoping. Anyway, thanks for all the congrats!!!!!

A little annoyed that we, yet again, got a spoiler that didn't happen, but I'm staying pretty chill today so I'm letting it roll... oh well.

Hooked, reading your story in a few. I'll edit my comment (we all know it'll be compliments) on it later

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Hola! Ms.Q, hope everything is going good in Mexico, I'm sure you are counting down the days till your back in your own bed and in front of your own computer! 9 days right??? haha :D

I cannot believe all those actors went to the Quartermaine brunch.....even all those non-Quartermaines showed up and Jane didn't? Whats up with that? ;) I should have gone, even if I had to go by myself, and asked where she was.

As for today, while I was looking forward to seeing Jane on my tv, I think remos is right, they are a day behind because of Dillons Monday goodbye. At least they set up the reason she is getting out instead of just cutting to her out of Shadybrook.

Hooked, I'd join you in the breakroon but I have to get back to work. :(

**waves to Kenna, knh, remos, hooked and hotbdd34**

Edited by nex4evr
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lainey...ladyashton...you guys around for a quck chat??? It is 8:05 central time and I am in the breakroom...I am on my computer writing.....

I am the worst mom...chick fil a biscuits for breakfast today, burger king for lunch and now I jiust ordered pizza hut for dinner for my kids! You can tell my husband is out of town...they are in heaven...I am the laziest person on earth! :)

Deb...since you asked...here are top ten reasons to be happy today:

#10---We should get Tracy tomorrow

#9 ---You are the most fabulous writer ever!!

#8---You dont' have any kids (ha ha)

#7 ---You did such a good deed by donating your braid to locks of love

#6 -- You have a very cool purse (LOL)

#5--- Lainey is writing some lunacy smut

#4 --TL is writing some lunacy smut

#3 -- Summer is half way over

#2 -- Staci is coming back in 8 more days

#1 -- We all care about you! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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Doing my part to keep us at the top of the Love/Hate Queue.

Got a sneak peak of Lainey's new story--yum-oh.

Still working out the plot bunny in my head, but life is conspiring to keep me from writing. I have a 2nd attempt at a doctor's appointment at lunch, and we're having our first dinner guest (Fey's mom) to the apartment tonight. So no writing for me. Here's a hint, it's LuNacy, and it's (hopefully) light-hearted.

Don't know if I'll have much time to post today--I usually can only go online these days on breaks at work, and if I have another day like yesterday--not going to have much break time. Wish me luck.

Oh, and hooked? Thank you for the wonderful list. I appreciate that.

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Hooked, awwww, LOVE your list!! :). And thanks for keeping me company last nite ;)

On my way out to work the matinee. Since I am on late this afternoon, I wont be home to watch GH until later tonite. I hope our girls gets some great scenes today. I have a feeling from the Q convo yesterday, that she is just going to appear, meaning she will already be out when we see her for the first time today. But who knows with this assinine (sp?) show already. POSITIVITY Though :) - she has to be on for sure :) !!!!

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Tracy is back with a hefty lead at Hellagood--watch out Lucky/Sam fans! :) And...Lunacy is blowing every couple out of the water with the next closest Robin/Patrick who are more than 23 points behind!!!

I just a read a spoiler totally not tracy-related so I am not goign to bother whiting it out, but it said that Dr.Lee and Jerry Jax are supposed to have some big secret revealed and that she is the one who ran down dr. meadows ages ago so she could get the OB job at GH (cause you know there can only be one OB on staff at a big hospital--LOL). She is supposedly the one who has been feeding him information on people in Port Charles, etc...

TL--I stayed up watching tv til 3:30am last night. My son woke me up this morning at 9:30 with $16 and change thrown on my bed, begging me to take him to buy a webkin (these stuffed animals that come with a website where you can register them and play games online). I wanted to strangle him :)

Ms. Q--if you are checking the thread today...I will post clips later today if she is on!

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I am officially more medicated. The nurse-practitioner just upped my dosage today, so hopefully I will begin to see an improvement. He also told me that my bloodwork is "near perfect," especially for someone my size. I guess giving up meat 8 years ago had some benefit, right?

I definitely have a LuNacy plot bunny--I am at the point where I actually *want* to write again, but just can't find the time. Oy.

I'm not sure what to expect with the Tracy scenes today. I'm hoping they're good, and more than just a moment, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. We've got fanfic, we've got the LoveFest, and we're going to have Tracy at some point in the game. Life is pretty cool, and so is my nifty Dyke Purse ™.

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Glad to hear you are feeling better Deb! :) Been thinking about you!

Remos...just emailed you...your kids are gorgeous!

I have to finish a very tedious project this afternoon. Putting it off but have to finish it today and am determined to sit and do it now.

scenes today will probably be a replay of last summer with tracy walking in on dillon/lulu, although not as shocking to her since it isn't her son with his step-sister---just Scott's spawn! LOL!

Check you guys later after GH!!

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Okay, I watched live. Didn't think I'd have to be the one to tell, so forgive me for the lack of details.

Unless my count was off, she was in every segment. I know she was in at least 6 of the 7.

Opened with Tracy and Scott walking in on Lulu just as she leaned over to kiss Logan. Tracy looked relieved, even as she was balling out Scott for his son being all over Lulu (or something like that). Lulu's face was a mixture of "what are you doing" and "wow, you really care". Lots of insults, Scott denying Logan's identity, yada yada. Tracy tells Lulu she wanted her to work Logan, but this was not what she had in mind.

Tracy pushed Lulu out the door and took her back to the mansion. We find out that Edward allowed her a day pass to find Lulu, but Tracy is still very much an inmate of Shadybrook.

Um.... Tracy want's her to have a curfew of 11 pm (yeah right), and didn't want to go back to SB. Scott informs her it's either SB or prison, so she goes back. Before she leaves, though, she admonishes all the Q's (Edward, Monica, Sky - who Edward called to come look for Lulu, as well as Alice) to watch out for Lulu. There was a definite sense of "maternal Tracy" in all of this.

Once back at SB, Tracy continues to give Scott what for, telling him to acknowledge his son and reign him in - Lulu is Laura's daughter, after all, so he should care more. Scott still denies Logan. Tracy tells him that if he doesn't stop this, when Luke returns there will be hell to pay.

And Lulu, being Lulu, sneaks out, goes to Logan, shows more interest in him then ever before, starts kissing him, and we're off to the races tomorrow...

BTW, JE was georgeous as ever. Green jacket, black pants (I think) Sorry, these things don't usually register for me

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Thanks for the recap remos!

Can't wait to watch today's episode! Breakroom anyone: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012?

Hope you start feeling better soon, MinervaFan!

Edit: a while back--I don't think it was too long ago--someone posted a link to what I think was a Soap Opera Weekly interview with JE and TG about LuNacy and their personal friendship. It was a two page interview. Is this ringing any bells? I tried to find it again and I couldn't and I didn't see it on j-e.com. Any chance someone out there has it? Pretty please?

Edited by brownstonegirl
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