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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Aww. Anna :) I was watching the thinking about you too I watched some aw tapes I had from soapnet. I miss that show. :( Do you have a link by any chance?

I love Lu Lacy (Lulu and Tracy) I think that they could be great with their new caper.

Why did they put Tracy in one of my least favorite recycled outfits. I would think that If she was going to be in Shadybrook she would at least get a new outfit.

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Aw, Another World. I wish there were more clips out there of the show. I miss it, too. :( I was so excited when someone posted the Donna singing at the Harbor Club fantasy sequence on youtube. Here's the link, if you haven't seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2eO2vMiJSY.

Oh my! While I was looking for the Donna Harbor Club clip, I just stumbled on to this tribute video for Donna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPiXkG_pmBs

Unfortunately I don't have a link to the GH annivesary clips. I saw the episode at the Museum of Television and Radio--which is totally worth a visit.

I haven't seen the clips from today yet, but I've been loving the Tracy and Lulu relationship. I can't wait to see the trouble they get into together.

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Clips, clips, clips did somebody say they needed today's clips?!??!! Lainey was that you, or was that brownstonegirl who needed todays clips? Just kidding, here they are for your enjoyment:


Clips provided by Isabella at S-M.net, edited by me!

I also have to say that she looked really good today......her hair, make-up and even the recycled outfit wasn't too bad, considering it has been over a year since we saw it last. The only thing that bothered me was the jewels, since when do mental hospitals allow patients to wear all that bling! Oh well, the Tracy and Lulu stuff was good, but Alan and Scott got on my nerves. Grrrrrr! :angry:

Good night ya'll!

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Nex, Thanks for the edit clip!

Glad to see I am not the only one annoyed by Tracy's two male visitors yesterday. I hope Alan heard everything Lulu said to Tracy about Luke's feelings for her and Lulu's sincerity in wanting to help Tracy.

BSG, Glad everything turned out okay with the CT scan.

SOC posters, there is a Tracy thread over there - show some support for our girl! ---> God I Love Tracy!!!

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Nex---thanks so much! I am downloading now and posting on savefile for staci! I think she said she might get online today.

TL--didn't wake up for my class today..figured I needed sleep way more than exercise--ha ha!

Today is my little ones's birthday, so he is having back to back friends over..one in the morning, one in the afternoon, we are ordering pizza for lunch for them. Of course I bought party favors figuring at least one kid wouldn't come for his party on sat. but now they are all coming so I have to go back to Target and hope they still have these bubble gun things...

Just watched yesterday again...Her face was so sad when Scott said he would always choose her over you...Grrrr...I can't wait to see Tracy stick it to Scott and blackmail him. Do you think he even knows he has a son somewhere?

I have this fic idea that I hope I have time to write today...we'll see...if the crowned birthday prince will leave me alone for long enough to write--ha ha!!

It was so sweet because my grandmother had a card that was stamped and ready to be mailed on her desk to him when I was at her house. She had written out the card and the check on May 22nd---she always bought her cards a month in advance for the following month---I can't even send a card on time ever!!!


Some spoliers from GHH2...most we know already...but.... (for the week of July 2, 9th) Ned comes back on the 4th it says. Dillon's last day is the 6th. Wubs also has a spumor listed that she thinks Spinelli is a Quartermaine--that would be hilarious...maybe he is Ned's son or something. Can you imagine tracy's face if she found out she was spinellis grandmother---LOL

Edited by hookedongh
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Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted even once today. Tracy looked so beautiful and sad yesterday. I loved that line about "one glimpse of paradise." That is SO a story title if ever I heard one.... I love the LuLu-Tracy bonding, but WTH is Dillon? I'm serious--he needs to be there. And Ned. What is wrong with these men? She may be nuts, but she's their mother and she needs them. It's not like she hasn't jumped through hoops of fire on their behalf in the past....only, they don't see it that way, do they?


Did you guys read that Natalia Livingston is no longer with GH? Not that I'm a big Em fan, but...well...there goes another Q...

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You know...as much as emily does nothing for me...I hope they recast the role...cause she is a Q! Sometimes you would like to slap these actors and say "who do you think is going to come beating down your door???" She is not that great of an actress! Ha ha!

And I sort of wish they would recast Dillon too in a few months...if SC woudln't come back, but ONLY if they would not have him be such a dufus like he has been.

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Here are a few more spoilers for next week according to SON:


Ned offers Dillon an opportunity of a lifetime, as Tracy lays on the guilt as to why Dillon shouldn't take the offer. Lulu, Georgie, and Ned try to convince Dillon to follow his dreams of being a filmmaker, regardless of what Tracy says. Lulu has to face her feelings for Dillon as he prepares to leave town. Lulu starts to push Dillon away for his own good. The family gathers at the mansion to say their goodbyes to Dillon, and Tracy makes an appearance all of them weren't expecting.

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Ready. Set. Go. It's so hard to keep up. LOL.

Lady Ashton (you posted the SoapTalk clips, right?), thanks! I watched it yesterday. I loved the clip in her hair. Too cute. As always, she seemed really down to earth. I really enjoyed watching it.

nex, oh, where do I begin with your AMAZING video? I was so mad that the sound on my computer yesterday was crackly (so the song sounded crackly), but I completely forgot about that when watching your video. Using so many similar clips together (like funny face, funny face, funny face, and LuNacy kiss, LuNacy kiss, LuNacy kiss) was a really neat effect. I like the way to blend clips together in your videos. And the ending with the flashes (of screencaps that you had used the clips for) was cool too. That must have taken forever to just do that final section. Anyway, GREAT JOB!!!

brownstonegirl, glad everything went okay with the CT scan!

MinervaFan, still haven't read the story, but I'm sure it's good. Have you ever written something that wasn't? ;)

Haven't seen yesterday's show, but hooked graciously uploaded the clips to SaveFile for me. My plan is to watch this weekend. Glad to hear she was on a lot.

So, were there really 20 users browsing this thread? Or were they browsing the Love and Hate forum in general?

SPOILERS (we know most of these, but the last one is new, I believe):

Thanks for the other spoilers, hooked.

And I've heard about NL. I thought the same thing about the Q's.

MinervaFan, not sure if you're still around, but I'll switch to a computer that has the Java outlet or whatever...

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YAY!! Our girl is in the previews for tomorrow! That'll make 3 times this week. :)

Kind of a recap of Today's Show, since I missed a part due to interruption by the local news:

The scene picks up where Tracy and Lulu left off yesterday. She tells Lulu Scott has a son and that she is going to use it to blackmail Scott. Lulu asks "what about my mother and father". And Tracy says that the good thing about black mail is that it is the gift that keeps on giving (LOL Good line, I like that one). Lulu goes to Spinelli and asks him to take a 3 minute break from his search for "the innocent one" to do a backround check on Scott". Spinelli can't confirm who the child is. Lulu later tells Logan that she thinks that Scott is his father. There was some dialog with Alan "yammering" but i missed it because the local news interrupted with an accuweather forecast. Scotty came back to tell Tracy that his offer is still on the table if she tells him where Luke is. She shows him the file and tells him about knowing he fathered a son and took off. He said he didn't care about having a bastard son. I believe that was it for today.

I will have to program my TIVO to tape the show again tonite to get the part of the show I missed.

Nex, and Ms. Q, thanks for the spoiler about the surprise visit from Tracy. I suppose that's maybe the scene from the medianet pic? I guess, we'll find out.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Hey all...thanks for the recap TL...I was not watching live as I was watching kids swim! Hope to be online later tonight...

That is great she is on tomorrow too! We know she is on next week as well with the dillon exit storyline...after that...who knows!! But we can hope right???? Some of the spoilers were for the week of the 9th too.

Hope to catch some of you later! I just made this rainbow cake with my son for his b-day in honor of my grandma...she would always do that with me as a kid...it is so much fun...you take the white cake mix and divide it into six bowls, then put different color food coloring in each bowl--then you pour it in the pan and swirl it all together and when it is baked you cut into it and it is like this pyschodelic cake! This is about as Martha Stewart as I get--ha ha!!

EditLadyAshton check your email!

Edited by hookedongh
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