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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hooked and BSG- nice job catching the mistake! I was a little confused- was it my fault or the person before me? I can be pretty challenged when it comes to math, I will have to make sure I got it right.

No Tracy today, though she was mentioned.

Spolier if you haven't seen todays episode: I really enjoyed today's episode, even though there was no Tracy. I thought that Alexis and Craig should have been paired up, so now I am glad that they are bringing that possibility back. Craig, Alexis, and Carly were humerous today, it was a light episode exept for the mob.

EDIT: I always forget to bold names :)

Edited by Colette
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Thank you for posting this!!! I stopped, but I had been asking this same question for a long time a while back because I have no idea how to get them on my ipod. I can't even get them moved over to itunes to load anything, so I'm glad to see someone knows how to do this!!

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Ugh! No Tracy today :(

This show is soooo messed up with their timelines and wardrobes sometimes I think they tape stuff, make clips, throw them in the air, and pick randomly.

Lulu was supposed to have her date with Logan the same night that Dillon was leaving/Day tracy was at Q's. Today Lulu is on her date, and everyone is wearing different clothes. Tracy is gone back to SB so Ed and Monica say. They said Ned called last night to say they arrived in NYC. And Monica blasts Edward about his comment he made a "few days ago" about how he should have supported Alan. What's up with this MF'ing soap?

I guess the spoiler about Ned telling Scott to stay away from Lulu and Tracy didn't happen. Or it did and it was cut. Also, the spoiler about Tracy confessing to Ned about forging the will didn't happen either. Since that one didn't happen, will "Lulu come to the rescue once again" since Ned didn't have the scene to deny her help? The "lulu to the rescue once again" had to do with Ned refusing his help.

I really hope they don't drop the s/l of Lulu helping Tracy out. Thank god she's still living at the Q's. For now anyway. Who knows what TIIC will do or drop or cut next.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hey...looks like TQ is about to take the lead in the hellagood game! Yes, I am SOOOOOOO bored out of my mind that I am checking the scores today....if you didn't vote today...go vote....Ms Q would be so proud of us!!!!

Lucky 96

Sam 102

Tracy 102

OK..some positive spin...even though TQ has not been on the past days...both days she has been mentioned at least...yesterday by lulu to logan and mike and today by edward....

Maybe thursday she will be on again...somehow she and scott need to get out so they can bust lulu/logan next week

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Can't stay too long...

Ended up watching Friday's scenes. LOVED them. I am really going to miss Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton in scenes together.

MinervaFan, SendSpace was being a little b-tch, but I finally was able to download to your video. I'm really glad someone put all those Paul clips in a video. Thought it was neat to use the sepia tone with Paul and then real color with Luke. Enjoyed the song too. Used it as background music. Haha. Great job. :D

Lainey, still haven't read the fic, but you know I will. :)

TracyLuv, I don't think things were cut. IIRC, those spoilers did not come from reliable sources. I could be wrong though...

Well, Tracy being mentioned is better than nothing, right?

BTW, guess who just put Tracy in the lead at HellaGood? ;) Great work, everyone!

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http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (6pm central) Sorry I must have missed ya Deb!

I am here for like 30 minutes, then am dragging myself to a latin dancing aerobics class at the park tonight outside in this horrendous heat...only because my instructor is making a video for her new Rumba Fitness line and she really needs bodies there....I will not be in the front--that is for sure...I am going to be standing in the very back row all the way out of the wide angle lens--ha ha


TL--you are right..this show is so screwed up with timinig. So lulu was going to start the next night at Kelly's meaning tonight, and then georgie covered for her. Then you have Monica saying to Edward that he stood there a few days ago telling Tracy not to screw up with her son like he did with his. Then Edward says that lulu is always working and not there for dinner (hello?? Did she even start the job yet???) UGHHHH!!!

So sad...there is a thread called "are the Qs phasing out or something like that at SOC. I am going to start a new thread called "Save the Qs campaign". Go post on it!!!

Edit again...Robin used the word "a**" on GH again today...the writer's new favorite word!!

Edited by hookedongh
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hooked: Thanks to your eagle eye for noticing the mistake in the first place! I hope my post made sense and didn't sound too crazy. The math just seemed off so I went back and checked. Colette: it was the person after you that made the mistake. Yours was the last accurate post. :)

Looks like TQ took a brief lead and is now back to the scores hooked posted above.

I finally got to watch Monday's episode and I have to say that I wasn't as blown away by the scenes as I wanted to be. JE and SC were awesome, of course. And JMB was great as well. I just love how Lulu is stepping up with Tracy. I normally love all of the Q general nuttiness, but it felt too much like the three ring circus was taking away from the goodbye between Tracy and Dillon.

MinervaFan: I loved your video. Nice work!

Anyone around: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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Get crackin'!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I need me some LuNacy lust BADLY!

He's gone with the ex...

She's locked in the nuthouse...

Her sons are gone...

Her stepdaughter is about to do a Pamela Anderson...




I need an alternate "reality" NOW!


or start a LuNacy Lust-o-thon at the Ficathon...




Your Friend,

Lainey 'the Lunacy Lust' Lunatic

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Your welcome for the clips BSG...if anyone wants to see anything else, I am happy to post 'em if I have 'em.

Any hopes of TQ today??? I bet today is the total set up for Nightshift again as it premiers tonight at 11pm Eastern time on soapnet in case anyone is interested....


As of just now...TQ has pulled ahead in the Hellagood game

Lucky 95

Sam 102

Tracy 103

Go vote today to keep her in the lead!

Edit...where is everyone today???

Edited by hookedongh
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I think Hellagood is a total Samloving forum so that is pretty darn funny that TQ is in the lead!!

Got a story brewing in my mind....just need to make my lazy self sit down and write it!!!

Anyone around for a bit--breakroom for a few? (1pm central)...trying to procrastinate instead of doing everything I should be doing right now! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/10493

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Hey, fanfic writers and vidders! Want something to do over the rest of the summer?

How about joining The Long Hot Summer Smutathon over at the Ficathon? Until Luke returns in October, the Ficathon is a haven for all smutty (or not so smutty) stories featuring our girl. They can be sexy, romantic, funny, angsty--just get Tracy into some romantic action over the summer. All pairings are welcome.

NOTE: Because we have so many vidders and graphic artists on the group, I'd like to welcome submissions of videos and graphics/avatars/artwork to the challenge. Just post it to the Ficathon using the same header as for fiction, and provide a permanent link to your vid or graphic.

Thank you, again, Lainey, for the great idea!

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