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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think we will get her at least 4 times. I am going into shock. I record everyday, skim through and erase. Monday I almost fell off the bed, when I heard that voice. I don't want Sam in her orbit. Did she even work one day at the hospital? She is not fit to breathe Tracy's air. "be gone you little gnat" That's what I want Tracy to tell her. Don't get me started on Dillon. It's best I leave that alone. As for Lulu, I think both of them are trying to keep up the appearance of mutual hatred for others' sakes. I think Luke has softened Tracy. She has her bite, but just mention his name and she becomes speechless. I want L&T! Poor Alan, why are they doing this to my man?

P.S. I had fun making that pic of Luke and Spanky :P

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I draw too and I love to draw people in pencil. Not that that makes me an expert on talent, but damn that pic is good. I know what it takes to get that, so I appreciate it when I see other people do it. I actually thought about drawing a pic of Jane. I work so much, I don't draw much anymore. Like I said, sorry for the word, but damn!

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haven't seen Tuesday's ep yet, but wow! 4 times in one week. Yeah, they're at the beginning of a budget cycle, and TPTB are feeling generous.

As much as I love me some LuNacy, I have to agree with ILTQ that Tracy should and must come down 200% on Alan's side. This is murder we're talking about, and family. You know Tracy--she doesn't judge when it comes to the family, and she is willing to completely disregard the law to protect Qmaine interests. Luke is temporary in her eyes--something she wants terribly, but when push comes to shove, I believe she'd bury him to protect her family.

I hate that they have to villify Alan and/or Monica to finally have a viable storyline for the Qs, and I really hate what lurks at the end of this particular SL, but I am really grateful that the gang is getting screen time. How pathetic is that?

Oh, and the zine? Here's a picture of it--bad lighting and all. Trust me, it looks better in person.


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That's our girl. Awww...Deb I love it. I think Jane will love it too. :)

How goes the gift, does anyone know? I know Tracey got my card for Jane and my check on Monday I think.

ETA does anyone subscribe to SOD, or buy almost every issue?

It seems the issue before last, the one with the 2007 preview on it, has a quote from Jane somewhere in it, about being paired with Tony, and I don't know the exact quote but I'd love to read it.


Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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FINALLY saw the TQ scenes from Tuesday. I don't think she knows anything about Monica and Alan, and I don't think she's covering up any more than in that ambient way Tracy always protects Qmaine interests. Little Lulu is snooping, and while Tracy may not have any idea what she might find, she knows in her gut that nothing good can come of too much snooping around in Quartermaine affairs. :)

After reading the transcript from last night's chat, I was ready for her hair to be a wreck. Ya'll, it didn't look bad to me at all. And I don't think Jane's lost more than maybe a pound or two, though short as she is, a pound or two either way is all it would take to make a difference. I think the REAL reason she looks like she's lost weight is that the shirt and pants she had on actually fit her, as opposed to floating on her. And her face--wow, she is gorgeous, isn't she?

I hate to admit it, but I'm grateful to this g-dawful storyline for giving us more Tracy....

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Just wanted to respond to this, because I missed it earlier (although, HOW, I do not know).

Because Monica insinuated that Tracy is using Lulu as a wedge to get closer to Luke, and Tracy is reacting to that. By pulling the Wicked Stepmonster routine and threatening to send her away, she proves to herself that this isn't about kissing up to Luke at all. I think Monica hit a nerve, and that it was a combination of her comment and Tracy's annoyance with Lulu for being so nosy that caused her to make that comment. No way in heck she'd ever go through with it, becase on some levels, Monica is right. Lulu is a connection to Luke, and Tracy loves Luke. Also, Tracy identifies with Lulu, and would not do that to her.

I think it was nothing to take too seriously.

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Angel on MinervaFan's Shoulder: Oh, dear. We shouldn't be so thrilled at all of Jane's airtime. It's coming in a storyline that will deprive a talented actor of his livelihood, and kill off one of daytime television's most beloved characters.

Devil on MinervaFan's Shoulder:

Singing: WATCHA-NAME! (bah-dump-badump-dum!) See whatcha gonna do, now?

Dancing: Tracy's On TV - GIT DOWN BOOGIE!

Laughing: Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaaaa! She's on. She's on, and she's mocking Sa-AMMMMM!

Lusting: DAY-UM, she looks so gooooddddd---(at least from yesterday).

Ridiculing: Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Haaaaaaa! She's on. She's on, and she's mocking Sa-AMMMMM!

So. Do I listen to the angel or the devil?

*boogies down to do my afternoon report*

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OMG! angel! You just totally brightened my day! :D :D :D What is she wearing? How's her hair? SZ says she looks SO PRETTY!

Onto other things...

Keith, here are the clips: MONDAY'S SCENES and TUESDAY'S SCENES. Credit to Geena of HellaGood.

About the hair...I didn't hate it, but I do agree with Regency from the breakroom that there were too many fly-aways for Tracy Quartermaine.

And I agree with those who said that Tracy must side with Alan/Monica in all of this (no matter how much I adore LuNacy).

pinkpopsicle, I also love your banner! So. Cute.

ILoveTracyQ, I wish I had the quote/article, but I don't. Maybe Tracey from JE Online will have it up soon.

And if I missed anyone, sorry! I'll be back later!

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Debbie......you KILL me with that dancing and singing. LOL

I'm kinda thinking that the breakdowns for the week were wrong, and some of the stuff set to air tomorrow or Friday was today.

So.....if not, that means: *GASP* Tracy Q will be on FIVE DAYS this week.

And while I wouldn't want her on five days a week EVERY week, methinks the woman is DUE.

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*Ignores ILTQ and her EVIL words*

I'd love to have Tracy on 5 days a week. Heck, they gave Martha Stewart a talk show, why not Tracy Quartermaine? Could you IMAGINE a talk show hosted by Tracy Quartermaine?


I'm so going to be online for a little while, around 5:30-6:00 pm Eastern. I'll sign on to the Break Room. Somebody come and talk me down, right?


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Okay I have been having major back pain. I took some medicine cranked up the heating pad and fell asleep. DID NOT RESET THE DVD TIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH. Do not fear, I shall set it for Soapnet. Why can't I set my DVR timer? Well it's full of Hunter episodes. I am slowly recording them and getting them out, but if I DVR GH it will bump out my other stuff. So pathetic. :angry: I figures she would be on all week. Just had a feeling. Wainting patiently for 10:00. :(

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Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the compliment, Pink!!!

oh yeah, and not only is she going to be on 4-5 times this week, but she's got at least 3 different outfits!! The one from the first two days, the teal one from today, and the red and black one from at the qmansion before the wedding when he asked her to let him marry laura

oh, and the cover looks good MF!! just wanted to say that and thanks for putting in all that work

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