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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Can't get it to work either IloveTracyQ. Bummer. I forgot, did you try sendspace?

Happy Birthday Deb! Hope it is a good day. Watched the Queen last night. Very interesting movie. She was fabulous as the Queen!

Welcome back TracyLuv from your cruise.

Since Ms Q is not here, does anyone know what days TQ is supposed to be on this week?

I am such an idiot. I spent over an hour last night printing out shower invitations, and then sticking these stupid bows on them all, then stuffing them and addressing them when I realized that I put one of the other shower hosts names as sandy instead of sally. UGHHH! I have to now eat the cost of all 48 of these and buy news ones today and start all over. The only good thing is I didn't already stamp the envelopes....what a big dummy I am!!!

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Sandy, Sally--honestly, Hooked, at a time like this, you have to ask yourself--


She'd say it serves her right for having a forgettable name, then pin the blame on an underling. I say mail the darned things off and call it a day!

And thanks for the Happy Birthday. It's my first of the day. :D

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Sorry Deb, meant to say Happy Birthday to ya too. I had a neighborhood friend whose birthday is also today, her name was *cue Forrest Gump accent* Jen-ny.

She cheated at Chinese checkers when we were kids.


I know *you* would never cheat at Chinese checkers, would you Deb? :)

In other news:

I am just soooo frustrated at my job. I come in, and as if I don't already have enough to do here, now I get an email adding on ONE more montly duty.

While the two new people are barely making a difference from when I did it all myself.

I am sooooooo frustrated.


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Hi all,

I haven't been around in awhile, but LOVING all the Tracy scenes! She's getting so much more screen time and she looks wonderful. Since they killed off my eye candy, Ted, Tracy is about the only interesting thing happening! I love to see her and TG sparring. She's also much better with Alan now that he's a ghost! Anyway, I'm just happy to get my Tracy fix.

And speaking of Tracy and other Q fixes, I'm thinking of writing a Q fic after my Scrubs fic wraps up. What is the best place to post it? I'm trying to decide if it's Lunacy or if I'm going to take Tracy in an entirely different direction. Hmmmm Anyway, I'm spinning it in my head. Anything you all would like to see? I have to tell you, I'm no Skye or Jason fan, in fact I just killed them off, so I'm not real wild about writing them although Skye/Tracy sparring is always good for a laugh. Let your ideas fly! Anything is possible as long as Tracy comes out looking regal and in charge.

Happy Birthday, Deb! Hope the rest of you have a good Monday.


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Thanks for the birthday wishes, Zanne and ILTQ.

ILTQ, I would never cheat at Chinese checkers, because I don't know to play. Honestly, I don't like games enough to go to the effort of cheating--although, I'm a wicked mean shark at Trivial Pursuit. Fear me, if we play. Mwahahahaaaa.... no cheating necessary--I am breeeeellllyant!

Zanne, people have been posting Tracy fics mostly in three places: The Ficathon (http://tq-ficathon.livejournal.com), JE.com (http://www.jane-elliot.com/forums), and Fanfiction.net's GH section (http://www.ff.net). If you post a link here, most people will find it. I totally look forward to reading your story, when you write it.

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*pops in*

!Hola amigos! I'm getting enough Spanish, so I'm going to use English. :)

OFF TOPIC: Ready. Set. Random. I am fine; tired of walking EVERYWHERE, dodging cars on the crazy roads, and killing bugs with shoes, but I am fine. First day was a rough one, but I made it. The place I'm at is separate from the rest of the family, but it's neat since we have our own living room, kitchen, bedroom (2 girls from Maryland will joining us, but they will have their own bathroom as well). The downside of this "apartment life" is that we have to buy our own food, napkins, bathroom soap, etc. There is a lot of walking up steep hills, down steep hills, over rocks, etc. The roads are narrow, and the cars go fast, but so far, so good. The city, in general, is beautiful, and the people are usually friendly. The tours led by the professor have been long and boring IMO, but I guess it's all part of the experience. Overall, I think it's going to be fine. BTW, the Internet Cafe is so not like the one in the photo that I posted a few days ago, but a computer is a computer, right? LOL. You all will receive more details (i.e. about Smokey Boy and McSpitty) in emails as soon as I have more time. :D

Now, onto the WONDERFULNESS that is Tracy Quartermaine. I miss her and you all so much. I actually dreamt about the thread on Saturday night, LOL. Anyway, I've tried very hard to read all the posts, but I did skim a bit. I see 4XCrazy and Zanne have posted again. Welcome back to the JE/Tracy LOVE! Judging by the spoilers, it seems like some good stuff is coming up. I think my favorite is the one my sister sent me (it might be in here too) about


*waves to EVERYONE*

And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEB! I wish I could be "here" to celebrate. Hope you're enjoying yourself.

Totally random, but I am having somewhat of a difficult time with this keyboard. Semi-colons, brackets, apostrophes, etc...It's all different. I still haven't found the "at" symbol for email addresses, so I just copied at pasted when I emailed my family. Well, I am running out of time. I love you all and miss you so much! Don't have too much fun without me. ;)

And always remember, TRACY QUARTERMAINE ROCKS! Ooh, rocks. That reminds me of the time I said Tracy should throw rocks at her husband. Remember that? No? Only me? :P *HUGS*

*pops out*

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First off... Happy Birthday Deb!!!!

next.... Hey Ms. Q!!!! nice to see you drop by.

Ok, now... I'm guessing that Tracy wasn't on today b/c no one has said anything, but I still have to watch the epi, or at least watch as it's being rewound.

Not much else to say since I didn't watch.

OT: I'm waiting on my grade for my first stories. I sent them and my teacher sent them back with comments, or she was supposed to. She sent back my paper and I downloaded it to see what she put (she said she had a lot written for me) but all I could see were the red brackets. She and the help desk said to click tools and go to Track Changes, which didn't work, and then to go to view and click Markup. None of it worked and I have no idea what my teacher is saying about anything. I emailed her and she just keeps telling me ways to fix it instead of retyping the comments in the email, which made more sense to me. Does anyone on here know what I can do to fix it?

edit: Hi Hooked!!

Edited by knh
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Hey all!

Just back from PR, St. Thomas, St Maarten/St. Martin, Curacao, and Aruba!

First off .... Happy Birthday Deb!! , hope you enjoyed your tea party!

Loved your LuNacy smut fic - it was waaaaaay SEXY! It garnered the smoking of a ciggy afterward :)

Glad to be home. I missed you all and Luke and Tracy too. I got in just after 2am and couldn't wait to watch my TIVO'd epis!! Mama looked gooooooorgeooooouuuussss! Love her and Luke holding hands in court and her rubbing his shoulder/arm and her reply to him about not wanting to be anywhere else when he asked her if she wanted to be there in court with him. And his smile at her response. I noticed right away that Lulu had "said" something to Tracy. It looked like she said, "get off of me, you're not my mother", but I guess the audio was cut. Maybe they did that instead of cutting the scene when they decided they didn't want Lulu to say that to Tracy - just yet - anyway. Although she's said it to her in the past.

Had a great time on the cruise. St. Thomas was my fave, followed by St. Maarten (Dutch)/St. Martin (French). Went snorkeling in Aruba, which was way fun, the ride on the boat to the snorkeling sites was awesome - great music and the rum punch was included on this excursion (though I don't drink - LOL). Went zip-lining in St. Martin. For those of you who don't know what that is, a zip line is a wire that is run from one place to another and can be ridden by way of a pulley. So there I was in St. Martin, riding a zip line through the forest strapped on by a harness. It was soooo fun and the zip line ride from tree to tree alternated with an obstacle course. At first, climbing up the ladder to get to the first tree and zip line, put me in a panic, but after I was strapped into the harness (which was kinda hot - LOL had to take a couple of pics with that baby on!!) and safety wires, I reverted back to my youth and my tom boy days of jumping roofs and clmibing fire-escapes and I had a ball! We participated in alot of the cheesy ship games while the boat was at sea and won "name that tune" 3 times on three separate days and we won "family feud" - New York vs New Jersey - Yay New Yawk - Holla!! Booooooo-hisssss Joisy!! Anyhoo, with the exception of the rocking of the boat - gag! - and the plane ride to and from PR to get on the cruise, it was a great trip!

Ms. Q, LOVED your vids! - And finally the Waiting Room updates. What? You are ending the story like that? Nooooo!!! You can't. We need to have happy Tracy together with her son and hubby at the end. Enjoy your summer. Sorry I didn't get to say "bye" before you left. For some reason I thought you were leaving after I returned. Hugs to you! Have a great time. Love ya!!!!

Hooked, congrats on your 500th post!! You are hilarious with "Two more hours 'til my family leaves.... I'm so sad I might cry - NOT!!!" I missed not talking to you in chats. Hopefully with school out I can make up for lost time.

Angel2Devil, thanks for the update on Beautiful Disaster - can't wait to see what goes down in the coming chapters.

Pinkpopsicle, Thanks for the screencaps! Any LuNacy smut from you soon? Hopefully? I know you have been busy at work, but um if ya get any down time, I have a whole pack of smokes that need to be toked! LOL

Hi to Lainey, Nex, ILTQ, and everyone else, missed you guys.

Posted at HellaGood. Seems there are regulars that are subtracting from Tracy. So instead of subtracting from other characters I am targetting those that the "Tracy subtractors" are adding to.

Edit: Just got my grades for the spring symester 3 A's and 1 B. Not too bad considering I thought I would fail Audiology. Forgot to mention also that we wrote and sang a song to our waiter on the last day of the cruise - he was a doll! We wanted to take Arun from India home with us. :)

Welcome to the TQ LoveFest SeanM!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Happy Birthday, Deb! Hope you had a good one! I just read your fic with Ned and Tracy and it was amazing! Really nice work. :)

Hi, Ms. Q! Nice to hear you're enjoying your time in Mexico. Isn't the keyboard thing infuriating? Especially when you're paying by the minute for computer time, lol. The same thing happened to me when we were in Mexico and the DR. It's really disorienting.

Sad that there was no Tracy today, but last week's episodes were great. I loved the white suit and just how JE/TG play their scenes. It's the small gestures that come through and really make LuNacy come alive. I hope, I hope, I hope this

is true. Aww. Yay.

TracyLuv: Your trip sounds amazing. What cruise line did you go on? I did that zipline thing once on this leadership training weekend. We had to jump off a high platform in a tree and zip upside down across this huge lake. It was such a rush.


PS. I was watching the clips from Wednesday online . So it's the beginning of the episode where they recap the courtroom rape reveal with the closeups of all the key characters: Luke, Tracy, Scotty, Nikolas. It's kind of slow motiony right before Nikolas reveals the rape, and suddenly I start hearing SexyBack. And my first thought is "Guza! This time you've gone too far!" It turned out some ad with the song had loaded in one of my other windows, but for a moment I seriously believed that Guza had intended to set the courtroom scene to SexyBack. Ugh. With him at the helm it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility... I guess that's why they call them TIIC.

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