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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just extending my condolences to hooked, for the death of her grandma and to angel for her great grandma's sickness. Also condolences to everyone else that shared that they had recently lost a friend or loved one.


My prayers and thoughts are with you.

*waves wildly to coolkid* Hey ck, you remember when the entire TQ thread was mainly just YOU, ME, and Ms.Q? LOL

Ms.Q yes *sigh* I had another birthday. Can't stop those things from coming, can we? :) Thank you for remembering, you little sweetie.

About TQ:spoilerish:


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Hi everyone! It is midnight in Miami and I can't sleep. I just edited my eulogy I am giving tomorrow and hope to God that I can make it through without totally losing it. Neither my dad or my aunt can do it. Wish me luck! I wrote it as a take off on "all i ever needed to know i learned in kindergarten", but as the 10 lessons I needed to know in life I learned from her. I tried to alternate between funny ones and sentimental ones. It was so strange being in her house today. So I now have complete knowlege of where I get my shopping and shoe addiction from :) :)

Anyway, couldn't go to bed without checking in and thanking everyone for keeping me in their thoughts. So looks like I will be missing TQ on Wed. and Thurs. this week. Thank god for TIVO when I get home.

Also, as far as the photos from July 2nd...I didn't think they would keep TQ in shadybrook for too long. I do like that lulu is in the Q mansion with tracy sort of standing near her...maybe she came over to say bye or maybe she is still living there with them. I am glad as well that Georgie gets to say goodbye. I hope Brook Lyn does come back, but only because it would be one more Q. Love seeing Ned there.

WTF with Skye being there in her bright blue dress. Tracy does look very skinny in that photo, Lainey.

Also, glad to see she is in a photo for July. At least she is still around....not shoved off canvas til luke comes back.

So glad to hear JI is okay. Deb...thanks for posting those quotes from Jane. Was there a photo? If there was, let me guess..the one of her in the teal jacket they use in like every single issue??

Wow..it feel really great to talk about normal stuff (okay, so this TQ obsession is not exactly normal, but you know what I mean--LOL). I feel like I have been in a twighlight zone the past two days.

Oh I also noticed baby jake is back in the photos for july 2nd with Liz...guess the kidnapping last about as long as shadybrook.

It was hilarious today the scene at my grandma's. Me and my mom are searching all over to find her xanax prescription and her new "happy pills" the doctor just put her on. My mom is like I want those--we were all searching her medicine cabinets, etc. It was really sort of sick, but it made us laugh for a little while.

Okay..have a long and difficult day ahead of me tomorrow, so I am going to head out now. Will check in tomorrow night probably. Thanks for all your thoughts :)

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WARNING: MediaNet pics below -

Just so ya'll can see the details......


Eek! Our girl's lookin' like she's been through the wringer!

Looks like she's wearing "day before memorial" jacket


A couple of little spoilers from SOC posters:

Dillon gets an offer to go away

Tracy tries to keep Dillon from going

Skye reconnects with Ned and ends up at the Q's. (my comment: WTMF does that mean? - she's back? - UGH!)

ILTQ, Happy belated Birthday

Edited by TracyLuv
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I also send my condolences to angel and hooked I personally never got the experiences of having a great grand mother or a grand mother, but what the things I learned from my best friends grand mother are things that you can only learn from a grandmother. I will keep the two of you in my thoughts and prayers.

ILTQ Im sorry I missed your B-day but, Happy Belated Birthday :)

I remember, and what always had me ROFLOL was that even though it was the three of us the thread was generally the top of the board and no matter how many people would try it would still out beat the other threads.

*SIGH* I used to post more B)

"note to self Stop lurking and Post more"


Thanks TL Jane looks like she is going to knock that scene out of the park. Another scene for her potential Emmy reel.


Edited by coolkid
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...not that she ever submits an Emmy reel...

Whoever asked, yeah, there were pictures with the articles--and yeah, they were the stock JE pics that they use with every, single, blessed article. Pretty, but over them.

The MediaNet stuff--wow. I am not looking forward to this. I mean, I am looking forward to JE and Scott having some great scenes, but I'm not looking forward to Tracy losing another son from her life. Oy. I'm feeling morose. Stupid hormones....

Glad to hear JI is okay. Why do I get this imental mage of JE and LC cornering him on the set and reading him the riot act about taking better care of himself?

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Thanks ya'll for the belated birthday wishes. :)

Yeah coolkid we WERE almost always right at the top, weren't we? LOL We'd freak anytime we came on here and ANY other thread was above JE/Tracy. :)

Girlfriend BELONGS at the top, that's where the cream rises. :)

Our poor girl, I could tell by the small pics she looked upset, but she looks on the verge of a meltdown in the pic with Dillon, Lulu, Monica and Edward.

*hugs Tracy Q*

I'd love to get even a small montage of Dillon "thru the years" or even grown Dillon the past few years.

Wonder if we'll get it.

And WOW. Ya'll look at that first pic again with just the two of them. I never really thought they looked like they could be mother and son for real, but with SC's hair less blond and JE's hair now more brown instead of red, they DO look alike.

Just my thoughts.

Anyone else agree?

I kinda hate that Tracy is going to try and "guilt" Dillon into staying, but wow Jane will rock it.

Also, the group pic, I can't tell what SC's expression is, he also looks upset, I guess I would be too if someone I cared about was begging me not to go.

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Just noticed in the second pic that Lulu is standing next to Tracy and that they are facing the Q's opposite them. Perhaps this is where Lulu shows once again that she's on her stepmama's side?

Though Tracy is not in the next pic I assume they are all looking at her. Eek! Looks like she's up against a firing squad! (And I'm hoping that Lulu is standing next to her in this one as well).


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OMG! Tracy looks so tired in those Media Net pics, she looks like she has been crying and all her eye make up came off.......poor thing :( I want to know why Skye and Ned look like they are about to roll their eyes while looking in Tracys direction grrrrr!!

MinervaFan, I just read your story and of course I loved it!

HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY ILTQ :) :) :)

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Carrie, I am so sorry about your grandmother. I was actually thinking about my grandmother the other day. She passed away when I was in 5th grade. I hope you're doing better.

coolkid, long time, no see!!!!

Deb, will read the story when I have a chance.

Thanks for the media pics. Our poor girl.

Apologies for the short post. I have to get to class...

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Tracy and Alan r sitting at the table (looks like she's having breakfast or w/e) and they r arguing/talking. Alan says that sometimes he thinks that he's not a ghost, just her guilt and she again says that she doesn't have any. Alan tells her that she needs to watch out for Edward and that he's up to something and watching her, waiting for something he can use to get ELQ back (meanwhile Edward and Lainey r outside watching Tracy talk to "Alan"). They come in and Ed says something like ELQ donating money to ShadyBrook and for Tracy to talk to Lainey since Tracy is CEO. Ed leaves and Tracy tells her I know why you're here but its a waste cuz she's sane, then Alan says something and she turns around. Lainey asks if the chair upsets her.

Monica and Edward r sitting on the couch now and Monica asks what he's up to and he asks "can't a father show concern for his daughter's well being" or something like that. Monica ain't buying it. Ed brings up that Tracy has conversations w/ the chair and Monica says that she would give anything for five minutes of that insanity to talk to Alan and tell him that she loves him. Tracy walks in and Ed asks if her talk w/ Lainey went well and Tracy tells him to drop it, that she knows that he wants her in the bin so he can get control of ELQ again. Ed says that he is the head of the family to which Tracy responds (and I luv), "but not the company" and says that his time has gone and that she is running ELQ fine and that w/e is up 20% and Alan says something (i honestly forget). Tracy screams at him and surprise Lainey and two guys in white (i think they were holding a straight jacket) come in. Lainey tells her that the first step is admitting or something like that and Tracy tells them that it isn't gonna happen. She's also wearing this smile (similar to the one when she was arrested).

She's not in the previews but I'm guessing she's on.

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OT --The question of the day: Am I allergic to the laundry detergent I used, the lunch I had yesterday, the ocean, the hotel soap...? GAH. I might not ever find out. Something positive though: My one professor let us out 25 minutes early this afternoon!!! A MIRACLE!!!! I just wish I got let out early of my 3 hour morning class too. Both classes drag on and on and on...

Tiffany, thanks for the recaps! Doesn't seem like she was on much. 2 scenes or so? How's the hair? Oomphy? Wardrobe? Non-recycled? Haha. I can hope.

Deb, your story was wonderful. Short and sweet. And sad too. But I loved it.

BREAKROOM, anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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The hair wasn't as oomphy as it could've been sadly enough. As for wardrobe she wore a black jacket-thing and a gray shirt underneath, I don't know if it was recycled or not. She wore this black-and-white-WilmaFlinstone-pearls-necklace that was....big and it looked like there were two, idk it just looked heavy haha.

Staci, I hope you find out what it was. And it was more like 4 scenes.

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