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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh Boy.. Lainey has issues.

Not only was I too busy to watch at work today..... but my TIVO is definitely on the fritz. It didn't record ABC at 3p AND!! I worked so freakin' hard and long today, that I missed the 10p soapnet version. Shoot! So I don't have a copy of it, and I didn't see it. How pissed am I ?!?!?! So I'm trying to fix tivo now, but I have no clue what is wrong with it. Keep in mind I have to leave for the airport at 7a, and I STILL HAVE TO pack.. and if I don't fix it in the next little bit that means no Thurs, Fri, Mon, Tue. WAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Clips people.. start backing up clips for me, just in case (Keep in mind that I have dial up so ... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm upset).

However, if I do fix it, I can get Soapnet version at 4am this morning.

Hey.. I won't be posting next few days.. but I'll be lurking. Will someone (Ms. Q?) just give me any and all LuNacy highlights here. For instance. Thursday Scene 1: hot monkey sex; Thursday scene 2: Very hot monkey sex.... You get the idea ;)

grrrr..... I'm off to fix my TIVO.......

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Lainey, Have a good trip! This means we will be getting tons of Tracy while you are gone. Hope you worked out the TIVO before you left. If not, you could always swing by my place on the way back from the airport. heh. Actually I sure SOMEONE will post clips. And Lainey? hopefully you will have time to write some fic while you are away?

Hooked, Have a great vacation. If you start getting the shakes from withdrawal you could always sneak away and drop us a note. Hopefully I will have finished reading your stories by the time you get back :D

Regency, I look forward to reading the tons of fic you've been working on!

Thought this was interesting... For those of you who want to know the history and connotations of the term "Who's your daddy?"

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Am I the only person here who didn't think the "Who's Your Daddy?" thing was wierd? I thought it was perfectly in character--Luke was teasing Tracy, seeing that those walls were coming down again, and helping her get back to a sense of normalcy (ie, committing fraud, betraying your dead brother's wishes, theft, you get the picture). Frankly, these two are just too hot for words, and Luke was looking mighty spiffy in that Functioning Member of Society outfit.

Oh, and if this was the Marvel Universe, Tracy's ability to rationalize ANYTHING would be a mutagenic power and the girl would have a code name.

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It seems we are not pinned anymore...

Did anyone else just LOVE that laugh Tracy/Jane gave on Wednesday's episode? When Luke said Alan liked him Tracy let out that huge laugh. I loved it. We had not heard a laugh like that from her in a little while.

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All the scenes with Luke and Tracy were like the good old days. Lots of fun and sexual tension and mercenary undertones. It's been far too long, imho.

Oh, and they totally need to have sex now. Ask Lainey. She'll tell you. It's only a matter of time.

**humming The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round**

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Finally got to watch Tues & Wed's episodes last night.

I was worried that Alan's death was going to be all about Jason, and IMO was probably only done to move Jason out of the mob life. So I was surprised and happy to see the writers had Tracy dominate the day.

They actually wrote her reaction to the memorial in character! I really expected the Q's to be relegated to sitting in chairs and sobbing in the background while a heavenly light shone down on Jason having an epiphany. I loved Tracy's angry attitude - and Luke's understanding.

Even more of a surprise to me was that I actually cried when Jason was finally able to remember that scene with Alan and realize his love for him. And some of my tears were for AJ, who the writers couldn't resist giving the shaft to one last time by choosing that particular scene.

Wed was sheer fun. I like Tracy & Luke scheming and being a team. The whole storyline is so improbable, I don't even care if it puts Tracy in a bad light to some viewers. I'm just enjoying their interaction. Tracy is Tracy, that's why we love her.

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Dudes, we have ANOTHER new writer at the Ficathon! It's LuNacy AU by someone named MacKenzie. I haven't read it yet, but it looks promising.

I am SO thrilled by how well this community has been taking off, and am so grateful to all the people who take the time to write and post fanfic. It's awesome, isn't it?

Just read Chapters 1-3 of Sands of Time by Mackenzie. It's pretty good. Very AU, but still well-written and intriguing. I recommend it to those of you looking for a fix between episodes and updates!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Yes, that writer also posted the story at JE online as "LunacyLove" I think....she posts at SZ and asked for a link to post Tracy/Luke fic.

I have read the four chapters so far too...she posted them at SZ.

It is very AU but good so far...

I always love ANY Tracy fic, as long as our girl seems to stay in character and in this one so far she does.

BTW Deb didn't you know the board was down yesterday?

Almost all day.......:(

I think anyone who needs to save a vid or clip off the thread needs to do so cause if and when the board goes down completely, we may lose all our posts. At least, that's what happened two years ago.


I'm hoping it doesn't happen again.

So I'm liking ghost Alan so far, he seems fun. BUT I'm a little tired of the *hugging*. Can we get some kissing now, too?

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*dances around* I'm HAPPY 'cause the board is BACK!

CLIPS!!!! For Wednesday, 3/7, Click Me. Credit to Geena, who also edited the clips. The last scene is interrupted because of a test, so Click Me for the entire last segment, which includes the last LuNacy scene. Credit to Shazzer. For Thursday, 3/8, Click Me. Credit to Geena, who once again edited the clips. Please, if you do have an account at Hella Good and GHVT, go over there and thank these ladies for all their hard work.

~More or less from JE Online~

LuNacy Recaps (since Lainey requested them)

Good LuNacy stuff is bolded.

Scene 1: Edward, Luke, Tracy. Edward: It is unacceptable for Luke to throw love for Laura in Tracy’s face. Luke and Tracy are linked at the arms, making goo-goo eyes at each other, full of smiles. Tracy's touched that Edward has defended her. But she and Luke have come to understand each other. She appreciates the deep emotion that lies beneath his feeble attempts at expressing terms of endearment. And Luke hears fairy music of the nymphs when she screams his name across house. (This is all just a "show"...It's still cute though!). Edward can't stand this foolishness and warns them to be on their best behavior for when the will is read. Tracy: The REST of your love? Do you stay up late at night thinking of ways of humiliating me? Luke has work to do with the will and leaves. Tracy wants to make sure he has it covered. Luke says she'll get what she deserves.

Scene 2: The Q's and Scotty are in the den. Tracy is anxious. Luke returns. She greets him with a hug. "Darling! Success?" Jax enters. As it turns out, he's mentioned in the will. Tracy doesn't remember seeing Jax's name. She hopes that Luke accounted for him, but Luke notices Scott and goes after him.

Scene 3: Luke and Scotty argue. The Q's decide it doesn't matter if he's there or not. Will is read. Donations go to AIDS foundations and a breast cancer wellness center. Personal requests: $75,000 goes to Alice. $250,000 goes to Luke for putting up with the "hell" that is his sister. Luke is touched. Rest of will: Inheritance in trust for Michael, but Jax is his trustee. Ned gets box seats for US open in Wimbledeon (sp?), but he can't share them with Monica (LOL!). Dillon gets Alan's old movies. Skye gets Lila's ruby earrings, but no $$$ 'cause Lorenzo is providing for her. Jason gets a signet ring, but no $$$ since he has enough as a gangster. Monica questions the will. But the lawyer goes on. Words and materials gifts cannot express Alan's love for Monica, so she gets his personal effects. Edward gets the medical school diploma. Emily gets Lila's necklace and Alan's stethoscope. Tracy gets rest of his estate include funds in the bank and ELQ stock. Edward insists the will is a fake.

Scene 4: Q's are sure that Tracy changed the will. Arguing breaks out. Emily puts a stop to it. She says that Tracy was his sister, and Alan knew that all she ever wanted was respect for her business sense and a say at ELQ. Edward didn't give it her, so Alan did.

Scene 5: The Q's (Edward, Monica, Ned, and Dillon) take turns insulting Tracy and leave. Luke wonders if she is feeling guilty. Tracy: Why should I feel guilty? I'm the big winner. Luke takes her hands and lifts her up from the chair. "You are the big winner in my eyes. ELQ stock or not." Tracy smiles, They hug, rubbing each others backs. Tracy is touching the back of his head too. And then something catches her attention and she stops. Luke: "What?" She sees Alan, "Shame, Tracy. You should be ashamed of yourself. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk." Tracy: :blink: Actually, it's more of a :huh:.

Previews: Tracy is screaming at the empty chair: You lying snake! Luke: Who? Tracy: Him! Alan has a huge grin and is waving to her.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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WOW! How scrumptious was that HUG!!!??? Can't we get ANYTHING hot without it being interrupted? arrgghh! I thought the way their heads were positioned as Luke pulled her up, that they were going to kiss, then I see Tracy's head shift, and I am like NOOOOOO don't move your head!!!!! LOL

Loved the look on Luke's face when he was pulling her up out of the chair - Sexaaaay!

We've been getting some great stuff from our girl this past week and I'm lovin' it! :)

Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the clips!

Edited by TracyLuv
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THANK GOD!!! this site is back up, I was going crazy yesterday. :blink:

I was thinking the exact same thing when he helped her up off the couch, I thought they were going to kiss.....and then nothing. :( Oh well, there is always today! Right? :D

Ms.Q thanks for posting the past two days episodes, I was editing them last night and was going to post them but the site was still not up.

Can I just say how much I am loving the LuNacy love on other boards!

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