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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb, I really enjoyed that story. Made me smile. :) Got a kick out of the last line. I immediately thought Lainey was going to mention the line in her comments at LJ...and she did!!! :lol:

ILTQ, I'll look into it tomorrow.

I was messing around in PhotoShop tonight ('cause I was finishing up Lady A's TrAsh banner), but after I did that, I made this:


Look at all that fur!!! :o Got any ideas for text? I don't think I'll be using it. Just interested in what you guys think the text should be. I really ought to try and do something different with my banners. I got on this "3 or 4 photos from the same scene and mess with the lighting" kick. Oh well...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OT: 2400 milligrams of Ibuprofen in the last 18 hours is too much. It's prescribed, but it's making me sick, and it's not even helping. Gah.

Soap Opera Digest is reporting that Tony Geary will not be offscreen until late June. This contradicts what Soaps In Depth said, so I guess we'll see...Or you all will see, since I won't be here. Waaaaaaaaah.

LUKE AND TRACY CLIP COLLECTION. SaveFile is supposed to last forever. I've been uploading clips for someone at LuNacy: A Luke and Tracy Fan Forum. She tried getting an account here, but she's having validation problems. I suggested Gmail since that worked for TracyLuv, so we'll see if she shows up. Catherine, if you're out there lurking, HI!!!! :D

Can Tracy be on today? PLEASE?!?! Alan's got to show up this week still, and I don't want to wait until Friday...or even Thursday. I want Tracy!TV and I want it now.

And OT again, but ugh...I have to go buy sandals and possibly exchange some luggage my dad bought for me. He got me this bright purple suitcase. BRIGHT PUPRLE! It's so I know it's mine. :rolleyes: Gah. I hate shopping.

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I so would totally shop for ya Ms Q! I am keeping my fingers crossed for her to be on today. Remember I was telling you guys in the breakroom I was trying to think of a present for my friend to keep her focused, etc for chemo...found the perfect thing today at Nordstroms (even used my giftcard for it from my PTO board dinner gift). It was a tigers eye round beaded bracelet and it had a gold charm hanging from it that said "courage" It wasn't expensive and they gave me a brown velvet pouch to put it in (not a medicine bag, but close enough). I hope she likes it.

One more day of school left! And half a day at that.

Sorry Ms Q your teeth are still giving you problems. Bright purple suitcase....I would probably like that one!

Saw the article in SID about SC leaving. Nice quote you are right about JE and JI. Then tehre was a TG birthday wishes page. JE said she had been waiting to work with him for 30 years to be his acting partner. She was glad for the time to get her game up (I think it should be the other way around)

Catch you guys later!

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Ms.Q, I am so excited for you and your upcoming trip, you are going to have so much fun! And think with Tony going on vacation through all of summer, you might not miss too much Tracy because she will probably not be on. :( But don't worry I will have all Tracy clips on my computer so whatever you miss I will post when you get back.

As for having to buy sandals, might I suggest a pair of Rainbows or Reefs. They really are the most comfortable, even if they are a bit pricy, they are totally worth it. Everybody here in Cali has a pair of each! As for the luggage, I swear you should keep it. I have hot pink suitcases, and your dad is right it makes it so much easier to find when its going around the escalator thing. Plus I can always see my luggage get on the plane with me, :) when the guys are throwing it on the plane, because it is so bright. Something that distinctive is a lot harder to steal. hehe!

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This going to be a hit and run. I had a ton of things to do today and much drama. I am just getting to sleep ( I work 3rd shift).

I wanted to post the caps I had done. I'll be back later to catch up on posts and see how and what everyone is doing. :)





Off to zzzzz land...

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OT: So, I'm keeping the luggage. :lol: Got sandals (cheap ones, nex, LOL, but they're "sturdy" enough for the rocks/hills in Taxco - I just bought them in case I go out at night out there; gym shoes with a long summer skirt would NOT go- haha). Got a new swim suit (don't like it, but it will do). Also got a hair cut. Yes, there's oomph. :P Need to call endodontist again tomorrow. Gah.

So...What is with the lack of Tracy?!? The scenes with Alan/Scotty/Luke have to air, right? There's still 2 more days. I want to see them!!! Please, writers, please!!! Give us some LuNacy!

hooked, did she wish him a happy birthday in the article?! Or did she forget that part. ;)

I'm right? Cool. But what am I right about? LOL.

pinkpopsicle, thanks for the screencaps. She was so gorgeous on the patio with Luke, even with her flat hair and "pajamas." LOL. I hope you get some rest.

Squees at the TrAsh banner. Guess what the name of that font is? Lady A knows, but for the rest of you, it's called "Trash." Not kidding either. :o

*waves to kenna* We miss you!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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LOVE the banner LA!!! Good job Ms. Q. I have like cranberry colored luggage set and it is so much easier to spot. Glad you are keeping your purple one (my fav color). You are right about everything Ms Q...but I meant the article in SID about the quote from SC...but I am taking it you are not the one who told me about the quote...maybe it was Deb!

Had an impromtu swim party after school today which lasted til just now (9:30pm) after chinese food order and american idol finale. Glad TQ was not on today (not glad, but at least I don't have to rush to watch it tonight)

Yeah Stace...she said she was "awfully glad he was born" in the little quote from JE to TG.

Here's hoping for tomorrow!

Nex...BTW love my brown reefs!! I'm a calif. girl at heart!!!

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Hmmm... Some Options (Cause you asked):

  1. Fiesty, Furry and Ferocious
  2. Hear Her Roar!
  3. Tiger or Kitty Cat? Kitty Cat or Tiger?
  4. Tracy Quatermaine, Tigress
  5. She's an Animal!
  6. Cross Her and She'll Hunt You Down and Kill You

Um... so I know you bought sandals, but if you go out again... SIMPLE makes these REALLY COOL thong sandals that have a little holder for youR chapstick or lipgloss. hahahaha. Trust me, they're WAYYYY cool in RED!

And on the PURPLE suitcase... well... it's a... it's a... Hmmmm. Deb, help me out here. It's a certain kind of purse. Uh... YES IT IS!!!!!! TOTALLY IS!!!!! And no! I don't have one. I prefer subtle luggage. I make fun of all the tourists with the loud luggage (or like my mom have GIANT yellow bows on them or something like that. Ugh). oyyyyyy. :rolleyes:

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In a banner making mood...


(Thanks Lainey; I decided to use 2 of them).



And my newest signature banner...


I miss THAT LuNacy. :(

Aww, hooked. What she said was so sweet.

And I don't know what to do about my luggage!!!! It's not too late to take it back. I would have preferred a navy blue or something, but bright purple? I don't want to get made fun of by someone like Lainey! :P

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*ahem* Purple is the color of royalty.

A perfect color for our Ms.Q, our vid queen, our clippage queen.

SO....nobody make fun of my girl.

Or you have to go through ME.

Thass right. You heard me. You can make fun of Luke, you can even make fun of Tracy. But leave our Staci ALONE.

ETA *waves* to Kenna

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Hey guys,

So I just finished my first short story for this wtiting class. It's not great writing really, but there is nothing to set much up for you. We were told to write a monologue where the character is nothing like us (I fudged that a little bit) and whatever they are saying, they end up contridicting themselves at the end. Those were the only guidelines. Oh yeah, and it could only be 2 pages tops. Here it is incase anyone is interested. I'd love some feedback if you DO choose to read it.

Thanks so much.


By the way, ms Q, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new banner. I think they are great pics and I love the font. I miss that lunacy too. I love how they are now, they just need to balance it. I do see how it fits the story now and it wouldn't go with it to have them acting the way they did... but who cares, I miss them! Much like I will miss you when you go :wub: (you like that little segway there?!) PS, I'm with you on not wanting the bright, standout purple, but there are some people that could pull it off. I have to say, I know I don't really know you, but I think you'd be one of them. Plus I'd go with the royalty thing, cuz who's gonna rgue with that?

While I'm on the subject... I was looking at my pepere's family history and I found out that they are French nobility. I thought it was bogus so I checked with he and my memere and they said it's true! I know taht means nothing to anyone here, but I just thought it was a fun little tidbit. My dad's walking around thinking he has a title or something and my daycare kids think I'm a princess, but other than that it means nothing... like I said, just kinda fun for me to know.

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knh, I will try to download your story and provide feedback tonight. Funny about your family and French royalty! My dad sent me a family tree his brother had done for their family and the most interesting thing about it was that his third wife (current) and his first wife (my mom) are actually second cousins and didn't know it.

Life is wierd in South Louisiana, just in case you didn't know.

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Thanks for doing it, Deb! And yeah, I know, I had cousins in Louisiana. I don't know if they were in the southern part or not, but it was pretty back-woods from what I hear, like alligaters as pets in the backyard swamp kind of thing. But I was looking through the family tree, too. I also have a history of my last name which is where I found the nobility thing.

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