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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I have one long mangled word to describe yesterday's episode: Yum-TheFrack-OH!

OMG. OMGOMGOMG. Ya'll, they're treating LuNacy like a real, you know, couple and stuff! Now this is nothing new--we've been doing that in fanfic for months. But TIIC are SLOW and they need GUIDANCE and they're starting to CATCH ON. Wow. This is huge.

Okay, my not-so-brief reactions to specifics:

The opening scene: One, they started the show. AND, they started it OBVIOUSLY finishing the kiss they started the previous day. NICE. Very nice. Shows that their kisses last for 23 full hours, which is good for me.

Two, even in the face of Luke taking off (AGAIN, thank you freakin' Tony freakin' Geary and his psychotic vacay schedule) WITH Laura in tow, Tracy is calm, smiling, relaxed, even joking. This is a woman who is confident in her love and in her marriage. She TRUSTS him. OMG, she trusts him. This is either a huge huge breakthrough, or a set-up for a huge, huge fall (although I don't feel that at all.) Either way, what bliss! Tracy, lots of it, and good stuff.

Scene where they discuss plans: Luke and Tracy discussing Spinelli was fracking hilarious. Downright hysterical. Spumoni, Spumante (yeah, the lush would remember that one....), he speaks about himself in the third person and refers to himself as an animal...a hyena?? I was on the floor. Jane Elliot rocks my itty-bitty sockies, and she can just stand there with her shiny, oomphy hair and make jokes about other characters all day long.

Scene with Lulu: Dudes, did ya'll even NOTICE that Lulu was perfectly cool with Luke and Tracy on the same side, scheming? Now, yeah, they may be playing it off as Lulu is numb from everything and she just doesn't care, but I'm seeing more. Luke is planning to "relocate" her mother. Tracy is right there--calm, smiling, compassionate--HELPING HIM. Tracy knows this means Luke will go away, and she's perfectly calm and rational about it. Now, Lulu has been there through most of this--through the gaslighting plot, through Luke's disappearance to the Maarkhams--all of it. She KNOWS how Tracy gets when she feels threatened over Luke.

The point I'm trying to make is that not only is Tracy not acting all tense and paranoid at the thought of Luke running off with Laura, Lulu is not reacting to it. She is taking for granted that Tracy is okay with this, that Tracy is relaxed with it. Dudes, she has accepted that Tracy and Luke are a real, solid, lasting couple. She is starting to treat Tracy like part of the family--does anybody remember the last time she called Tracy "Stepwitch?"

Maybe I'm overreacting, but yesterday was totally squee-inducing.

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Hey all I have brunch with my family but I will be back sometime today

I haven't watched yesterday yet so can't comment.

I still have fics to comment on ! LOL

Anyway, hope everyone's day is GOOD.


I think MOnday ya'll is going to be the best by far, Lacy wise.(of the past few weeks).



See you all soon, gotta go !

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Too bad you didn't make the BR yesterday, MF, we said all the same things!! And as far as the stepwitch... I remember the last time. I'm almost certain it was when Scotty first showed up. She started to call her a stepwitch and corrected herself and said it wasn't fair or she should say that or something. Tracy was starting to be more obvious about protecting Lulu and Lulu was starting to like her and be Nice! (Like I said, I think that's when it was, but the fanfics are starting to blend with the real story in my head, so I don't know for sure)

by the way, HI!!! big waves to Minerva if you're still on

edit: ok, I guess you're gone, but now I'll wave to ILTQ, man, this is the first time I've seen anyone in here the same time as me in a while!

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"23 hours." BLAH!!!!! You're hilarious, Deb. Hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had very similar reaction to yesterday. It's always been so obvious to me the WAY Lunacy should be written. They're now writing them that way. Which means one of two things: a. It was SO obvious that TIIC finally saw it. b. We're getting set up for a BIG, FAT fall.

Regardless, I'm going to enjoy the ride!!!

You know what I LOVED about yesterday?

-When TG said, 'maybe you should call her.' SOOO Wifey. SOOO Couple-y. Yummo.

-When Tracy stepped in and said to LuLu, 'actually it's not your help WE need.' She was in on the project 10000%.


Okay.. this is a litlle ballsy, but I need a favor. You can say no.

Deb.. I need a new avtar. My "almost" doesn't cut it anymore. When there are screencaps of Thursday's Kiss, can you grab that for me, and put the words "At Last" on there? And make the whole thing all sparkle-y and glowy? (very ethereal) Would you mind? Am I being too nervey?

ta ta!


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Hey, y'all. Haven't been meaning to ignore you. Promise. GH just... well, I don't find the time to bother watching. What I like featured just isn't featured enough for my liking. But I saw the episode where Luke came back after court and Tracy was with Alana and they discussed the plan. Great stuff.

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I would do it for you lainey if I knew how! I don't know how to make the words on it or effects.

Loved yesterday. I also loved how he said "we would get further if you called her" and JE said, "no, you try first, I'll play second string. what do you have to lose?" Love that she is his backup...but also think she wants luke to mend the fences with Lulu and not let other people do it for him....

You know what...Tracy has really grown up and matured and evolved because of Luke (which is strange cause he is so immature and irresponsible and self-wallowing, etc. However like Deb said...she is not jealous and suspicious or insecure like she has been in all her other marriages/relationships...always thinking the person is cheating, etc... (course they usually were so she was right).

And since they writers are obviously not going to show a love scene between them, I actually think that was a good way to make it "known" without showing it that they are sleeping together by Tracy making that "sex life" comment.

knh I think the last time lulu said "step witch" or "step monster" was either when she went to see laura at shadybrook and then said "she shouldn't call her that as she knows what it is like to lose a mother" Or when spinelli was over and they were looking up rick webber stuff and tracy barged in the room and told him to leave and lulu was like "don't argue with the step monster" Those were both within a day or two back in January when Tracy was on 8 days in a row!!! I think that is the last time...although they haven't had all that many scenes together since then...a few in the hospital with scotty but not much interaction I don't think

Do you guys think Lulu will move back to the Qs? I sure hope so.

Edit...Nex...do you Thursday and Friday's dowloaded from GHVT? Hellagood only has the whole show. If you do...do you know what segments they were?

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Don't worry I promised I would post these and here they are........clips of yesterdays and Thursday's show. I had to wait until GHVT had posted their Thursday clips so I could fix the Hella Good clips.



6-7-07 Credit goes to Geena and the last scene to Shazzer from GHVT


6-8-07 Credit goes to Geena

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YOU ARE AWESOME NEX!!! Thanks so much! I promised Ms. Q I would put all the episodes she missed onto a savefile account so she would have them all in one place....thanks so much! Yeah...now i can delete the whole show downloads...

hope you are having a good saturday in sunny SoCal!!! Wish I was there instead of hot, humid Houston!

Just got a fare on southwest for $57 each way to Denver for August...all five of us can fly for like $650 roundtrip! Don't know where we are going yet...but hopefully it will be in the mountains and cool!! It is already blazing hot here... next best thing since we can't go to Newport Beach!

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Oh man, really?!?!?!?!?!

We've all asked about that clip and no one has had it! I can't believe we may get to see ti finally, thanks!

Hey guys, I don't mean to be a pain, just thought I'd check in b/c I'm sure people have forgotten. I heard back from Hooked but has anyone else read my story yet? I need all the feedback I can get on this

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THANK YOU LadyAshton! You are the greatest! You have like the gold mine of old clips. Nobody on earth has that clip. Do you know what episode date or around what date it is? Do you have it on your tape? Thank you so much for posting that for us! It is like the brass ring of Tracy clips--ha ha!! Can't wait to watch it! I started to write a few sentences BTW! Love your new banner...very impressive you made that yourself!!!!

[b]TracyLuv/Lainey...and anyone else who has a mac...my kids just spent the most hilarious 45 minutes in the apple store playing around with photobook...making these crazy faces and taking pictures, etc. I was laughing so hard I was dying...cheap entertainment for them!! We were like the biggest loser family sitting in the store cracking up so hard that I was almost in tears....didn't help that I am slap happy tired from staying up so late last night and waking up so early today.


8:10pm central...deb/lainey/ladyA...are you around...I see you on the thread!

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