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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MinervaFan, congrats on the apartment! And sorry for the not-so-good rumors. If it's any consolation, Wizard is reporting that Tracy (along with Luke, Lucky, Dillon, Monica, Tracy, Mike, Mac, Georgie and Edward) fear the worst for their loved ones, when they learn of the hostage situation at the hotel. Of course, this also means Emily/Skye/Jason are the Q's with Alan when he dies (unless he dies at GH later). But, if I'm going to be positive, yay! Tracy and Luke are outside TOGETHER during Sweeps.

So, Luke's coming home soon. Yay! Thanks for the spoiler, ILoveTracyQ. About today...I wish I could give details. Just more of the same with Tracy/Sam, although Tracy had this hilarious spiel. I can't quite remember much of it, but I do remember it had me laughing. She just kept going...and going. LOL.

Lady Ashton, I did get the transcript. I'm sorry I haven't responded to the email yet. I actually have yet to read the transcript. I will soon. Thanks for sending it!

And what is this I'm reading about the breakroom being down?!? It should be up tomorrow, right? LOL. Hopefully.

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From what I could gather today, Sam was either a porn star or a hooker or something. Tracy was hilarious when Sam said she had no idea of what Tracy was talking about and she never used the named Angela Monroe, Tracy said, ooh, maybe my PI was wrong. I am so embarrased, he was trying to make a fast buck...I hate people like that...but not as much as my father does (or something to that effect).

The other thing she told Sam was that if she didn't want Edward knowing about this or Jason, then she should quit ELQ immediately and make a plausible story why so the blame didn't get traced back to Tracy. She was at the top of the stairs listening when sam quit and told edward it was because of Jason.

I do think that Jason wouldn't care what sam did in her "past life". I really, really hope they don't make her tracy's daughter. I mean that is just stupid. What about that fanfiction that said she had a little girl who Paul and Jenny got to keep when she took Dillon. But that wouldn't add up since sam is clearly older than Dillon. I thought somewhere I had figured out that sam was about 26.

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OK, all you clip queens out there...does anyone have the clips from when Tracy found Dillon and Lulu in the boathouse (I think it was July 10, 06) or the Tracy/Lulu scenes on July 19th where Tracy confronts lulu that she knows she lied about finding Georgie with Dillon and that Lulu should tell Dillon the truth?

Don't go to any trouble, but was just wondering if anyone had them. I tried to request a clip on one of those sites but must have not done it correcly. Either that or nobody had it.

Anyone working on any new stories?

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I'm not a clippage queen but I think Staci may have that one.


It's 01/17/07.

Happy 60th Birthday Jane Elliot ! We LOVE YOU !!!!

ETA Deb....I love what you added so far to the AU story.

Awww...sweet. :)

And ya'll....I hope TIIC aren't firing SD.

Every time I think about it, I get choked up. I'm a wimp I know. I just think I'm gonna BAWL.

Alan Quartermaine and Scott Baldwin were my two first soap crushes.


Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Can I ask a stupid question? What is the AU story? I haven't been around this board for too long and I keep seeing it mentioned. Sorry for sounding ignorant.

Also...while I am thowing the clip requests out there, (I promise I will stop asking for things soon--ha ha) the last one I was hoping to see was from 9/18/2006 when luke/tracy talk about lulu's decision to abort and they talk about not wanting to be 18 again, etc. and then at the end he thanks her for being stand up about the whole thing.

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Saved my 100th post :) to wish

A Very Happy 60th Birthday

to the


:wub: JANE ELLIOT!! :wub:


Rege & Stace, hope you chickadees made it through the first day of classes without falling asleep ;)

Rege, I am so looking forward to your new AU/AR fic - sounds Fab! :D

Deb, I am totally diggin' Marco, thanks for the AU updates - I WANT MORE MARCO! Also, gotta keep the Sista Mary Hotpants comin' :). I like the Tracy Quartermaine Got Me Through Catholic School t-shirt idea LOL

Lainey, I'm doing a mini-Tracy with arms folded and eyebrow raised - Uh - LuNacy Island Story?:D - oh, and below...the unveiling of your quote Lady Lainey B)

Edited by TracyLuv
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hooked the AU story I was referring to means "Alternate Universe" meaning that story may not bear any resemblance to what's really going on in Tracy's life. I was talking about the one Debbie is working on, that she has been kind enough to let me and a few other people read and critique while she's working on it.

She's not finished yet and not ready to unveil to everyone just yet because she doesn't post fics in chapters.

About the clip......YO STaci ! She's the clippage queen......:)


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OMG! Tracyluver, where have you been, girl! GLOMPS and hands you a complimentary (virgin) Tracytini with olives! You missed the Mambo lessons (ILTQ can sure cut a rug), but there still might be time to take a crack at the Paul Hornsby Pinata before ILTQ grabs the official Louisville Slugger (you know, the two-story one from the museum in Louisville) and goes for his skull.

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