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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey.. we have to meet up in the breakroom, and trade ideas. Maybe late Sunday night? Lemme know if you wanna make a 'date.'

I have one where Luke busts into Shadybrook to free Tracy, and has to dive under the bed to hide from Lainey. And then Tracy and Lainey do this whole therapy session, where Lainey tries to get Tracy to revisit their last talk about Love and Luke and Trust. And he's under the bed!!!

I think there is a good story here, just don't think it's "Lunacy Lust." hmmmm

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"I have one where Luke busts into Shadybrook to free Tracy, and has to dive under the bed to hide from Lainey. And then Tracy and Lainey do this whole therapy session, where Lainey tries to get Tracy to revisit their last talk about Love and Luke and Trust. And he's under the bed!!! "

That would be funny. Perhaps not lusty, but I'd love to read that.

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*waves to Lady A*

Yay! Thanks so much knh. Now I have to do a little shopping for a video ipod... :)

I like this story idea. I could turn into LuNacy lust after Lainey leaves...

At the wedding yesterday they played Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan during the ceremony and given all that Tracy has done for Luke, especially of late, I think it's a fitting song to add to the Tracy/LuNacy playlist.

Edit: Here are the words to Make You Feel My Love:

When the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace

To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear

And there is no one there to dry your tears

I could hold you for a million years

To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet

But I would never do you wrong

I've known it from the moment that we met

No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue

I'd go crawling down the avenue

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rollin' sea

And on the highway of regret

The winds of change are blowing wild and free

You ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true

Nothing that I wouldn't do

Go to the ends of the earth for you

To make you feel my love

Copyright © Bob Dylan

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Lainey, LOVE your fic idea!!

BSG, Good catch over at Hella Good! Hmmm.... interesting how this is the 2nd time that our girl lost points (4 this time in the couples game) from one post to the next without ever being subtracted from officially.

ETA: Page 380!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Didn't Garth Brooks do it too?

I am starting to have so many songs in my head to go with a video... if only I could make them on my computer. Anyone heard Everything by Michael Buble yet? It's new, I've only heard it once but I downloaded it and I love it (also Home, I like any of his songs for a vid but I think I just like his songs)

Lainey love the story idea!!! I have a few ideas kickin' around but no time to write with my classes still going on. They're done on the 28th I think, so after that I'm good to go, I can finally start writing something for the thread. If not I'lll just throw a couple of my ideas out here and see if anyone is up for catching them.

Ugh, I have a picture to start this weekend. At least it is only of someone's dog so it shouldn't take too long, but after that I'm done for a bit and I'm heading for LA for two weeks. I sent a mail to my cousin Xander (who I've never met) a few months ago b/c I know he lives out there too. He did the same to my uncle so I knew he wouldn't be wierded out about it. He's pretty cool so far and he said next time I head out there to give him a call so I think I'm gonna meet him over those weeks. He just got married in April so I'll meet his wife too. Anyone remember who David Bailey is... all you Soap fiends? It's his son, he's an actor too, he's written a pilot so I'll plug it if it airs. he sent me a youtube link for some of it, though.

Anyway, that's all that's new out here in humid ol' Connecticut. Man, my aunt wants me to move in with them in LA. I'm definately comsidering it right now. I'll have a job and the weather is fantastic, not that I don't love New England, b/c I do, but still... time for a change

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I finally watched last Monday's show, even though I haven't watched the other past two weeks that I have taped.

I liked the Dillon/Tracy goodbye, it didn't move me like I thought it would and I hated that the rest of the family was standing there when they talked, but it wasn't too bad.

*waves to hooked*

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Hi all...I finally got a vcr hooked up and watched the proposal my husband did when we got married...so hilarious...it was from 3/29/90 and I am like fast forwarding through the proposal part to see if tracy was on that episode! She was but only two scenes...she was with Ned at ELQ and gloating cause Alan was humiliated in the papers with Lucy Coe. Monica was on a plane to get a divorce in Mexico!. Then another scene she is leaving with Ned and dawn and hadn't a clue what the secretary's name was...she is like nancy, suzy, alice.....then Neds steps in and says "goodnight Mary" Too funny!

I am having so much trouble getting into the breakroom...I cna't get in there. everytime I try, my whole system freezes up and I have to turn off my computer and start over---ugghhh!!!

I am going to try again in a bit....it is 3pm central...

I have two ideas for fics, but cant' seem to get in the mode to write them...need some inspiration!!!

TL--two nights in a row I have passed out by 11:30! Tonight I am up for a late night as I have so much to do on the computer!!


Finally got in the breakroom...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 3pm central time

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks, TL! When I went to vote, I knew something was wrong since Tracy and Luke had been way up there. It just took me awhile to figure out what happened and how to fix it. :)

I think he did cover the song as well, knh. I've never heard his version, but I really like Dylan's and at my friends' wedding they had another friend of theirs sing it. She had a really beautiful gravelly voice that lent a nice quality to the song. Are you almost done with your class? Does that mean that you've almost officially graduated?

hooked: that's so awesome. I'm glad you found the tape. Very cool that Tracy is part of the episode. How did he edit in the proposal and put together the whole surprise?

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remos, last night, I dreamt I was home and started the "Bitch" video. Haha. I'm so excited about making videos again. I miss my lap top soooooo much. 11 more days!!! BTW, if you are interested in reading that article with TG and JE, you can find it here. It's the the Silver Fox ones.

Lainey, love the idea!

Anyone else having voting difficulties at Hella Good? I was able to, eventually.

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: Out of the breakroom. I think I'm just staying a half hour tonight, and my time is almost up.

Some stuff I've been meaning to share...

There are papelerías (paper stores) out here, and one is called Lulu and one is called Monica. That amused me. And last night, I was watching a movie, and 2 of the main characters were named Tracy and Alan. That too, amused me. :lol:

BTW, for those interested, Jane Elliot was not at GHFCW, which was kind of expected. Robin Christopher and JE were the Q actors missing from the Quartermaine brunch.

Gotta go!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I am hoping for some Tracy tomorrow. I am in withdrawl!

OT: I just got back from seeing the recent Harry Potter movie! I thought it was really good. If you haven't seen it, I thought they should have included when: Professor Mcgonagall tried to prevent Umbridge from taking Hagrid away and she was injured and sent to the hospital... that could have been some pretty good acting.

Is anyone else as big a fan as me? I am very excited for the last book...

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