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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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If Tracy is on five times this week, I will DIE. JUST DIE! I don't think my heart will be able to stand it. I will just keel over and DIE! Holy Cow. IT COULD HAPPEN. IT COULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:





Sorry, you guys. This is sad, but i disagree with the bulk of you.

In my world, Luke is Tracy's Laura. He is her ultimate, the *match* made for her. He is also her weakness. It's also why she hasn't turned on him yet. Think about it, she took a lot of cr-- from Mitch and Paul, but by this stage in the game, she had turned on them. She hasn't turned on Luke. And she won't. Because she knows he 'gets' her. And she 'gets' him. They match: his angel to her angel. Her devil to his devil. They are soulmates. They were made for each other. I believe it. And I think a part of Tracy does, too. And a part of Luke's mind is playing with the idea. The two of them feel for each other POWERFULLY, which is why they are able to tolerate the long separations, because the closeness scares the hell out of each of them. Tracy has never felt so powerfully drawn like this before. And Luke may have felt powerfully drawn to sweet, dear Laura. But he has NEVER felt so drawn to a woman who is so gutsy and so ballsy and so clearly his equal. It thrills the hell out of him!

So anyway... family is important to Tracy.. but in truth, they have never really been there for her. They hate her more than they love her. So if Luke can step up and admit his TRUE feelings for her, he will win her loyalty and her love. In my mind, there are no ifs ands or buts.

That my friends is a little look inside Lainey's fantasyland!

ta ta!


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Tracy was on today?? Woohoo!! Did she curse today? "Crazy ass stunt" - HOT!! LOL.

I never thought of it that way Deb, thanks. It makes me feel A LOT better. BTW, I agree about the weight thing. I think the new duds just fit her better - thank g-d!! As ILTQ said, it's probably just that they haven't been wrapping her in drapery lately (LOL) exept for the Christmas show - eek!

knh - don't forget about the ugly(?) brown print type shirt the day Spinelli was introduced to the Q's. That makes how many outfits now? 4, right?

Deb - Thanks for posting a pic of the zine. It looks great! I think Jane will love it.

Ms. Q, will get to "Oh Baby" tonite. :)

Skipping off to watch GH!! woohoo. BTW, I was FF'ing the show yesterday and had originally missed the tiny one sec. where Tracy scared Monica and their heads almost collided!! Too funny!

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First I have to say, welcome to pinkpopsicle and hookedongh and anyone else new that I am forgetting....I know some of you are not new to the board but you are new to the thread....

nex I LOVED your vid.....so *sweet*. :)

Ms.Q I also enjoyed your latest vid and the Oh Baby updates

I liked today's show but not enough TQ for me. I can't wait for Luke to get back.

I wish we knew what TG's schedule was, because for the last three plus years I've been watching since Jane's been back, he never took off at the end of November, it was always the first of January. And they say he'll be back in time for Feb sweeps, so I'm guessing the end of January? Which means he's been gone an extra month than before?

Mental note to TG: it'll be easier for the writers to write a story for you if you stick around more (and it'll bring Tracy around more too which is good).

non-TQ related spoilers

Leslie C in SID mag (according to SZ) says that she and Stuart do not know where the story is headed (so is it true he WON'T die of a heart attack after being arrested for RW's murder, but rather will die a hero in the hostage situation (that spoiler hasn't even been confirmed yet, about there being a hostage situation, but with the creepy guy hanging around Lo's room , I'd say it's true).

Anyway LC says Monica thinks Alan did it and Alan thinks Monica did it and they are trying to protect each other( HEE ! I like this, and this is how I imagined it, that the suspicious behavior is because one suspects the other, which means they probably didn't do it.)

Just a little blurb, thought I'd share.

spoiler talk over

Oh, yeah. And you can REALLY see the resemblance between KMo and JE. I could see it today when they were sitting on the couch.

Just saying.

Although we already know the "past" spoiler is NOT about Tracy.

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Ya know what? I often spend much of my time here just reading posts but not logged into the thread, so I can't see avatars and banners and stuff. I should log in more often just to read, 'cause this place is gorgeous!!!

I hope this is true and that neither one of them did it. I wouldn't want Alan (or Monica for that matter) to be guilty of murder on the way to his grave. That, and then we certainly wouldn't have to worry about Tracy being in "trouble" with Lukeypoo for defending him:).

Watched yesterday's show - would have liked to see more of Tracy but hey, some Tracy is better than no Tracy, especially since yesterday was setting up for today - That delicious mischievous look on her face at the top of the stairs(?) wearing the ILY Jacket in the preview for today. :). Besides I don't want to get too greedy - it's been 4 days in a row, or is it 3 days that we've gotten to see our girl?

Woohoo for me! Just a few posts away from making 100!!

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Saw yesterday's scenes last night--I so totally hate Edward, it's not funny. I'm serious. He's evil incarnate. And Sam? What sort of job applicant goes to the CEOs home with resume in hand begging for a job? Especially one with no credentials (hell, you don't even have a GED???) and no experience? I'll tell you what sort of job applicant? One who knows she doesn't have a chance in Hades of getting the job by going through the normal HR channels, and wants to exploit the fact that she's sleeping with the CEO's nephew to get a job she doesn't deserve through nepotism.

And guess what?

She's Gonna Get It!

Because Edward is a psycho who is beyond obsessed with getting an "heir" he can mold (read: control) in his own image. And he doesn't care who he hurts, screws, betrays, or destroys on the way. He tried to do it with Lulu, now he's setting his sights on a baby Sam hasn't even conceived yet!

If Tracy and Alan had any sense, they'd put him in a home somewhere where he had no access to communications with the outside world. ELQ would benefit, the family would benefit, and we'd all get some peace and quiet on the whole "Quartermaine heir" issue.

Get 'em, Tracy. Go all Queen of Mean on his a$$. Seriously, and take Sam with you while you're at it.

Oh, and Tracy? Ya look gorgeous, babe.


I mailed the copy of the zine to Jane at lunch. I sent it priority (2nd Day) mail, so it should reach the ABC mailroom no later than Tuesday.

Oy. No turning back now.

Edited by MinervaFan
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One, I know!!! I'm not the only one who noticed. It's sort of freaky. Maybe she and Alexis share a daughter? WHAT? Stranger things have happened. Can I get a pic of them side by side so I can see the faces together?

Oh, and does Jane (Tracy) not use glasses? I may be wrong, but it seems like she would unless she just has awesome eyesight or has had surgery. Contacts?

I damn near wear glasses so it just seems odd to me.

By the way, thanks, pinkpopsicle for the caps!!! They're awesome, but I wanna seeee it for myself. I'm about to throw a tantrum.

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So I thought the same thing....why the hell would sam go to the Q mansion for a job interview and why would she ask for Tracy of all people. Is she CEO right now? I can't even keep track!!! Plus, sam knows tracy hates her from the dead man's hand days with Jax. Remember when she called her "little pirate" Too funny.

I loved Tracy's faces when she was eavesdropping on Edward and Sam. Today will make four days this week. Unreal Did anyone else notice that she is no longer wearing her big diamond wedding ring she wore for a long time.

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Oh yeah...one more thing. I noticed on an old, old post a reference to an article from SOW last January that was a joint JE/TG interview. Does anyone have this readily accessible or know if it is anywhere I could find it. I couldn't find it on their site. I would love to read it.

Thanks so much.

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Hmm, I believe it was easier when I posted every 2 hours or whatever. I had less catching up to do, LOL.

Lainey, unless Cable Guide Spoilers AND Got Info from SoapDish are wrong, it's happening! It REALLY is happening. *consults Book of TQ Records* The last time this happened was the week of May 16, 2005 (LuNacy's Wedding Week). No one quote me on that, but I'm almost sure that's the last time we saw Tracy 5 days in one week, not to be confused the last time we saw her 5 days in a row which was Friday-Monday thru Thursday of the November 2005 trainwreck. ;) Oh, it is SO. SAD. that I remember this stuff.

LOL, TracyLuv. She did say nincumpoop (or however it's spelled).

ILoveTracyQ, thanks for those spoilers. You're right. Sounds like Alan and Monica are NOT guilty. For those interested, Guza is quoted in SID or one of the mags, talking about the reveal of Rick Webber's murderer. Says it's going to be huge for the Webbers/Spencers and that Monica and Alan will be pivotal as well. Sooooo....Since Tracy is married to a Spencer, and she's related to Monica and Alan, think she will also be pivotal?

Keith! You popped in again! We've missed ya around here.

Tracy and Ned tried that once, LOL. But then, Luke and Skye played a role in getting Edward released.

Regency, I have CLIPS FOR YOU. I edited to Q's, Tracy, and Sam. Credit to Geena of Hella Good.

pinkpopsicle, your caps are SO pretty.

About the Sam/Tracy resemblance...

Regency, I did side by side photos. And hookedongh, I didn't notice about the ring 'til you mentioned it. Uh oh. Maybe Jane forgot to put in on. ;) Anyway, I've also included the photo of her left hand WITHOUT the wedding ring. About the SOW interview, I can dig it up and scan it sometime tonight. I think I have the one you're talking about.


And with that, I'm outta here 'til later. Let's hope Tracy rips into Sam today!!!

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