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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves to nex**

I watched your vid nex and I love it ! I posted comments at the JE board....

I also really enjoyed everyone's fics.

Sorry for such brief comments but I am so behind... I still haven't watched Thrs-Friday of last week, I have catching up to do. LOL

Welcome Colette!

((HUGS)) Staci. You are MISSED !!

I don't think she's on today......

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Welcome, Collette! Glad to have you here. It's a great group of people on the LoveFest--you are encouraged to join in and have fun with us! I FLOVE your Tracy banner. She's nummy, isn't she?

I'm assuming from the lack of squeeness, that Herself is not on today. That bites, but at least it's one less thing I have to FF through tonight. It feels like Friday, but it's only Tuesday--so we should have some Tracy this week, right?

Work is crazy today--not posting much, but checking in when I can.

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*waves to Deb, she of the short and SASSY hair*

I'm bored, must get back to work. Sounds like no Tracy today, but it's hard to tell. You can't trust SZ's live post, Tracy's story is currently too stupid for their taste.

Because every other story on GH is Shakespeare and sooooo well written and compelling, dontcha know.

*note sarcasm*

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Hello nex4evr, ILoveTracyQ, and MinervaFan!

Nope, no Tracy today. But the previews showed Ned telling Dillon that he could "change his life" or something like that. Bon voyage to Dillion soon. :(

^I wasn't sure if that was considered a spoiler or not.

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Aw man! The 2 computers here that have Java for the breakroom are being used! I must watch them closely and wait to make my move...

EDIT: I'm in the breakroom: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

WELCOME TO COLETTE. It's great to have another JE/Tracy fan onboard. And count me in on the banner love!

I remember a Ned/Tracy spoiler for July 4th, so she should be on tomorrow. Third year in the row that she's on July 4th. You know, that date has a bit of a history for being awesome for our girl. ;) In 2005, Skye was unnerved by LuNacy's growing bond, and we got the Charity Endowment speech. And in 2006, we got Tracy/Robert on the docks, and Drunk!Tracy with Lorenzo at MetroCourt. And wow...I have to work on wording in that second part, 'cause I'm making it sound like Tracy really got around last year. :lol:

And YEAH! Tracy's really bringing in the points at HellaGood.

Soap Opera Digest (SOD) VCR Alerts: Tracy spoiler for July 17th:

Details from SoapQueen:

Do you know what this means?

Speaking of SOD, remember that focus poll? Here are some results that might be of interest....

Worst Episode Ever: Alan's death.

Storylines to FF Through: Elizabeth/Jason/Jacob/mob violence

People Wish For: Balance and use of the vets.

Compliments to GH: Alan/Tracy/Luke storyline is really fun and very well acted.

Unfortunately, Tracy didn't bring in enough votes to be the character that people would watch everyday. SONNY got that one, but Luke followed. Then Robin, Patrick, Carly (gah), Jason (another gah), Emily and Noah.

EDIT AGAIN: hooked, I read Hope. The ending was so adorable and perfect. Those beginning paragraphs were good too with the descriptions and what Tracy was thinking. I enjoyed the whole story. :D

*waves to TracyLuv* If you got time, join me in the breakroom. :D Link's above.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks for posting that spoiler Ms. Q!! I hope there's more where that came from. I want our girl on all summer!! Preferably with Lulu :). Thanks for posting some of the results from the SID focus poll. I find it interesting that both Sonny (mob), and Jason are on the list that is fast forwarded the most, but at the same time are the ones people said that they would watch every day. Seems like there just might be equal amounts of Sonny and Jason lovers and haters.

Oh if ya ever see me logged on and I don't respond to posts or break room invites, it won't mean I am here and ignoring anybody. Since I have to log on to view I will probably be logged on for the most of the day, whether I am viewing or not - YES I am that lazy sometimes. It's just that I check the boards quite often between doing things at home - YES I am that obsessed!

ETA: Page 371! <---I like when I get to do that B)

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LOL TracyLuv. 371 isn't a "special" number, so no prize for you though. :P Don't want to sound needy, but if you're still around, breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

*waves to inyron*

BTW, TL, I totally get the "obsessed" thing. You bet if I weren't in Mexico, I'd be checking the thread every half hour. LOL.

OT: Whoa. We just lost power in here. Well, my computer is on a different outlet thingy or something, so I'm still around...for now. *crosses fingers*

EDITED: knh, I'm still hanging out in the BR. :D (I'm using computers at the school tonight, so it's not costing me anything...)

EDITED - again: Lots of people lurking!!! Join me if you can!!!! Yes, I am needy tonight. :(

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Welcome, Colette!

Whoa, much love to the 'Newbies'!! Welcome also to Inyron and Kslater! sorry to anyone I left out

I can't belive we have so many new people on here, it's becoming quite the party town.

Online, still waiting to hear from my teach, obviously not going to be watching Tracy today, so oh well.

I have 18 people in my house for at least a week for my aunt's wedding so I don't know how much I'll be on. Pray for me because I'll want to kill a whole lot of people before the week's end. Good lord, 2 cousins under 5, an aunt and uncle, 4 grown cousins, aunt's parents, the 6 of us in my house, and my aunt's new step-daughter. Oh man! Plus my shoes have had to be dyed twice because they came in different colors (from each other, not even from the dress) and then the second time they came in the wrong color all together. We have 3 days till the wedding and these people don't know how to dye a damned shoe. Good news is it'll be over and I won't have to wear this dress again. I hate events... this one is taking the cake. My aunt is such a bridezilla

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*waves to inyron*

Welcome, Colette! I saw you voting over at Hella Good. Ever since TL taught me how to play I've officially become obsessed. Way to go Lovefest with our tag team voting. TL, I think you and I have voted back-to-back the last two days. LOL. We've all got to keep up the voting every day. I want to see our girl go the distance!! :D

knh: Wow. When is the wedding? Is it this weekend? Is this one of those like week long extravaganzas? I hope you make it through all the events and have some down time to relax after!

A bunch of us are still in the breakroom hanging out: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


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Hello Brownstonegirl, Knh, and Ms.Q! Hope I didn't miss anyone.

Same as TracyLuv, I will probably just stay online since I am also obsessed enough to check the board periodically. So, I leave tomorrow (at an ungodly hour of the morning) and I will be back Sunday. I will have to vote for Tracy quick tomorrow morning, because I will have about four days of no voting. :(

Knh, I am not looking forward to the wedding I am heading to, either.

I'll see everyone Sunday!

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http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 It is 9:40 central time...anyone around?


I had read dillon's last day was July 6th (friday) but I just read now that his last airdate is Monday, July 9th and that Anna comes back on July 13th. So that means we won't have a whole week without tracy...she should be on Monday with Dillon too! Even once a week is better than nothing! :)

TL/BSG..post a link later if you are online..

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No, thank God!!! My uncle had one like that a few years back. Well he was supposed to but they canceled it a week before the date. My aunt's getting married on Saturday in that a.m. so I have to be up early to get my hair done at 6 so we can all be ready to go and be at my granmother's house at 7 before we go to the wedding. I just have everyone staying at my house. We are the only house with kids besides my 2 little cousins in Cali so they stay with us. Same reason is why my 4 cousins from Jersey are staying with us too, though at least the two kids there are my age. My aunt in Cali is married to my mom's brother so her parents need a place to stay... here (as much as I love them they are a bit inconvenient)... it's a good thing my mother taught us what my grandfather taught her, it doesn't matter if you're sleeping on a rock or a crumpled up tee-shirt if it means your family has a bed. I just always end up the first one on the floor, my sisters just share. So no long week of events, just a sleepless/ noise filled one plus I still have to go to work early in the mornings.When I said I hate events, I meant events in general. I am not a big/ over the top kind of girl and my aunt incredibly is so it's not really my thing. I mean, I'm certainly happy for her and I love her but I hate having to stand in front of people for anything. I turn 10 shades of red and my heart races. The only thing that made me do it was that she told us she wasn't going to have a wedding if we weren't all going to be in it (nothing like that kind of pressure) and my only other option was to do a reading which would, sadly, put me smack dab in the middle of a crowd so that was out.

It's all good. I use my little cousins as my plan B. Anytime I want to avoid things like dancing I go on babysitting duty which my aunt will always take advantage of so it works for me.

Anyway- the west coast crowd is due to arrive any minute so I'll talk to you all when I can.

night all!!


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I hope everyone has a happy fourth.

Colette have a safe trip, wouldn't it be funny if you and knh were going to be at the same wedding.

Kristin....just have FUN. I love the noise of family, because we don't get together too often. :)

But I will remember you in my prayers.

And WOOT ! Bridezillas is such a campy, so-bad-its-good show. I love watching it. :) A guilty pleasure.

((HUGS)) to everyone. I know our girl is on tomorrow, but I STILL haven't watched Thursday and Friday yet so I am going to be behind in commenting on tomorrow.

I know she'll rock it, as always.

Happy 4TH !

ETA *waves to nex and TL !*

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