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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lovely way to start off a post, isn't it? LOL. Tracey/Poolless posted this at SZ (and ILoveTracyQ has seen this) but Dillon's line yesterday?!?

Dillon: You didn't kill Sage.

Georgie: No. But what if it was one of us that was stuck in that freezer and we died? How upset would Mac be, Maxie, or Bobbie, or even Tracy?

Dillon: Tracy, I think, would get over it.

Oh, I am so glad I did not watch. This is right up there with: "The only time I ever saw my mother cry was when Lila died, and that was because of the will." And WTH is with Dillon referring to his mother by her first name? And WHY is Ned (and Tracy for that matter) NOT at this trial?

On a lighter note, coolkid, I'm enjoying your fanfic so much! I was laughing out loud at the Laura/Carly part. And yay for 150 (soon to be 151 posts)!

And ILoveTracyQ (or anyone who knows), question for ya I've been meaning to ask. :) Someone on SZ posted that Mitch was Tracy's 10th husband. Are there a whole bunch of unnamed husbands between him and Lord Ashton? Or am I missing something? LOL. I ask because the poster seemed serious, and then I remembered in the Tracy/Edward/heart attack scene, she told him that some of the men who married her liked her; a few even loved her...So it makes sense that Mitch was not husband #2. But #10? Just wondering...

And finally...a cute tidbit. I read (from another poster, who read this in a magazine) that Jane Elliot wore slippers during most of the Liz/Lucky wedding. I don't blame her. I certainly couldn't keep dress shoes on for those extra long shooting hours.

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*waves to everyone*

Ahh...this is such a peaceful thread.

We don't have people coming here to mouth off and get my blood pressure up.

J/K sorta. :lol:

Yes I read Tracey's comments and all Ms.Q....well one good thing I can say about the writing,or the way I think SC probably plays it, is that some would dare to say that Dillon (and Ned for that matter) aren't bitter towards Tracy. But it's obvious sometimes that they are. Why is that a good thing? Well...it's good for me because if Dillon does have that inside...maybe there's the potential for great dramatic moments between them at a later date,if they ever have scenes together again. Do you know what I mean? I mean,if Tracy were mother of the year and all....they'd be close and whatnot,but wouldn't their scenes be a LOT less interesting without all the conflict? Not boring,never boring...but there wouldn't be nearly as much "there" to deal with if you know what I mean. Problem is,getting someone to write those scenes.

I know that they love their mom,and she them,underneath it all.

I just wish we got to see it.

But yeah it makes me sad also to hear that Dillon feels that way...but with GaP writing it,how else should he feel? I don't think Dillon/Tracy have had a one on one scene since LAST December (I can't believe it's already been a year ago now) when she got him to come home with her after Luke "kicked him out" of the HS. Tracy to Dillon: " I miss you." Awww.

A FREAKIN' year. Because every other scene has either had Georgie,Luke or someone else in it.

The spoilers weren't mentioning our girl,but I hope for good stuff anyway. :)

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Ms.Q about Tracy's marriages....I too saw that post,but I think either the poster was joking or just misinformed.

There have been comments from Ned over the years that his mother would come see him between "divorces".

And Dillon has made comments in the past about "stepfathers" and to my knowledge Gino and Luke have been the only ones.

I really don't think there are more than what we know about. I think it may be the writers way of making Tracy look worse than she is. I think if there were more men,and she went so far as to marry them,even for money,we'd have heard some names mentioned at least.

Now flings with more men,yes. But married? No.

Ugh,I read recaps about today's show.

Wow. Skye is lowering herself more and more,now she is willing to just be Luke's mistress?

If that turns into something,maybe the SoapDish rumors might actually mean something. I hope not,but ya never know.

I miss my girl. Luke has something good there. Too bad he can't see it. :(:(

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ILoveTracyQ, I understand completely, and I agree. December as in LAST YEAR? Sounds about right. Except for that 10 second scene is January (because that is so much better -- sarcasm --) when Dillon told her that he needed to see her. And Tracy, in a loving tone, asked "What's wrong?" Of course, Emily and "Connor" were hiding behind the bar, so does it still count?

Oh! LOL. I remember some more. The 2 second scene at Michael's memorial: "I love you with all my heart and always will." "I love you too." Aww. And the couple scenes where Tracy blackmailed Dillon into keeping quiet about Alan's hit-and-run. And finally the brief scene in Kelly's (before Georgie interrupted) once Tracy found out that Dillon blabbed all to Emily. It is so sad that I can recall all the Dillon/Tracy one-on-one scenes in the last year. Sad because it makes me look ridiculous. And sad because there were so FEW that I can recall them all.

Thanks for your input, ILoveTracyQ. I also remember another line of Dillon's about his mother's bracelet being from a "million" marriages ago. Riiiiight. But I have to admit the dialogue in the heart attack scene still has me wondering. And I never gave it much thought until now! LOL.

Won't comment on today's show except that Tracy should be on to make things interesting. ;)












We know Luke is going to be front-and-center for February Sweeps. Why is it too much to hope that his wife will be too? Oh well. And the newest rumor: Luke/Skye/Lulu vs. Tracy. This times Tracy finds herself painted into a corner. Now I'm not fond on the idea, but THIS is plausible. And the other rumor: Tracy may be 1 of the 2 women who are going to be chasing Lorenzo. :lol: Something to do with Skye of course.













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Ms. Q *tsk,tsk* have you been reading Soap Dish again?


I actually thought myself about the Lorenzo thing when I read the rumor.

That could be interesting. I can't see GH going there though.

I'd also like to think that Tracy will be prominent,if Luke will be prominent.

Not so necessarily,though.

Luke's busy with Carly at the moment and Tracy's nowhere to be found.

I actually am kinda liking the Lulu/Tracy stuff....as a matter of fact Lulu is only tolerable for me,when she's with Tracy.

I would not mind a little story for the two of them at all.....and no even though I'm not a Laura fan,I don't want Tracy "taking Laura's place" in Lulu's heart and life,that's not going to happen and it shouldn't.

BUT I think that she DOES need some type of guidance.

Is Tracy the best,obvious person for the job? No,but so far she is the most entertaining one.

And I think they could become good friends if given half a chance,and that would be good enough for me.

I don't expect Lulu...nor WANT her...to think of Tracy as a mom.

Let's face it...Luke is a half-hearted father at best.

Laura's incapacitated. Leslie's MIA.

And I don't want Skye near Lulu.

So,unless Liz has free time,Tracy's the nearest most available,and most fun female influence in her life.

I say Tralu is my new fave "couple." LOL

It's certainly not easy being a Luke/Tracy fan...cause some of the old school Luke/Laura fans are pretty rabid that Luke will never love anyone else.

I think that's ridiculous,but whatever.

Tracy's not like Laura,I wouldn't ever want her to be

B) ,

and I wouldn't expect her to be.

I don't see any reason why Tracy and Luke can't come to love one another,if Skye would just go play in traffic.


I think Luke/Tracy could be a fun,sometimes sweet,sometimes battling,relationship,sort of the more selfish,less scrupulous, Alan and Monica. With much more wit,LOL.

I wouldn't compare their relationship to Luke and Laura's,because there would be no comparison.

But it could be just as entertaining,and just as "real",to both of them....but in a totally different way.

GH,specifically GaP however,seem intent on giving the audience the impression that not only is Luke not ever going to love Tracy,but that she's a great big joke to him.

Or at least,him laughing at the devil horns at the police station,among other things,gives me that impression.


I know Tracy's just a silly fictional character on a silly fictional show....but after twenty plus years of watching her the cliche is true....the Q's,especially Tracy,are like family to me.

And I just want to see her be loved.

The fact that Luke is setting up Skye as his mistress,or trying to.....just seems like every other,or almost every other,relationship Tracy has had...and that breaks my heart. :(:(:(

I hope for better things for 2006 for my girl......Luke or no Luke.

BTW do we even know yet,if RC re-signed? Doesn't her contract expire this month?

And Ms.Q I read your latest chapter,and I love it !

BTW "Fate" by EllieAshton,it's a Q fic,only one chapter,and I had to ask in my review if Ellie was ClinkBoom because Amanda Q in the story is Tracy's daughter,and wasn't that ClinkBoom's name for her character that was Tracy's daughter? I think so.

You know what I want to see more than anything in the relationship between Luke/Tracy? PASSION.

They are both very passionate characters,and I want to SEE it between them.

And wow,this has been a REALLY long post. :)

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Today I was looking back at a few of my Lacy scenes. LOL I have a box dedicated to them. And a few things happened by accident I put in a few of my unmarked tapes and I was shocked. I found the CE scenes, The Christmas scenes (from last year), and Dillion's Christmas dream. And I realized after I watched the tapes that somthing had happned from the last 2 years to now. And I thoght and thought and realized that what happned was the Tracy got married. And so I searched in a pile of mess to look for the tapes from the wedding. And I noticed somthing I had missed.

I always knew somthing was wrong but I never knew what "It" was. And the Colemen scenes explained it all. In those scenes Tracy and Colemen were in love. But Luke was on the outside, and he became the "person in love but on the outside" but when Colmen was out of the picture, and Luke shacked up with Skye Tracy became that person on the outside. who always has somthin to say and is negitive. I really think that it is done that way because in every story you have to have a "bad guy/girl" and sadly enough in this case it is Tracy.

GaP IMOP can write Tracy as a "Hero" type person but it seems like Jane has been Typecasted to play this mean woman. Rarely has she ever strayed away from that formula and it's always been Tracy is "EVIL" Alan is a "womanizer " I think the only time that Tracy was not in "EVIL" mode was when dillion was born and he was sick, and when she was in a relationship with Paul. IMO that relationship made me sick and I could not watch GH for a long time. I think that Gap in a way are afraid to change Tracy because if they do make her soft they might make alot of fans upset.

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ILoveTracyQ, me? Reading Soap Dish? Never! :P I want Tracy to have a life outside of Luke. As you mentioned, Luke is out and about, but Tracy has disappeared. Can TraLu be my favorite "couple" too?. That's such a cute name. LOL. It's time that Luke/Tracy fall for each other. There is no comparison to Luke/Laura (as you posted), so why NOT go for it?

As for RC...I haven't heard anything official, but you are right. Her contract does expire this month (if it hasn't expired already). I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapters. I added more this afternoon. I read "Fate" and Amanda was the name IIRC, so maybe it IS ClinkBoom! She should come over and post with all of us. BTW, I love reading your posts, so the super-long length does not matter to me! :D

Coolkid, Dillon's dream was fun episode, despite that ongoing music. As for Tracy/Coleman, I'm not sure if I ever bought them in love. It all happened way too quickly. And it's funny how you mentioned "EVIL" mode because I just saw this on another site. Look at what Tracy is reading: Click here. I even boxed the "important" part. LOL. I don't want to see Tracy turn soft permanently (and that should NEVER happen), but GaP can still write in her vulnerabilities. Jane Elliot can only interject so much, and she does it well, but the writing just isn't there. And I think GaP are more so lazy than afraid. BTW, I also love reading your posts. :D

At last but not least...Look what I found! LOL. Right Click. Save Target As. The file has been corrupted, so you cannot view the clip, but the audio is still functioning. It's JE and Jerry verDorn in a 1981 GL scene (as Carrie and Ross). And here is a photo of them from SOD August 3, 1982.

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coolkid I know what you mean. About everything. LOL

Now,Paul and Tracy's marriage didn't bother me as much....I liked seeing Tracy's softer side and I miss getting to see it,now.

I also thought PS and JE had some pretty good chemistry going....and even PS in a blurb in SOD I think,when he first came to OLTL..said that he was watching old tapes of his time on GH and commented that he and JE were "hot" together.


And I have to say,I agree. Hated with a passion how Paul treated Tracy like something he scraped off the bottom of his shoe,however.

I wouldn't mind PS coming back to GH just temporarily,to mend fences with Dillon and possibly cause problems for Tracy. It would be interesting to see how Tracy (who probably never stopped loving him) would deal with it. I'm afraid though that it would be just another instance of Tracy being villainized and Paul being lauded,so maybe I'll pass.

Ms.Q I actually saw the cover during that episode.

I think the actors get to choose their props,though,unless the prop is integral to the scene,in which case TIIC tell them what to be holding/doing.

I am thankful just to have Jane on my screen....I waited so long for Tracy to come back.

Yes I wish we had better writers who loved the Q's....remember the return to glory promised by Abbott and Costello back in the summer?

I'm still waiting.....

I hope Tracy gets a NYE kiss....even Coleman would be nice,at this point.

I hope none of those more nasty SD rumors about Tracy/Skye/Luke are true,Ms.Q...though I wouldn't put anything past them.

I hope for some good Q family moments this week...and next year.

Loving the fan fics too ya'll ! Keep up the good work. :)

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Tracey Quartermaine is the best daytime character period. While I may love and adore many of the other characters, none of them are Tracey. So yah, she is that popular.

I hope I didn't come across as harsh because I have the utmost respect for you OneLife Fan. Obviously everyone has their own preferences. This board is very pro-Tracey Q. This thread has always been the most hoppin' thread through every incarnation of the board.


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Thanks Nikki for stepping in. :)

I hope our girl is even at the NYE party. And can there please be some good scenes in store for the Xmas episode and of course into next year?

ILoveTracyQ, I have a good rumor for you! LOL.











Once again...All from SoapDish, so make of it what you will. LOL. Skye's "bonding" with Lulu will last no longer than what we have seen so far. Tracy will play a much bigger role in Lulu's life than some people may think. I hope it's a "good" role. There was also something in one of the magazines (weeks ago) on 2006 Previews/Predictions that I don't believe I posted here: The Spencer Clan continues to grow. Luke becomes a father figure again, but when he needs some support, will Skye step in, or will Tracy come through in a way that no one could have predicted? I like that one. As always, guess we'll see. And if anyone wishes that I stop bringing the SD rumors over here, I will. (because most of it is likely to be garbage)

SPOILER: Any thoughts on the latest Dillon/Tracy spoiler? I'm not liking how Tracy has to "force" Dillon into doing anything. And then there's the spoiler, "Dillon sees her vulnerable side," which I took to mean as Lulu's, but GHH2 has it as "Dillon witnesses his mother's vulnerability." I like that spoiler. :)

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I dunno...Soap Dish I have heard is notorious(according to Skye/RC fans) for not liking RC,so if true they'd post anything anti-Skye.

Nice idea,though, in terms of Lulu/Tracy.

The GH2 thing....maybe they got it wrong,maybe they didn't. We'll see. It would be nice,although I'm afraid Dillon's reason for seeing that in Tracy may be a sad one. :(

The NYE thing....Luke is half owner of the hotel now,I think,LOL...so he'll be there,and Tracy may not want to go to Carly's shindig but Luke may either talk her into it,or Tracy may go to make sure he doesn't get quality time with Skye.

So I think she'll be there,we'll see.

*crosses fingers*

No Tracy today. :(

I miss my girl. :(:(:(

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Tracy was ON today! For a whole 2 scenes! Isn't that great?!? [/sarcasm] Eh, at least she was on, right? I'm glad she mentioned Dillon's arm and asked if he was in pain. Aww. And coolkid, she had on a new outfit! LOL. So...Think she'll be on tomorrow? Monica, Alan, and Lulu are together in the previews, and I bet Luke will join them. I'm going to hope Tracy does too. :)

ILoveTracyQ, looks like you're right. I believe WUBS spoiled the Q's would be in attendance or err...crashing the party. Heh. I just want to see the Q's. Speaking of...There is a video up at NeverQuiet.net by Smirks featuring the Q's. You need to register to view it, but if I get permission to post the link, I will. :)

Edited to remove link.

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Ms.Q I haven't watched yet today but I read the transcript.

Tracy mentioned grounding Lulu.

Dare I say it...she almost sounded like a mother.


I am going to pass on the link to the clip on SZ. I know lots of people there will enjoy it.

And it did bring a tear to the eye.

Awesome clips,even Original Edward in there.

Thanks for that.

I'm hoping Tracy will be on tomorrow and Friday too. :)

I loved the latest chapter Ms.Q....can't wait for the next.

coolkid I'm waiting on your new chapter too ! B)

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Just a quick note...I had to register in order to view the video, and I posted the link here w/o permission (since we are rather quiet here and all). :o I don't want to upset the creator of the video, so I was wondering instead of posting the direct link at SZ if you could tell them there is a Quartermaine video up at NeverQuiet.net. And in the meantime, I'll ask Smirks for permission to post the direct link.

ETA: Oops! I'm too late.

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